英语人>词典>汉英 : 濒 的英文翻译,例句
濒 的英文翻译、例句

be on the point of · be on the brink of
更多网络例句与濒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Isthmus in these two carats in the House, the west by the Andaman Sea.


Land southwest of the Provisional Arabian Sea, southeast of Endangered Bay of Bengal coastline of more than 600 kilometers.


Distinguished Physicians ;; Bin Hu Mai Xue ;; Ben Cao Gang Mu ;; Liver Fibrosis ;; Hepatitis B, Chronic ;; Clinical Medicine ;; Adipocytes ;; Collagen


Our company is located in Luqiao,a commercial capital city in central Zhejiang,where faces the Eastern Sea eastwardly,adjoins Wenzhou southerly,neithbored Ningbo northerly,We have convenient marine,is only 16 kilometers away from Luqiao exit of Shang-San and Yong-Tai-Wen Highway and is also only 3 kilometers away from the Huangyan Airport..


In the northern part of the island of Great Britain, North, west by the Atlantic Ocean, near the East Sea, Irish Sea and south to England.


The extensive shallows-tidal-flat area is now enclosing for constructing transshipment and portside industrial zone.


The economy is precariously close to recession.


A city of southeast Australia on the Tasman Sea south-southwest of Sydney.


The white square represents Canadian vast national territory, the Canadian very big area national territory whole year the snow time above 100 days, therefore expressed with the white; Two red vertical stroke rectangles represent the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic separately, because west Canada is close to the Pacific Ocean, east near Atlantic; The red maple leaf represents all Canada people, Canada is known as "country of the maple leaf" the fine reputation, the Chinese sweet gum is this country's country tree, the maple leaf is the Canadian nationality's symbol.


Shoe Service (shoes, beauty, special washing shoes, professional shoe repair, leather sofa leather care, high-grade leather briefcase renovation); Footwear Beauty; shoe repair; wash shoes; leather care; other unclassified

美匠国际集生产、销售、教学、科技、服务于一体的集团企业文化,新创办的深圳市美匠鞋业有限公司地处"世界工厂"珠三角的特区—深圳,她东临大亚湾,西珠江口,北与东莞市和惠州市接壤,南与香港特别行政区仅一河之隔,总面积 2020 平方公里的滨海城市周围(含广州、惠州、南海、东莞、佛山、中山、江门、鹤山)拥有 10000 多家鞋业材料、厂商,是全球最大的鞋都。

更多网络解释与濒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Central America:中美洲

中美洲 中亚美利加洲,简称:中美洲(Central America) 墨西哥以南、哥伦比亚以北的美洲大陆中部地区.东临加勒比海,西太平洋.是连接南美洲和北美洲的狭长陆地.包括危地马拉、伯利兹、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加和巴拿...


古称"阿普利亚"(Apulia). 亚得里亚海,北起加尔加诺岬(Garga-no),南至圣玛丽亚迪莱乌卡角(SantaMariadi Leuca),包括巴里、布林迪西、福贾、塔兰托(Taranto)与莱切(Lecce)等省. 面积1.93万平方公里. 人口390.8万(1982). 首府塔兰托.

Western Australia:西澳大利亚洲

珀斯是西澳大利亚洲(Western Australia)的首府,是充满活力的美丽港口城市. 位于澳大利亚西南角的斯旺河畔东临达令山,西印度洋,背山面海,景色宜人,绚丽如画,是澳大利亚第五大城市. 珀斯这个城市的名称来自苏格兰的同名城市.




在今意大利坎帕尼亚区(Campania). 萨勒诺湾. 古受拜占庭帝国统治. 九世纪时,为地中海重要港口之一. 公元839年独立. 848年建立海军,曾在罗马教皇支持下反抗萨拉逊人. 十一世纪时,成为意大利最早独立共和国之一. 1331年被西西里岛诺曼人攻占,


另外,科尔科瓦多山(Corcovado)也值得一去. 山顶塑有一座两臂展开、形同十字架的耶稣像,故又名耶稣山. 巨大的耶稣塑像在全市的每个角落均可看到,是里约的象征之一. 简介:阿布鲁佐(Abruzzo),位于意大利中部地区,亚得里亚海.

endocrine gland:内分 腺

endangered species 危物种; 绝种生物 | endocrine gland 内分 腺 | endometrium 子宫内膜


国 际上目前将墨西哥的狼列为野外绝灭(EW),将葡萄牙和西班牙的狼列为低危(LR/cd),将意大利的狼列为易危(VU)(IUCN,1996). 国际 危物种公约(CITES)将狼这一种列为附录 II种类,且将不丹、尼泊尔、印度和巴基斯坦等国狼的种群列为附录 I种类.

on the brink of extinction:濒

Mass extinction 大规模灭绝 | Natural habitat 自然栖息地 | On the brink of extinction

Endangering mechanism:致濒机制

危原因:endangering reasons | 致机制:Endangering mechanism | 危原因:endangering causes