英语人>词典>汉英 : 生原体 的英文翻译,例句
生原体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
biogen  ·  biophore  ·  idioblast

更多网络例句与生原体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The prepared protoplasts could regenerate mycelium and produce conidium with similar pathogenecity to that of parental strains.


The prothalli are saprophytic, irregularly branched, subterranean bodies


The distributions of subaerial algae in Jilin's terrestrial ecosystem are different with the difference of zonal vegetations. The distinction is embodied in the species quatity and subaerial algae's thallus shape.


"The photosynthetic and supportive cells tend to be organized linearly, but a thallus lacks such differentiated specialized structures as stem, leaves, and conducting tissue."


I was pregnant in 2007, when a to 6 months, when a sudden high fever, and after go to the hospital has been the rule in accordance with upper respiratory tract infection, and spent the first cell, Shuanghuanglian, but also There Chaihu failed to bring down a fever, and later a blood test that mycoplasma infection, with the azithromycin, on the night a night to hang out bottles, anti-fever the morning, go home and sleep until the afternoon began to have stomach pain and the law hard fat and a bloody discharge, but also the beginning of fever, rushed to the hospital, the doctor so that the results do a good B-fetal heart rate is 190 too, and contraction, the latter with a magnesium sulfate Baotai hospital but still could not suppress Palace reduction, and finally failed to keep, artificial rupture of the amniotic fluid that is some pollution, after giving birth, nor fever, the doctor also did not say clearly how the matter in the end, only that it might be likely to lead to a fever have been premature, but I just fever other cold symptoms are not.


Astasia longa, a colorless and saprophytic species that retains its proplastid structure and a relic of plastid DNA, permanently loses the capability to develop chloroplasts from proplasts.


In osmads34, however, the main-axis meristem produced about 17 branch primordia, and the spikelet number in one panicle was reduced to 133, suggesting OsMADS34 is critical for controlling the inflorescence development in rice.


The abundance and occurrence state of an element shows its difference in affinity and could provide important information for the geochemistry system and for the behaviors of an element in the system. The occurrences states of Pt and Pd in the parental rocks and in the fluid inclusions of the Western Guizhou Province basalt are studied. The result of this study shows the importance of determing the occurrence state of an element using its affinity, revealing that the PGE can be used in studying the migration and enrichment of elements in syngenetic fluid of the basalts.


The green, filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and mosses and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte.


The green,filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and moss es and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte.


更多网络解释与生原体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


birth defects 出生缺陷 | biophore 生原体 | bivalent 二价体


bionics 仿生学 | biophore 生原体(初浆体) | biophysics 生物物理学

biophysical:生物物理学的 (形)

biophore 原生物质; 生原体 (名) | biophysical 生物物理学的 (形) | biophysicist 生物物理学家 (名)



elementary body:原(生小)体

衣原体的生长发育周期分两个阶段:原生小体(elementary body),是发育周期的感染阶段;网状小体(initial body),是在感染细胞内的繁殖阶段. 原生小体先附着于易感细胞的表面,然后通过细胞的吞噬作用进入细胞内,形成网状小体在细胞内繁殖,

leaf primordium:叶原基

把任何一种植物的枝芽纵切开,用解剖镜或放大镜观察,可以看到顶端分生组织、叶原基(leaf primordium)、幼叶和腋芽原基(axillary bud primordium). 顶端的分生组织位于枝芽上端,叶原基是近顶端分生组织下面的一些突起,是叶的原始体,



nongonococcal urethritis:非淋菌性尿道炎

非淋菌性尿道炎(Nongonococcal urethritis)是一种较常见的性传播疾病,解脲脲原体(Uu)和人型支原体(Mh)是引起泌尿生殖道感染的主要病原体. 近年来,其发病率在我国不断上升,耐药现象也越来越多. 为了更清楚的了解本地区解脲脲原体流行株对常用抗生寨的药物敏感性,


"离瓣花;多瓣花","apopetalous flower" | "非原生质块的;非原菌体的","apoplasmodial" | "无生质体系;非原生质体系","apoplast"


dermatocellulitis 蜂窝织炎 | dermatocyst 皮生囊状体 | dermatogen 表皮原,皮肤抗原