英语人>词典>汉英 : 活动过度 的英文翻译,例句
活动过度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hyperactivity  ·  overactivity  ·  hyperaction  ·  hyperpraxia  ·  overacfivity

更多网络例句与活动过度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

RESULTS: The anterior cruciate ligament is composed of collagen fiber, and plays an important role in intorsion of the knee joint and straigh activity of tibia, limits tibial antedisplacement and excessive extension, and limits stability of medial knee and tibial rotation activity when knee strengthened.


OAB is characterized by feelings of urgency to urinate, with or without incontinence, and is usually accompanied by increased urination frequency and nocturia.


But the 45 minutes of classroom time can not be used exclusively for gaming activities, too many activities make them over-excited, so that classroom discipline rise to confusion.


Sometimes it is useful to treat the OAB-DO (OverActive Bladder - Detrusor Overactivity) first to see if a minor degree of stress incontinence is tolerable if the bladder is treated.

有时是有益的对待的OAB -做(膀胱过度活动-逼尿肌过度)率先看到,如果一个小程度的应力性尿失禁是可以容忍的,如果是膀胱癌治疗。

The insufficient regulation of financial activities has implications not only for illegitimate practices, but also for a tendency toward overspeculation that, as Adam Smith argued, tends to grip many human beings in their breathless search for profits.


The insufficient regulationof financial activities has implications not only for illegitimate practices,but also for a tendency toward overspeculation that, as Adam Smith argued,tends to grip many human beings in their breathless search for profits.


pressure or sound sensitive vertigo seemed to occur when there were abnormal communication between the inner ear and surrounding structures or the shortend distance between the footplate and saccule.


The change cannot be explained by a previous personality disorder and should be differentiated from residual schizophrenia and other states of incomplete recovery from an antecedent mental disorder. This disorder is characterized by an excessive dependence on and a demanding attitude towards others; conviction of being changed or stigmatized by the illness, leading to an inability to form and maintain close and confiding personal relationships and to social isolation; passivity, reduced interests, and diminished involvement in leisure activities; persistent complaints of being ill, which may be associated with hypochondriacal claims and illness behaviour; dysphoric or labile mood, not due to the presence of a current mental disorder or antecedent mental disorder with residual affective symptoms; and longstanding problems in social and occupational functioning.


Self-exculpation, hyperactivity (contrasted with alleged Tory inertia), homes and hope: that is Labour's political strategy.


Although 25% of women receiving misoprostol had uterine hyperactivity, defined as six or more contractions in 10 minutes without fetal heart rate decelerations, only three women (6%) had uterine hyperactivity associated with fetal heart rate decelerations, and none required emergency cesarean delivery.

虽然25%服用misoprostol的妇女有子宫活动过度的现象,其定义为10 分钟之内有六次以上的子宫收缩,而胎儿心率未减速,只有三名妇女(6%)发生与胎儿心率减速有关的子宫活动过度,并无产妇需要进行紧急的剖腹生产。

更多网络解释与活动过度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


hyper表示"超过,太多" | hyperactive活动过度的; | hypersensitive过敏的;


overachiever高成就者 | overact活动过度 | overage超龄


当小孩开始会走路时,过度活动(overactivity)的现象常会表现得很明显,尽管有时在会走路之前就无法视而不见了. 案童会动个不停,常会弄坏东西. 因为注意力无法持续,将会导致学习上的困难. 在症状完全表露的孩子,你会发现他易于冲动、鲁莽不顾后果,


在学龄前的这段时期,行为规范障碍症通常的表现方式是对其它孩童的攻击行为、对双亲显得叛逆不听话,并常常伴随着活动过度(overactivity)的情形. 环境因素(environmental factors)非常的重要. 居住在贫民区,尤其在不稳定、不安全,

Other adrenocortical overactivity:其他肾上腺皮质活动过度

地图舌 Other adhesions and disruptions of iris and ciliary body | 其他肾上腺皮质活动过度 Other adrenocortical overactivity | 其他肾上腺征疾患 Other adrenogenital disorders


hyperacidity 胃酸过多症 | hyperaction 活动过度 | hyperactive 活动过度


hypercautious 过于小心的,极度小心的 | hyperaction 活动过度,极度活跃 | hypobulia 意志薄弱,意志消沉

hyperkinetic syndrome:活动过度,运动过度综合征

hyperkinetic heart syndrome 高力心综合征,高排血量综合征,心脏运动功能亢进综合征 | hyperkinetic syndrome 活动过度,运动过度综合征 | hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 小儿运动过度综合征

Overactive bladder syndrome:膀胱过度活动症

60. 炎性乳腺癌Inflammatory breast cancer | 61. 膀胱过度活动症Overactive bladder syndrome | 62. 间质性膀胱炎Interstitial cystitis


精神涣散地distractingly | 精神活动psychomotility | 精神活动过度hyperneahypernoiahyperpragia