英语人>词典>汉英 : 泰坦精神 的英文翻译,例句
泰坦精神 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与泰坦精神相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Without the Old Gods' power to keep their raging spirits bound to the physical world, the elementals were banished to an abyssal plane, where they would contend with one another for all eternity.


Without the Old Gods' power to keep their raging spirits bound to the physical world, the elementals were banished to an abyssal plane, where they would contend with one another for all eternity.


Chapter One offers a careful discussion of The Sirens of Titan and Cat's Cradle in order to examine Vonnegut's determination to transcend cosmic void through art and human imagination.


更多网络解释与泰坦精神相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ethyl Loflazepate:氯氟卓乙酯

二、含有扎莱普隆(Zaleplon)、氯氟卓乙酯(Ethyl Loflazepate)、唑吡坦(Zolpidem)、羟基丁酸(Hydroxybutyric acid)成分的制剂,以及氨酚氢可酮片(耐尔可)、氨酚羟考酮片(泰勒宁片)、氨酚羟考酮胶囊(泰勒宁胶囊)3种含麻醉药品的复方制剂均按第二类精神药品管理,

The large ocean liner, Titanic,was wrecked by its collision with an iceberg:泰坦尼克号巨轮因撞 上冰山而失事

wreck vt.(船等)失事,遇难; 破坏,毁坏 | The large ocean liner, Titanic,was wrecked by its collision with an iceberg ;泰坦尼克号巨轮因撞上冰山而失事 | wreck n.失事船(或飞机), 残骸;失事; 精神或身体跨掉的...


Ti - 钛金属(Titanium)的缩写,一个神圣的名字!1795年,德国科学家克拉普鲁斯在研究金红石时发现了钛元素. 他用古希腊神话中的大地之子--泰坦(Titan)来命名,而"泰坦精神"与勇往直前是同一意思,它的天然强度和质地有如泰坦一样的英雄气概.