英语人>词典>汉英 : 毛囊皮脂腺的 的英文翻译,例句
毛囊皮脂腺的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Acne, also known as comedo, is a chronic inflammation disease of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland, which is very common among both male and female in their puberty.


Promote cellular repro duction, eliminate acen, comedo and spot, ref ine pore. The amino acid and


To explore the possibility that the androgen may facilitate differentiation of hair follicle stem cells into sebocytes, we carried out experiments to test this hypothesis. The concrete steps to carry out this research were as follow: Firstly, observed the expression of AR and examined the expression of AR mRNA of rat vibrissa follicle stem cells in vivo in three defined phases of a hair follicle cycle, including anagen, catagen and telogen. Secondly, cultured HFSC deprived from vibrissa follicle bulge region in culture flasks and observed the expression of AR, ketertin 15 (K15), cluster of differentiation 34 (CD34) andβ1-integrin of those cells.


Psoriasis vulgaris damage is much more varied, and some rash was known as the teardrop-shaped for squamous guttate psoriasis; small scales damages in the pilosebaceous openings, known as the hair follicles of psoriasis; if scaling was called rupioides rupioides psoriasis; some damage was irregular map-like, called the map-like psoriasis; clinically the most common damage is discoid or coin-like, called discoid or coin-like psoriasis.


Psoriasis vulgaris damage is much more varied, and some rash was known as the teardrop-shaped for squamous guttate psoriasis; small scales damages in the pilosebaceous openings, known as the hair follicles of psoriasis; if scaling was called rupioides rupioides psoriasis; some damage was irregular map-like, called the map-like psoriasis; clinically the most common damage is discoid or coin-like, called discoid or coin-like psoriasis.


The density of pilosebaceous units decreases throughout life, mainly because of the poor development of the secondary follicles.


Cutaneous disorders attributed to sebaceous glands, such as acne vulgaris, are really disorders of the entire pilosebaceous unit.


Introduction Acne is a very common skin disease of adolescence characterized by an inflammation of pilosebaceous follicles.They usually localizes on the face,more often cheeks and forehead,on the chest and back.

前言 痤疮是皮肤科的一种常见疾病,好发于青春期,是毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症,常发生于面颊、额部、胸部、背部。

Pilosebaceous Unit as a basic structure unit takes part in the skin construction, composed of cycling hair follicle,renewing epidermis and constantly releasing sebaceous gland.


In our stydy, we explored the expression pattern of COX-2 in normal rat Pilosebaceous Unit and hair follicle cycle adopting immunochemistry and RT-PCR methods.


更多网络解释与毛囊皮脂腺的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


很多人都有痘痘,特别是咱们广东的mm,这里有一片好文章,大家不妨试试,呵呵,好了给我踩踩:) 痤疮(Acne)又称粉刺,是一种毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症性疾患. 好发于青年,主要发生于面部和胸背等处. 表现为黑头粉刺、丘疹、脓疱、结节、囊肿等...

acne vulgaris:寻常痤疮

寻常痤疮(Acne vulgaris)是一种慢性毛囊皮脂腺的炎症,好发于颜面、胸背部,多发于青春期男女. 其发病常与雄性激素增多、毛囊管角化过度及毛囊内寄生有痤疮丙酸菌等多因素有关.

acne vulgaris:寻常性痤疮

寻常性痤疮(acne vulgaris)是青春期常见的一种慢性毛囊皮脂腺炎症性疾病,好发于面部,常伴有皮脂溢出. 本病有自限性,至成年时自愈. 病因病理 痤疮的发生是多因素综合作用的结果,主要与皮脂产生增多、毛囊口上皮角化亢进及毛囊内痤疮丙酸杆菌增殖有关,

acne vulgaris:平常性痤疮

平常性痤疮(acne vulgaris)是青春期常见的一种慢性毛囊皮脂腺炎症性疾病,好发于面部,常伴有皮脂溢出. 本病有自限性,至成年时自愈. 病因病理 痤疮的发生是多因素综合作用的结果,主要与皮脂产生增多、毛囊口上皮角化亢进及毛囊内痤疮丙酸杆菌增殖有关,

acne vulgaris:痤疮

为了限制进口保护本国产[目录] 第一部分 市场营销计划 第二部分 销售方案计划 [原文] 市场营销计划一.外部环境分析: 1.现状: 痤疮(acne vulgaris)俗称"粉刺""青春痘",是一种发生于青春期的毛囊皮脂腺的慢性皮肤炎症性疾病,

sebaceous cyst:皮脂腺囊肿

第十八章 眼部肿瘤 第一节 眼睑肿瘤 一、皮脂腺囊肿(sebaceous cyst) 好发部位为眉部眼睑,尤其内眦部,系皮脂腺或毛囊腺的潴留囊肿. 其表面光滑,是一个呈球形的皮下良性肿瘤,和皮肤粘连,肿瘤的顶部有皮脂腺开口,此处常有蜡样栓.

sebaceous glands:皮脂腺

大汗腺在青春期后分泌旺盛. 其分泌系由汗腺细胞远端破碎而形成的乳样蛋白性液体,排出体表,迅速干燥. 如有细菌繁殖,可有特殊臭味. 其分泌由肾上腺能性神经支配. (二) 皮脂腺(Sebaceous glands)位于真皮上部,大部开口于毛囊上1/3处在某些

sebaceous gland:皮脂腺

皮脂腺(sebaceous gland)大多位于毛囊和立毛肌之间,为泡状腺,由一个或几个囊状的腺泡与一个共同的短导管构成. 皮脂腺是附属于皮肤的一个重要腺体,它的分布很广,除手,脚掌外遍布全身,以头面,胸骨附近及肩胛间皮肤最多.皮脂腺的分泌受雄性激素和肾上腺皮质激素的控制,

Demodex brevis:皮脂腺蠕形螨

蠕形螨是一类永久性寄生虫,寄生于人和哺乳动物的毛囊和皮脂腺内,已知有140余种和亚种,寄生于人体的蠕形螨有毛囊蠕形螨(demodex folliculorum)和皮脂腺蠕形螨(demodex brevis)两种.

outer root sheath:毛囊外根鞘

目前有关毛囊干细胞在毛发再生中的作用研究已取得了一定的进展,发现毛囊干细胞位于皮肤毛囊外根鞘(outer root sheath)的膨隆处(bulge area),它们受相关信号作用后可分化成毛囊、皮脂腺和表皮等皮肤组织的所有细胞成分;毛发产生停止和毛囊下部结构改变时,