英语人>词典>汉英 : 濒临毁灭 的英文翻译,例句
濒临毁灭 的英文翻译、例句


on the ropes
更多网络例句与濒临毁灭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I wanted to say that this prodigious discovery meant something, something personal. It was a message to me from some other too hastily and perilously forgotten world.


He is verging on ruin .


Everyone inside the hearts of a sleeping soldier, as long as you wake up this sleeping soldiers, you will be able to leap the fear, can reproduce the ultimate destruction of the wall.Yifulite Rite, in the legends of ancient Rome's Colosseum on the soldiers, when they have no fear of death and fighting, on the brink of the brink of death, they will hear a war drum, and to hear the drum all the soldiers, Will no longer fight hatred, not to fight for victory or defeat, or even no longer fight for themselves, and some would rather die than just stop the fighting, and this time they will go beyond that to the world, so logical thinking Can not explain the ultimate strength, as if their lives, dedicated to the god of fighting, but the ceremony known as the fighters of ancient Rome:"The Rite of Yifulite."


Everyone inside the hearts of a sleeping soldier, as long as you wake up this sleeping soldiers, you will be able to leap the fear, can reproduce the ultimate destruction of the wall.Yifulite Rite, in the legends of ancient Rome's Colosseum on the soldiers, when they have no fear of death and fighting, on the brink of the brink of death, they will hear a war drum, and to hear the drum all the soldiers, Will no longer fight hatred, not to fight for victory or defeat, or even no longer fight for themselves, and some would rather die than just stop the fighting, and this time they will go beyond that to the world, so logical thinking Can not explain the ultimate strength, as if their lives, dedicated to the god of fighting, but the ceremony known as the fighters of ancient Rome:"The Rite of Yifulite."


Everyone inside the hearts of a sleeping soldier, as long as you wake up this sleeping soldiers, you will be able to leap the fear, can reproduce the ultimate destruction of the wall.Yifulite Rite, in the legends of ancient Rome's Colosseum on the soldiers, when they have no fear of death and fighting, on the brink of the brink of death, they will hear a war drum, and to hear the drum all the soldiers, Will no longer fight hatred, not to fight for victory or defeat, or even no longer fight for themselves, and some would rather die than just stop the fighting, and this time they will go beyond that to the world, so logical thinking Can not explain the ultimate strength, as if their lives, dedicated to the god of fighting, but the ceremony known as the fighters of ancient Rome:"The Rite of Yifulite."


更多网络解释与濒临毁灭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

keep one's head above water:管理好个人、理好财

come out of the cocoon 停止自我封闭,开始与人交往 | keep one's head above water 管理好个人、理好财 | on the rocks 触礁、濒临毁灭

Say goodbye to Avalon:向乐园道别

We are standing on the edge of oblivion! 我们正濒临毁灭边缘! | Say goodbye to Avalon! 向乐园道别! | As it fades into the dawn! 当它融入拂晓中

Sageretia thea:雀 梅

(2)毁灭种质资源 大规模掠夺式的山采已经使岭南的福建茶、江浙一带的雀梅(Sageretia thea)、紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)、六月雪(Serissa japonica)、南天竹(Nandina domestica)和湖北一带的对节白蜡(Fraxinus L.)等野桩资源濒临枯竭,

Planets devastated:地球濒临毁灭

This is the Painkiller 恶魔猎手就是他 | Planets devastated 地球濒临毁灭 | Mankind's on its knees 人类跪倒在地