英语人>词典>汉英 : 熟肉 的英文翻译,例句
熟肉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与熟肉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There had no significant difference between the groups in protein,fatty and water, the protein of group C was highest.From the result of nutrient constituent, the cholesterol content was determined in the Chinese herb additive groups.the relative content of group C was highest, the second and the third were B and D,they were 25.10%,22.04% and 21.40% respectively.


We are domestic large ostrich farming base,The existing farming ostrich is 3900 and sell:A:kind ostrich;Big ostrich;Small ostrich;Merchandise bird;Two:Ostrich kind egg;The ostrich fresh egg;Ostrich eggshell;Three:ostrich egg handicraft product;Have:person, animal, flowers and birds fish insect, landscape view, the eggshell handicraft product of the expert calligraphy and paintingFour:ostrich egg desk lamp:color, the Lou be empty, carvings, every variety ostrich egg handicraft product, art object, collect an article, desk lamp;Five:ostrich meat;Ostrich Zhen;Ostrich heart;Ostrich Jin;Ostrich Zhang;Ostrich neck, row, wings, liver;Fresh meat;Familiar meat;Six:ostrich skin;Black ostrich skin, each color ostrich skin, ostrich peltry, salt system skin, finished product ostrich skin, color ostrich leather, leather,Seven:ostrich shoes;Ostrich skin Xue, wool Xue, snow ground Xue, the ostrich wallet, wallet, leather belt, belt, money clip, purse, briefcase, the lady be colourful pack, female pack, male pack, female shoe, male shoe, shoes, leather shoe, leather Xue, female Xue, export skin XueEight:ostrich hair, color ostrich hair, the ostrich hair Dan son, the feather brush, sweep to use a hair brush, the car hair brush, ostrich hair handicraft product, hair, the hair take, the , feather, hair of the color feather, ostrich feather, ostrich hair decorations, ostrich hair dress, song and dance clothing, satge clothing, dance clothing, drama clothing, drama dress, dancing party ostrich hairNine:ostrich oil:beauty oil, cosmetics hairdressing oil, health oil, the bone mentally taxing and strange oil, absolute being oilIf your demand order.


The existing farming ostrich is 3900,Often the year sell:A:kind ostrich;Big ostrich;Small ostrich;Merchandise bird;Two:Ostrich kind egg;The ostrich fresh egg;Ostrich eggshell;Three:person, animal, flowers and birds fish insect, landscape view, the expert calligraphy and painting, calligraphy, ostrich egg handicraft productFour:color, the Lou be empty, carvings, every variety ostrich egg handicraft product, the portrait photograph art object process to make to order, desk lamp;Small night light, mural lampFive:ostrich meat;Ostrich Zhen;Ostrich heart;Ostrich Jin;Ostrich Zhang;Ostrich neck, row, wings, liver;Fresh meat;Familiar meat;Six:ostrich skin;Black ostrich skin, the color ostrich skin, ostrich peltry, salt system skin, finished product ostrich skin, color ostrich leather, leather,Seven:ostrich shoes;Ostrich skin Xue, wool Xue, snow ground Xue, the ostrich wallet, wallet, leather belt, belt, money clip, purse, briefcase, the lady be colourful pack, female pack, male pack, female shoe, male shoe, shoes, leather shoe, leather Xue, female Xue, export skin XueEight:ostrich hair, color ostrich hair, the ostrich hair Dan son, the feather brush, sweep to use a hair brush, the car hair brush, ostrich hair handicraft product, hair, the hair take, the color feather, feather, ostrich feather, ostrich hair decorations, ostrich hair dress, song and dance clothing hair, satge clothing feather, dance clothing hair, the drama clothing feather cloth take, the drama dress hair, dancing party color ostrich hairNine:ostrich oil:beauty oil, cosmetics hairdressing oil, health oil, the bone harm oil, absolute being oil


Do not use the same chopping board or the same knife for preparing raw meat and cooked or ready-to-eat foods.


Keep raw meat in a sealed container or bottom shelf of the fridge to stop it dripping onto cooked meat,and always use a different chopping board and utensils for preparing raw and cooked meat.


Finally, there is also a story about the sons of Lycaon, who cooked soup from the entrails of a sheep and a goat, together with the entrails of their brother Nictimos.


Li Yue disposition is persnickety very, play make a person bad to understand more.


They are intestinal parasites that can be transmitted through soil and fecal matter, but most often are ingested by humans through undercooked meats that have not been adequately cooked to kill the tapeworm eggs.


You shouldn't use the same knife to cut cooked and uncooked meat s.


Add and then crispy, cooked meats such as pork, add peas category, tender leeks, vegetables wave, Doufu Pi, Vermicelli and finally adding soy sauce, oil Galinsoga.


更多网络解释与熟肉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


18世纪就知道有肉毒症 (Botulism)的现象. 典型的病徵是吃了未经煮熟的肉、或是吃了未经消毒或坏的过期罐头食品,造成肌肉瘫痪,口吐白沫,继而吸入气管,导致肺炎,呼吸衰竭. 真正死因乃是肉毒杆菌 (即腊肠杆菌) 神经毒素使呼吸运动肌肉瘫痪的结果.

underdone meat:欠熟肉

小里脊肉 undercut;tenderloin | 欠熟肉 underdone meat | 日粮不足 underfeeding

underdone meat:未煮熟肉

里脊肉 undercut | 未煮熟肉 underdone meat | 剂量不足 underdose

well-done steak:熟肉

38,10,Rare Steak,半生肉 | 39,10,Well-done Steak,熟肉 | 40,10,Gourmet Steak,熟肉G

When the meat is brown,turn off the burner:当肉炒熟时,关掉炉火

As the beef-and-onion mixture fry,stir it.一边煎,一边搅拌. | When the meat is brown,turn off the burner.当肉炒熟时,关掉炉火. | Pour the fat off into a can.将油脂倒入罐中.

cured meat:腊肉

指奶酪(cheese)、熟肉(precooked meat)或腌腊肉(cured meat)切片(sliced)的冷盘,或者与三明治一起食用. ...–熟肉(meat):肉的来源可以是牛(cow),熊(bear)或鸡(chicken).

Cooked meat improvers:熟肉改良剂

2089048 Meat flavourings and flavour enhancers, chemically derived 调味料和增味剂... | 2089049 Cooked meat improvers 熟肉改良剂 | 2089050 Essences and extracts for the food and beverage industry 精油和...

Smallgoods Maker:熟肉制造者

Small Offset Printer 小平板印刷工 | Smallgoods Maker 熟肉制造者 | Solid Plasterer 固体成型工

The meat is overcooked:这肉烧得过火了

○This meat is still pink! 这肉还没熟! | ○The meat is overcooked. 这肉烧得过火了. | Chicken 鸡肉

charcuterie n.f:熟肉食品店

charbon n.m. 木炭,煤 | charcuterie n.f. 熟肉食品店 | chuchoter v.i. 低语