英语人>词典>汉英 : 珊瑚动物 的英文翻译,例句
珊瑚动物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anthozoa  ·  Actinozoa

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Multicellular animals, a system, both radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry of the characteristics of comb jellyfish found in animals and Anthozoa animals.


Sponges, finger coral, sea fans, and brain coral give shape and color to this reef.


Patterns in Nature: Coral Coral reefs teem with life, covering less than one percent of the ocean floor, but supporting about 25 percent of all marine creatures.


Corals on both sides of a mouth trench mouth, comb jellyfish have tentacles on both sides of the body structure and the capsule show both sides of the symmetry, but other structural Jun Cheng radial arrangement.


Patterns in Nature: Coral Similar to all corals, sea fans, such as this one in the Turks and Caicos Islands, are made up of tiny animals called polyps.


Built to feed exclusively on corals like this spindly gorgonian, a translucent 1.7-inch-long (4.3-centimeter-long) Phyllodesmium iriomotense houses its branching digestive gland within tentacle-like cerata—outgrowths the animal can shed if under attack.

建立供养独占的在珊瑚上像这个细长的柳珊瑚,一种半透明的1.7英寸长(4.3厘米长)Phyllodesmium iriomotense房子它的分支消化腺在触须里面-像露鳃-自然结果这动物能流出液体假如受到攻击。

Any of numerous coelenterates of the class Hydrozoa, including the freshwater hydras, hydroids, hydrocorals, and siphonophores.


"Coral is an animal but they have algae living inside the coral and those algae need the light to photosynthesize," he explained.


After the Precambrian Era, such marine invertebrate animal as trilobites, achiopods, nautiloids, horn corals, honeycomb corals and twiglike bryozoans were abundant during the Palaeozoic Era.


Coral 珊瑚 Coral is a stone like mate rial formed in the sea by the bones of very small sea animals.


更多网络解释与珊瑚动物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


水螅纲(hydrozoa) 钵水母纲(Scyphozoa) 珊瑚纲(Anthozoa) 水螅纲(hydrozoa)本纲动物绝大多数海产,少数生活在淡水中. 腔肠动物的淡水种类均属于本纲. 单体或群体生活. 大部分种类生活史中有水螅型和水母型,或同时存在于群体中形成二态或多态,

anthozoan:珊瑚纲海产动物(包括角珊瑚,石珊瑚等), 珊瑚虫

Anthozoa | 珊瑚虫类 | anthozoan | 珊瑚纲海产动物(包括角珊瑚,石珊瑚等), 珊瑚虫 | anthozoic | 珊瑚虫的

Anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three:还有珊瑚草

Porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, scyphozoa 快快与我分开品种,当动物...腔肠动物,水螅纲 | Anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three 还有珊瑚草... | Gastropoda, arthropoda, echinoderma 软体动物,脊椎动物...


肉食性的裸鳃亚目动物(nudibranch)正在啃噬硬骨珊瑚某些不明分泌物也可能对生物产生危害. 小水蛭体硬骨珊瑚,如鹿角等会在遇到疾病威胁时自我关闭,这种自我保护现象简称为RTN.. 鱼友们一定要注意防范如红色的桡足类(Acropora copepods),


刺胞动物门(Cnidaria)珊瑚虫纲(Anthozoa)海生无脊椎动物. 特点为具有石灰质、角质或革质的内骨骼或外骨骼. 珊瑚一词也指这些动物的骨骼,尤其是石灰质者. 珊瑚虫只有水螅型的个体,成中空的圆柱形,下端附著在物体的表面上,顶端有口,


水母是属於无脊椎动物,它们的近亲包括海葵及珊瑚,真正所谓的水母是属於刺丝胞动物门(Cnidaria)钵水母纲(Scyphozoa). 在海洋中一些长相类似的动物,例如葡萄牙战舰(僧帽水母,属於水螅水母)也常被称作水母,但海洋科学家并不认为它们是真正的水母,


腔肠动物门(Cnidaria)珊瑚纲(Anthozoa)柳珊瑚目(Gorgonacea)柳珊瑚属(Gorgonia)海生动物的统称. 由圆柱形固著生活的水螅体组成,水螅体组成扇状群体,故名. 群体中每个水螅体的触手数和隔膜数均为8的倍数,而与角珊瑚不同(6的倍数).

Acropora millepora:多孔鹿角珊瑚

在最新的研究中,澳大利亚昆士兰大学的海洋生物学家Oren Levy和研究小组利用小鼠、果蝇等动物体内的蓝光受体基因片断,探测了多孔鹿角珊瑚(Acropora millepora)的基因组.


皱珊瑚目(Rugosa)珊瑚之俗称,最先在5亿年前的奥陶纪出现,活存至2.5亿年前之二叠纪. 由于其每一珊瑚个体之外形类似动物的角而得名,可营单体生活或群体生活. 在许多种角珊瑚中,有一些种类可当做地质年代的指标化石,

zooxanthellae:虫黄藻 {珊瑚的共生藻}

"动物毒素","zootoxin" | "虫黄藻 {珊瑚的共生藻}","zooxanthellae" | "缺翅目","Zoraptera"