英语人>词典>汉英 : 构成...的一部分 的英文翻译,例句
构成...的一部分 的英文翻译、例句


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Articles 1, 2, and 3 of the Contract Law will be incorporated herein by reference in this Agreement.


A part of it, composed of gristle, constitutes, a septum or partition, and part is an open passage; for the nostril consists of two separate channels.


The hiragana is in Japanese a very important part, it may the direct plotting word


BPNSS is made up of the BP network design based on the MN and the software system.


But you are part of society, part of the culture which has put you together.


In this project, we study the theory of higher order differential equations in Banach spaces and related topics. We solve an open problem put forward by two American Mathematicians and two Italian Mathematicians concerning wave equations with generalized Weztzell boundary conditions, introduce an existence family of operators from a Banach space $Y$ to $X$ for the Cauchy problem for higher order differential equations in a Banach space $X$, establish a sufficient and necessary condition ensuring $ACP_n$ possesses an exponentially bounded existence family, as well as some basic results in a quite general setting about the existence and continuous dependence on initial data of the solutions of $ACP_n$ and $IACP_n$. We set up quite a few multiplicative and additive perturbation theorems for existence families governing a wide class of higher order differential equations, regularized cosine operator families, regularized semigroups, and solution operators of Volterra integral equations, obtain classical and strict solutions having optimal regularity for the inhomogeneous nonautonomous heat equations with generalized Wentzell boundary conditions, gain novel existence and uniqueness theorems,which extend essentially the existing results, for mild and classical solutions of nonlocal Cauchy problems for semilinear evolution equations, present a new theorem with regard to the boundary feedback stabilization of a hybrid system composed of a viscoelastic thin plate with one part of its edge clamped and the rest-free part attached to a visocelastic rigid body. Also we obtain many other research results.


In order to attain this, in the present invention, a pressure adjusting body is coupled to a portion of a magnetic circuit or a frame, which is a component of a speaker unit, to constitute the speaker unit.


Go to frame 7 and pose every part of your character in a passing pose.


Constituting part of a whole; integral .


Usually it does not form part of the ordinary class-room studies, but is imparted by spiritual masters in their personal direction of souls, or inculcated, as in seminaries and novitiates, by special conferences and courses of spiritual reading.

通常它并不构成的一部分,普通类室研究,但所灌输的是精神的主人,在他们的个人方向的灵魂,或灌输,因为在神学院和novitiates ,特别会议和培训班的精神读。

更多网络解释与构成...的一部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Basin and Range:盆地和山脉

在美国,这种类型的景观分布于内华达山脉和落矶山脉之间,常用盆地和山脉(basin and range)这个术语来表示. 然而,盆地和山脉地形的分布是世界性的. 它包括中亚细亚的大部分、西藏、四川的一部分和蒙古. 安纳托利亚、亚美尼亚和伊朗都由山间高原构成,

connecting rod:连杆

曲轴: (rankshaft) 引擎构成的一部分,为了将活塞往复运动变为扭力的轴连杆: (connecting rod) 引擎内的机械部件

high fructose corn syrup:高果糖浆

果葡糖浆又称高果糖浆(High fructose corn syrup)或异构糖浆,它是以酶法糖化精制玉米淀粉所得的糖化液再经葡萄糖异构酶的异构化作用,将其中的一部分葡萄糖异构成果糖,从而形成以葡萄糖和果糖为主要成分的混合物,蔗糖的替代甜味剂.

impartiality:公正 无私

那么我的这种论证就具有很强的说服力. 我自己的利益不能构成论证的一部分,从我的利益出发也不是一种正确的道德立场. 道德论证的力量存在于公正无私(impartiality)之中. 如何才能做到立场是公正无私的?功利主义采取的方法是"公正无私的观察者".


在这个能量中心里头, 对于美的定义有大部分取决于爬虫类与哺乳动物的大脑, 那是本能的, 主要关切 滋养(nurture)与群体. 本能上, 大猩猩被驱策尽可能地去交配 ,繁衍后代. 这个生存机制是很深沉的并且是构成你们男人与女人重要的一部分.


为此,加芬克尔(Garfinkel)提出了"场景"(setting)的概念,以区别于"情境定义"的概念. 在加芬克尔看来,场景与行动并非象传统的社会学理论所认为的那样是两分的,相反,场景本身就是行动的一部分,场景本身和行动一样是社会成员通过努力构成的"成果"(Garfinkel,





suprameatal spine:道上棘

后方借乙状窦骨板与颅后窝分隔;底及内侧壁为颞骨乳突及岩部构成,前部有外半规管凸及面神经管凸水平部的一部分;外壁为乳突处壳的一部分,即相当于外耳道上棘(suprameatal spine)的后上方三角区(supra-meatal triangle),

formal cause:形式因

"形式因"(Formal Cause)可以告诉我们一个事物是由怎样的定义、形式、形状、本质、综合、或原形所构成的,解释了构成一个事物的基本原则或法则,这只是整个事物(整套原因关系)的其中一部分(宏观结构).