英语人>词典>汉英 : 有机组成部分 的英文翻译,例句
有机组成部分 的英文翻译、例句


integral component
更多网络例句与有机组成部分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

College English, an integral part of higher learning, is a required basic course for undergraduate students.


While integral view regards every interim as part of annual accounting period, an integral part of the entire accounting year, but not as discrete accounting period; accounting estimate, cost distribution and treatments of various deferrals and accrued items applied in interim financial report shall take into account cost and expenses to be incurred in the whole year, which shall be distributed to various interims based on annual estimated activity level.


As an integral component of the autocratic monarchy, the system of Eastern Palace i.e.


The first elucidates the meaning and content of the research of mathematical culture, which can be depicted as a powerful dynamic system, the core of which is the mathematics science, and parts are composed of correlated cultural fields which are interfered by mathematical idea, spirit, method, technology and theory such as.


Blood bank sections were activated in Korea, as organic parts of medical supply depots.


BPI and ERP is united together in the evolvement of information.


It can be said that the core of his entire scientific philosophy will be surrounded by the error problem.


Landscape architects could make good use of this feature to deal with the relationship between architecture and environment in order to let architecture to be a part of the continuous landscape.


Thought of Deng Xiaoping economy is the very main organic component that he builds theory of socialism with Chinese feature, it is he regards a contemporary Marxism as the politician the creativity that how the big country of such an economy cultural lag undertakes modernization to China ponders over achievement, the political connotation that its place provides alone produced far-reaching influence to modernization of our country socialism.


Notes and references are an important part of academic works and are essential in achieving academic regularization as well.


更多网络解释与有机组成部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adult education:教育

从百度网上搜索的结果可以看出,成人教育(adult education)是由那些具有成人特质的人承受的教育过程. 这是成人教育有别于普通教育的根本所在. 成人教育是终身教育体系的有机组成部分. 它与普通教育是一种相互依存、相互完善的关系.


他把景观看作是人类生活环境中"空间的总体和视觉所触及的一切整体",把陆圈(geosphere)、生物圈(bio sphere)和理性圈(noosphere)都看作是这个整体的有机组成部分.


Windows Messenger与微软.Net战略的重要组成部分---"冰雹"(HailStorm)计划紧密相关. 即时通讯一直是HailStorm服务的有机组成部分,比如美国万国宝通银行(American Express),它就利用MSN Meseenger对可疑购物行为向顾客提出警告.

organic pollutants:有机污染物

2.2 有机污染物(Organic pollutants) 有机化合物在环境中的表现是由其分子结构,即分子大小,分子形状及所携带的在代谢和毒性作用中起重要作用...美国集装箱安全倡议(CSI)简介 美国集装箱安全倡议(简称CSI)是美国全球反恐战略部署的重要组成部分,


摘要:安全(Safety)、质量(Quality)、进度(Progress)和效益(Benefit)是工程项目系统的有机组成部分,既互相关联、又互相制约. 论述了他们之间的辩证关系和在把握中存在的主要问题,提出了坚持系统管理思想、正确把握各自定位、采取有效的项目管理措施等相关对策.

set out:宣布

DSU或GATT的做法中,并没有与提交DSB事项有关所有请求的主张都必须在申请方第一次向专家组提交的书面文件中宣布(set out)的要求. 宣布申诉方的要求是专家组的权限(DSU第7条规范). 中,是GATTl994的有机组成部分.

Strategic Management:企业战略管理

一、 绩效管理的定义 绩效管理,顾名思义是解决让无形资产有效的创造价值的问题,它针对的是知识、技能和人的管理. 绩效管理既是企业典型的 人力资源管理问题,又是企业 战略管理(Strategic Management)的一个非常重要的有机组成部分.


2 土壤是土地的重要组成部分 肥沃的土壤必须由比例合理的土壤颗粒(PARTIELES)构成有平衡的养分(NUTRIENTS)其中喊有一些有机物质 并有适当的湿度(MOISTURE) 地壳(THE EARTH'S CRUST)大都太坚硬或对作物生产而言养分不平横 同样的

soil microbes:土壤微生物

为了给红桦林的自然更新提供解释与证据,我们调查了红桦坪地区红桦种子的数量、入冬前和过冬后种....中文摘要: 土壤微生物(Soil microbes)是生态系统的重要组成部分,它参与土壤中复杂有机物质的分解和再合成,也参与C、N、S、P等的循环.