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未知领域 的英文翻译、例句


terra incognita
更多网络例句与未知领域相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In our knowledge of Chinese contemporary and modern history, there are still many fields remaining untouched, whose mystery and abstrusity make us feel confused and helpless, just like when we face heaven and ocean. This knowledge can not even be comparable to our understanding of ancient history.


Entering Uncharted Territory Adapting print management systems for bindery operations is not for the feignt of heart.


Gateways to realms unseen for countless eons are open in front of you.


I must avoid my pre-existing knowledge and constructs, and enter my personal terra incognita.


The only way to explore this terra incognita is to build many examples and see if they fit in the space.


Apple Company's symbol has nipped a apple, had indicated they dare to the science to march, exploration terra incognita ideal.


I even journeyed one long summer's day to the summit of the most distant hill, whence I stretched my eye over many a mile of terra incognita, and was astonished to find how vast a globe I inhabited.


The landscape of the human gut is truly terra incognita, says Jeffrey Gordon, a genome scientist at Washington University in St.


In support of the latter view, it must be admitted that the spirit of inquiry and the willingness to risk the unknown were indisputably theirs.


The Keck Interferometer will combine the light of the world's largest optical telescopes, extending our vision to new distances.


更多网络解释与未知领域相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Corpse Bride:(动画)僵尸新娘

对于曾经和蒂姆波顿(Tim Burton)成功地打造了定格动画僵尸新娘(Corpse Bride)的制片人阿里森艾贝特(Allison Abbate)来说,这种类型的作品显然已经不属于什么陌生的未知领域了,艾贝森表示:我觉得,能够成功入住罗尔德达尔的家,

calculus of variations:变分法

变分法(calculus of variations)是处理函数的函数的数学领域.和处理数的函数的普通微积分相对.譬如.这样的泛函可以通过未知函数的积分和它的导数来构造.变分法最终寻求的是极值函数:它们使得泛函取得极大或极小值.有些曲线上的经典问题采用这

terra incognita:未知的领域

这次的全球衰退,摆在各国领导人前面的道路完全是未知的领域(terra incognita). 纽约的中国经济专家罗森(Dan Rosen)认为,美国应该多储蓄、少消费,而中国储蓄率达20%以上,或许就要与美国相反,要多消费、少储蓄.

terra incognita:未知领域

大多数研究者都指出,虽然游记的语体是自传式的,其价值核心来自西方,但它的语言和认识方式却体现了科学和"自然史"的特点,即探险家对"未知领域"(Terra incognita)包括自然景观和异域风情的描述依靠的是科学语言.

rocket launcher:火箭炮

最后再次来到地下,清光所有敌人后沿着发光的道路前进,到达另一个传送点,传送后现在右侧拿到火箭炮(Rocket Launcher)和一个PDA. 人类对于这个未知神秘领域的探索已经不值一次了,而绝大多数的战士都是有去无回,当然也有例外,


> Ⅱ坚定不移 坚定不移(perseverance) 勇气经常包括进入未知领域或做一些能引起惶恐的事情;也包括在困难环境中,能够耐心、坚韧,具备更为顺从的耐力;或者包括在困难的训练中继续前进,决不后退.

undigested manuscripts:未整理的草稿

未沾过血的剑/maiden sword | 未整理的草稿/undigested manuscripts | 未知领域/unknown country

Undiscovered Country:第六部:未知领域

第五部:终极先锋 . Final Frontier | 第六部:未知领域 . Undiscovered Country | 第七部:星空奇兵 . Generations

RAP random amplified polymorphy:随机扩增多态性 通用领域

RAP recurrent abdominal pain 腹痛 未知; | RAP random amplified polymorphy 随机扩增多态性 通用领域; | RAP random amplified polymorphic 随机扩增多态性 生物学;园艺;狩猎、蚕蜂;水产、渔业;

going in quest of new adventure:寻求新的冒险

seeking out uncharted areas 寻找未知的领域 | going in quest of new adventure寻求新的冒险 | expanding horizons拓展视野