英语人>词典>汉英 : 淋巴性的 的英文翻译,例句
淋巴性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The purpose of our study is to evaluate possible pathology assemble with endolymph hydros in those vertigo induced AAT by gunshot.


The result of our study shows that vertigo in AAT possible had assemble pathology of endolymph hydros which proven indirectly by the change of ECoG expect the direct injury of the vestibular system or perilymph fistule.


Lymphedema is characterized by a regional accumulation of excessive amounts of interstitial protein-rich fluid.


Sporothrix schenckii (S.schenckii) is the causative agent of sporotrichosis, which affects primarily the skin,subcutaneous tissue,lymph vessels, lymphnodes and rarely,visceral organs.


Objective To study the relationship b,:tween of iodine and lymphocytic thyroiditis.


The activated carbon can be used as a useful lymphatic tracer and drug carrier, for it is characterized by avirulence, high lymphatic tropism, long residence time in the lymph nodes.


Based on these previous work, in this research, in order to explore the the molecular mechanism of enhanced tumor cell immunogenicity treated by elemene and mytomycin C compositely, we used murine Hca-F ascitic hepatic carcinoma ( high lymphatic metastasis substrain of H22) as an experimental model to compare the immunoprotective effects on Hca-F cells as well as the mechanism of the effects caused by HSP70-peptide complex purified from untreated tumor cells, EC-TCV and BCG; We studied the mechanism of increased tumor cell membrane HSP expression treated with elemene by the techniques of RT-PCR and immunoelectron microscopy; In order to deeply elucidate the antitumor effects and the molecular mechanism of elemene in increasing tumor cell immunogenicity we analyzed and compared the effects of elemene and heat shock on the gene expressions of tumor cell using gene expression profile chip.


Leakage of lymph can occur as a result of traumatic or surgical injury to this system and can cause the formation of a lymphocele, which is defined as an accumulation of lymph surrounded by pseudomembranes as a result.


Majority of acute leukemias in infant, either acute lymphoblastic leukemia or acute myeloblastic leukemia, posses a chromosomal translocation affecting the 11q23 chromosome region which specifically inoles the mixed-lineage leukemia gene.1-3 Most pediatric leukemias with MLL rearrangement clearly hae a remarkably short latency.1,4 MLL gene rearrangement is also associated with secondary leukemias of patients preiously treated with the topoisomerase II inhibitors.4 The latency of these secondary leukemias is similarly ery short.4 Of note, the concordance rate of leukemia with MLL rearrangement in infant monozygotic twins approximates to 100%,1,4 and identical breakpoint in the MLL gene was shared in these pairs of identical twin infants with concordant ALL.1,4 Moreoer, the unique and clonotypic MLL fusion gene was detectable in neonatal blood spots for Guthrie cards from non-twined indiiduals who subsequently deeloped ALL.1,4 These obserations indicate not only that MLL fusion is generated in utero but also that MLL fusion proteins could be capable of inducing leukemic transformation with few, if any, secondary mutations.2,3,4 Greaes et al speculate that an MLL fusion protein somehow promotes rapid transition to full-blown disease in patients ia ery rapid clonal expansion, genetic instability, or inhibition of DNA damage repair.4 In general, for clonal expansion of malignancies, tumor cells often hae acquired strategies that escape immune sureillance of the hosts.5,6 Immune escape mechanisms also contribute to the failure of graft-ersus-leukemia effect after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.7 Therefore, leukemia cells could acquire some immune escape mechanisms during leukemogenesis.

绪论 绝大多数的婴儿白血病,不管是急性淋巴性白血病或是急性骨髓性白血病,在染色体11q23部位有染色体易位的情况;这个部位的染色体易位牵连了混合谱系白血病基因。大多数具有MLL基因重排的儿童白血病潜伏期明显短很多。MLL基因重排也和经拓扑异构酶II抑制剂治疗后的继发性白血病有关。这些继发性白血病的潜伏期类似地都非常的短。很重要的是,单卵双胞胎婴儿同时患有或同时免于MLL基因重排阳性的白血病的一致性接近100%;并且同样患有ALL的同卵双胞胎的MLL基因的断裂点是一致的。而且,这种独特的克隆特异性的MLL融合基因能够从那些得ALL的非双生个体出生时的血斑标本中检测到。这些发现表明MLL融合基因产生在胎儿还在子宫的是后,而且MLL融合蛋白能过和其他的基因突变一起诱导白血病的产生。Greaes 等推测MLL融合蛋白在某种情况下同过快速克隆增殖,遗传的不稳定性或是DNA损伤修复的抑制促使疾病迅速地全面爆发。恶性肿瘤细胞的克隆增殖通常已经获得了逃避机体免疫监视的能力。免疫逃避机制也归因于异体外周血干细胞移植后移植物抗白血病作用的失效。所以,白血病细胞在白血病的产生过程中可能获得了某些免疫逃脱机制。

The results showed that the sheep had fibrinous pneumonia and lymphocyte interstitial pneumonia, which were typical pathologic changes of this disease. Remarkable changes were observed in the lung: fibrinous exudates, infiltration of inflammatory cells, pleura thickening, interstitial edema, hemorrhage and formation of thrombiand lymph clot. The heart, liver and kidney had different degeneration degree. Reactive hyperplasia presented in bronchales lymphonodi.


更多网络解释与淋巴性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


蜗管内储内淋巴(endolymph),为一封闭的盲管. 前庭阶和鼓阶内储外淋巴(perilymph),并在蜗顶借蜗孔(helicotrema)相交通. 1.蜗管:为膜性螺旋管,蜗尖端为盲端,下端借连合管通入球囊,内含内淋巴液. 其切面呈三角形,介于前庭阶和鼓阶之间.


longevity 长寿 | lymphatic [医](含)淋巴的;淋巴腺的;(思想行动)迟缓的 | legitimacy 合法性,正统性


STI除传统性病所包括的淋病(gonorrhea)、梅毒(syphilis)、软下疳(chancroid)、腹股沟肉芽肿(granuloma inguinale)及性病性淋巴肉芽肿(lymphogranuloma)外,还包括由病毒、衣原体、原虫、真菌及寄生虫等可通过性行为传播的疾病.

lymphogranuloma venereum:性病性淋巴肉芽肿

性病性淋巴肉芽肿(lymphogranuloma venereum)又称第四性病,是通过性交而感染的性传播病之一. 表现为外生殖器溃疡,腹股沟淋巴结化脓、穿孔和晚期外生殖器橡皮肿和直肠狭窄症状...可根据不洁性交史,临床表现,性病淋巴肉芽肿补体结合试验(1:64以上有诊断意义),特别是微量免疫荧光试验(可查出血清中抗衣原体抗体 ...

lymphogranuloma venereum:淋巴肉芽肿

性病 性 淋巴肉芽肿(lymphogranuloma venereum)又称第四性病,是通过性交而感染的性传播病之一. 表现为外生殖器溃疡,腹股沟淋巴结化脓、穿孔和晚期外生殖器橡皮肿和直肠狭窄症状. 我国尚未见报告.


淋巴肉芽肿性疳 lymphogranulomatous chancre | 淋巴样的 lymphoid | 淋巴样细胞 lymphoid cell

Follicular Lymphoma:滤泡性淋巴瘤

2.滤泡性淋巴瘤(follicular lymphoma) 滤泡性淋巴瘤是来源于淋巴滤泡生发中心细胞的惰性B细胞肿瘤. 在欧美国家或地区约占NHL的25%~45%,在我国约占NHL的10%. 常见于中年人,发病无性别差异. Burkitt淋巴瘤的组织学特点是中等大小的、相对单一形态的淋巴样细胞弥漫性浸润,

lymphangitis:淋巴管炎 (名)

lymphangioma 淋巴管瘤 (名) | lymphangitis 淋巴管炎 (名) | lymphatic 淋巴的, 淋巴性的, 输送淋巴的 (形)

lymphatism:淋巴体质; 淋巴腺毒血症 (名)

lymphatic 淋巴的, 淋巴性的, 输送淋巴的 (形) | lymphatism 淋巴体质; 淋巴腺毒血症 (名) | lymphatolysis 淋巴组织破坏; 淋巴组织溶解 (名)


lymphogenous 成淋巴的 | lymphogenousembolism 淋巴管栓塞 | lymphogenousinfection 淋巴原性感染