英语人>词典>汉英 : 演奏的人 的英文翻译,例句
演奏的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I think that for people who perform in public and enjoy it, it's a bit addictive.


To get to my question: I'm pretty familiar with music fundamentals and mostly I want to develop a beautiful tone and enough technique to play good music that's not overly technical - Bach transcriptions, duets and trios for clarinet and cello and/or oboe, and trios for the same instruments with bassoon thrown in.


That lady herself played the organ for the choir at the Methodist Church and, as an organist, had scant respect for harps or harpists.


For those who heard Chopin play it seemed like the piano was invented for him and he for it.


Of the 602 buskers, 58 per cent are guitarists, 10 per cent violinists, 9 per cent saxophonists, 10 per cent play flutes and harmonicas, 6 per cent accordions and keyboards and 2 per cent play the didgeridoo.


However, players of other instruments, from the classical violin to the handsaw, are also buskers.


Shawn{one of the people who works with the Mudcat} traveled to the crossroads with his guitar at midnight. He played his entire repertoire twice, but to no avail. No devil, no big black man, just the same tuning which he began the night.


Air guitar T-shirt: cotton-picking?Australian scientists have invented a T-shirt that allows air guitarists to play actual music as they strum the air.


Of the 602 buskers, 58 per cent are guitarists, 10 per cent violinists, 9 per cent saxophonists, 10 per cent play flutes and harmonicas, 6 per cent accordions and keyboards and 2 per cent play the didgeridoo.


However, players of other instruments, from the classical violin to the handsaw, are also buskers.


更多网络解释与演奏的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Grand Piano:大钢琴

这些历史录音包括"大钢琴"(Grand Piano)系列,收入了大量 20 世纪早期钢琴家布索尼、霍夫曼(Hofmann)、科尔托等人演奏的作品,这些演奏是由当时的钢琴纸带记录,再利用自动钢琴演奏还原的录音;"声乐先驱"(Prima Voce)系列,已出版了 l00 张唱片,


spiegeleisen /镜铁/ | spiel /演说/故事/饶舌/喋喋不休地高谈阔论/演奏音乐/ | spieler /招揽顾客的人/专事欺诈的人/商业宣传员/


spiel /演说/故事/饶舌/喋喋不休地高谈阔论/演奏音乐/ | spieler /招揽顾客的人/专事欺诈的人/商业宣传员/ | spifflicate /痛打/干掉/


英国自由即兴伸缩号(Trombone)演奏家. 由最初演奏萨克斯风,转向伸缩号. 60年代在伦敦Guildhall音乐戏剧学院学习并授课. 他是英国自由即兴和欧洲自由爵士运动的主要发起人之一,也是第一位采用非正统方式进行即兴演奏的人. 与此同时,


siffleur /吹口哨的人[男性]/ | sight-read /即兴地演奏/即兴地朗读/ | sight-see /观光/游览/

The music's played by the madmen:当一群疯狂的人在指挥著音乐的演奏

We're getting in tune 我们随著领导者的音乐起舞 | The music's played by the madmen 当一群疯狂的人在指挥著音乐的演奏 | Forever young, I want to be forever young 永远年轻,我想要永远年轻

what is pain to a man who plays Veena on his intestines:对于一个用肠子演奏七弦琴的人 会知道什么是痛苦吗

It's hard to fell someone like that in battle, because|这种人在战争中... | what is pain to a man who plays Veena on his intestines?|对于一个用肠子演奏七弦琴的人 会知道什么是痛苦吗? | Nothing much.|没什么...


sifaka /原孤猴/ | siffleur /吹口哨的人[男性]/ | sight-read /即兴地演奏/即兴地朗读/

Pink Floyd ---Lost For Words:暗计复仇或明哲保身?别指望敌人宽容你的失语症. 随心所欲的吉他演奏使人迷醉

123)Sparklehorse ------ Wish You Were Here 分裂... | 122)Pink Floyd ---Lost For Words 暗计复仇或明哲保身?别指望敌人宽容你的失语症. 随心所欲的吉他演奏使人迷醉. | 121)Kent---Sundance Kid 来到梦寐以求的城...