英语人>词典>汉英 : 极端民族主义 的英文翻译,例句
极端民族主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ultranationalism  ·  supernationalism

更多网络例句与极端民族主义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The mainstream discourses such as the self-justification, cultural atavism, fetishism of commodity, the extreme nationalism and the elite arts, seem once again to activate the eschatological spiritual incurable diseases like the pills of shaking one's head when somebody drinks them.


In its homeland, the Gulen movement is seen as a counterweight to ultra-nationalism.


Weber was not impressed by the lectures of Treitschke which, because of their extreme nationalism, he considered to be little more than demagogy and propaganda.


Just before he left for Washington, he and his extreme nationalist foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, both secular Jews, persuaded a cabinet majority to accept ultra-Orthodox demands for a new hospital emergency-room to be moved, at high cost, because its previously planned site might contain ancient Jewish graves.


This eruption of Chinese jingoism is nauseating.


This paper analyzes the fascist nationalism and racialism represented by German Nazi in the Second World War .


The Structural and Functional Causes of the Rise of Fascism ;2. The fascism and racialism still exist in today s world.


Security is a three-dimensioned and intensive concept in this science. The logical prerequisite of history of a new concept of security lies in the fact that the present-day international society is faced with a predicament caused by oldened order, imperialism, ultra-nationalism and religionism and non-traditional threat to security. The international community i...


But so far their own behavior, as well as the online gloating of an ultranationalist fringe, has done too little to reassure the outside world that China's rise is something to be celebrated everywhere.

但目前他们自己的行为以及网络上极端民族主义势力的虎视眈眈,很难让外界认为中国的崛起是值得庆贺的。Ultranationalist 极端民族主义

Any frame work and bind of empiricism, doctrinism and those unfavorable to constructing the socialistic culture with Chinese feature, no matter traditional Chinese culture or western culture or the culture of the view of Marxist materialism, should be destructed; any nihilism and arroganism unsuitable for the tendency of globalization and the background of informational era should be animadverted; those extreme ideology featured with the outmoded thought of cold war and the variety of ideology under new background with extreme nationalism as its main content should also be destructed and animadverted.


更多网络解释与极端民族主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"姬田光义(中央大学教授)说:张著"无助于科学的客观的论争,只是在海外'狂热的'( fanatic)氛围中酿成,徒增日本'否定派'之势而已. "姬田在"狂热"之后有一括注:"中国人的极端民族主义".


极端的爱国主义(jingoism)或自大狭隘的民族主义(nationalism)都是人类的发明与幻想,根本不切实际. 事实是,世界上没有两个文化完全相同,就拿美国与中国来比较,有「根本上的不同」──他们重视个人,我们重视家族、团体;他们自我,我们合群;


民族主义的极端就是英国人发明的大国沙文主义(Jingoism);即为了保护本国利益对他国使用暴力或暴力威胁. 民族主义虽然在西方发明,但这个概念早已经臭不可闻,因为它直接导致国家与国家之间的战争,对人类造成毁灭性打击.

Extreme Nationalism:极端民族主义

extraterritoriality 治外法权 | Extreme Nationalism 极端民族主义 | extremism 极端主义




ultramontanism 教皇绝对权力主义 | ultramundane 世界之外的 | ultranationalism 极端民族主义




nationalist:民主主义激进分子;排外的民主主义分子 | ultranationalist:极端民族主义分子 | successor:接班人,继任者

Extreme nationalists:极端的民族主义分子

Deal with Germany's problem 处理德国问题 | Extreme nationalists 极端的民族主义分子 | Make German work for them 强迫德国人为他们劳动


2006年,另一个意大利天主教牧师也在特拉布松(Trabzon)被枪杀. 许多人将这些攻击归咎于漫布于整个土耳其,掺杂着伊斯兰好战主义(Islamic militancy)气息的新极端民族主义. 黑海地区的失业青年尤其倾向于该主义.