英语人>词典>汉英 : 现代化了的 的英文翻译,例句
现代化了的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与现代化了的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The new stages of woman association development is May Fourth period.the women occupations that provided by society were more and more , influenced by kinds of new ideas and theories —bolshevism and


Until the Marxism propagated in China, the Communist Party of China wasnt possible to unite the whole social power and call on all the people to begin with the new time of social Modernization, an active, powerful time, to realize the Chinese nation independence , socialist system superiority and communize social ideal.


In fact, the gangdom-like criminal organization is a modernized confraternity, a tumor nurtured by confraternity culture.


The fourth part analyzes Cote d"lvoire"s modernizing mode and what it has brought to us.


So education modernization of China must take the "compress" span development tactic, while the extreme imbalance of education development among different Chinese areas forms interlocal imbalance development with hiberarchy list. Endogenetic pursuant mode needs kinds of conditions.


Because of the two periods during the course of the western modernization: free competition and welfare state, modernization of judicature developed two types of judicial models in practice: formalism and substantialism.


So intellectual that the negative mission of body is felt walks out to learn and abstains from meat one after another, it is political to hope for the ability and wisdom innovate with them, and revives economy, and develops vigorously the nation, and makes that the academic circles are unprecedented brisk.


Understand that I'm not proffering the idea of outfitting our special operations personnel with RAS outfitted modernized Russian AK's as a permanent solution.

请注意,我并不是把我们的特战部队用现代化了的 AK 装备起来是一个永久方案。

Therefore, this article puts the present culture modernization in the especial epoch background that includes the globalization, the post-modernism, the network culture , the successful apotheosis of the cultural factor among the East Asian pattern as well as constructing the harmonious society of our country , thus explores the current overall approach of the culture modernization of construction, Namely, takes the Marxism theory as the instruction, inherits the essence of the traditional culture, and absorbs the world advanced culture.


Now, China launches men into space, fields a modern military练就一支现代化军队, finances some of the world's daring architecture 不寻常的建筑 and jostles for influence 争夺影响 in the international market of ideas.


更多网络解释与现代化了的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


63A式水陆坦克车体更大,动力更强,能够发射"棱堡"(Bastion)炮射导弹. 炮塔前方安装了爆炸反应装甲,提高了车辆的防护等级. 据悉,中国人民解放军和海军共接收了约600辆63A式水陆坦克. 中国的火炮现代化计划包括研制和生产更加精确的火炮和火箭炮系统.


"帕德伯恩"则由"帕德尔"( Pader) 和"诞生"( Born) 两词而来--这是一个过时了的术语. 下面是一些关于经济生活方面的相关信息. 今天的帕德伯恩是一座现代化的都市. 它是家具业的重心. 作为欧洲最大的果汁、果酱制造公司,


它采用了M1主战坦克的通用底盘,应用了最新的车载式网络化信息处理技术,具备自动化火简介 19世纪末,德意志帝国开始建设一支现代化的海军力量,在1889到1902年期间,德意志帝国海军共建造了20艘战列舰,其中第一批"勃兰登堡"(Brandenburg)级战列舰共4艘:大




所以,在NKCables公司里,我有了十分好的机会对于现代化通讯电缆与其接口(Connector)有了深入的了解. 我想,这个世纪是一个通讯信息的时代,进行这样的培训是有很多好处的. 开始的几个星期,我系统性的从理论上了解了不同的通讯电缆与其接口设备,


还有一个结构是阶级结构, 摩尔(Moor) 的理论是一个代表. 摩尔要回答的是, 为什么在现代化的过程中,英国、美国、法国走向了民主, 而日本和德国走向了法西斯主义, 中国和俄国选择了革命. 摩尔的出发点是不同国家的生产关系以及与之对应的阶级矛盾,

service industry:服务(工)业

在这一行道里,所谓"服务工业"(service industry),它今日已进入"超工业时代"(Post-Industrial Age). 吃这行饭的,纵在袁同礼时代,外行已经不能领导内行了. 在袁同礼时代的中国,有高度现代化训练的"职业图书管理人员"(professional librarians)原已不多,

under dispute:记住了 在争议中的

9 up to date 记住了 现代化的,跟上时代,符合最新发展的 | 10 under dispute 记住了 在争议中的 | 11 up to one's elbows in 记住了 忙于(工作)

Duomo Hotel:大教堂酒店

饭店所有7,134间客房都提供现代化旅客渴望的舒适优雅环境. 在里米尼,本饭店结合了现代化舒适和传统的优雅,造就出与众不同的风格. 在大教堂酒店 (Duomo Hotel)继续进行您的预订时,透过我们的安全的在线预订表格

