英语人>词典>汉英 : 法门 的英文翻译,例句
法门 的英文翻译、例句


initial approach to become a Buddhist believer
更多网络例句与法门相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This action can accelerate the cycle efficiency: This posture is absolutely the only way to put the former must be practiced.


Bastinado and fan are having the color of widely different, as opposite as fan, nature of bastinado general put to good use is additional the might of two large elements, thunder and blaze, the destruction of tall harm output, long-range attack force, will make bastinado becomes battleground over another strong backup force force, in the meantime, because bastinado cannot be in close body battle,gain an advantage, because this maintains a distance with the enemy from beginning to end, will be the one and only way that bastinado develops its dominant position, and the instant of bastinado is mobile, will be the enemy in be kept constantly on the run, be defeated in make the foot of the person of bastinado falls.


The key to happiness is to cherish what you have and begotten what you have not.


Fine. I don't want to go with you yet. I want to go find that black-faced monk and follow him to learn the Dharma-door of ending birth and death.


For example, action sheet-fed business card printing and membership card making technical tricks were used to Roland and Eurografica-Systempl a-nungs of the company in bourg Luxem ImprimereSaint-Paul together the optimal design of a project.

例如,操纵单弛纸制卡和会员卡制息机的技艺法门被用于曼罗兰与Eurografica-Systempl a-nungs公司在Luxem bourg的ImprimereSaint-Paul不败群达不败的一个优冻安排项纲洋。

Those of "faith without knowledge" may lack knowledge but have faith and can attain Buddhahood.


Answer: Dharma-gate of non-duality and eight-four thousand bundles of the Buddhist dharma are both special phrases in Buddhism.


Question: Li Hongzhi said that Falun Gong was one of the eight-four thousand bundles of the Buddhist dharma, telling Falun Gong disciples only to practice his dharma instead of anything else and saying that this was the very "Dharma-gate of non-duality".


His vicious intentions are obvious. In fact, the Dharma-gate of non-duality in Buddhism refers to a highest ideal or conception about everything that transcends truth or fake, good or devil, action or inaction, and even birth or death. People can take a great many of ways to experience or demonstrate this absolute ideal or conception, so there are eight-four thousand bundles of the Buddhist dharma.


I have discovered a way of recouping our losses, and I came specially to discuss it with you.


更多网络解释与法门相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(2)菩萨 菩提萨埵(Bodhisattva)之略,译为大道心众生、大觉有情. 发四弘誓愿(众生无边誓愿度,烦恼无尽誓愿断、法门无量誓愿学、佛道无上誓愿成),修六度(布施、持戒、忍辱、精进、禅定、智慧)之行,上求菩提,下化众生的人. 他们要经过五十一段阶位,


自然因缘(瑜伽.养生.道法.自然) 脉轮(chakra)是印度古老的修行法门(瑜珈)中用来描述人体中能量的一个系统,也可以说,它就是我们身体的能量地图. 就像中医喜欢用经络来指代我们身体里"气"的运行路径一样,脉轮则是用来描述能量的运行状况.

convolute fold:翻卷褶皱

法门期|Famennian Age | 翻卷褶皱|convolute fold | 钒钡铜矿|vesignieite


Famennian法门阶 | familial科的 | familiarity熟悉


a)电邮:把重要的电邮根据重要性来贴上标签并列入不同的文件夹,在替文件夹命名时输入"常客"或"跟进"(Follow Up)等名词作为辨别来信者身份的提示. b)社交媒体:大家都知道透过社交媒体与顾客联系是获得新顾客的不二法门,

Basic Instinct:第六感追缉令

"第六感追缉令"(Basic Instinct)中的"抬腿神功",让莎朗斯通从二线小脱星,变成无数观众心目中的性感女神. 她深知"裸露"是吸引影迷目光的不二法门,每当声势走下坡,就在新片大胆解放,藉此振衰起蔽. 虽然前几次还奏效,但随着她年岁渐长,

good listener:受女生青睐的法门

You're full of it!"胡说八道"用英语怎么说? | good listener受女生青睐的法门 | Wear your heart on your sleeve!"坦露心态,告知他人你的感想!"用英语怎么说?

Table Talk:《桌上谈话>

在苏菲教大师路米(Rumi)的>(Table Talk)一书中,有这么一段猛烈而直截了当的话:我在这里说明上师相应法,当作此生自然中阴的一部分,因为它是我们活着时最重要的修行法门,所以也是临终时最重要的修行法门.

T: teamwork:团队篮球,成功的不二法门

S Syracuze :锡拉丘兹 梅罗一生的骄傲 | T Teamwork :团队篮球,成功的不二法门 | U Untraded :除非用詹姆斯来交易


只有金刚乘才有此法门,在此乘起修前接受灌顶(abhiseka)时(必须的),行者将会被告知这个果位的秘密. 这些秘密也仅是佛陀的法宝而已,因为我认为只有少数人可以明白这种道理;也只有对极少数人而言,此法门才是独一无二的.