英语人>词典>汉英 : 有四种 的英文翻译,例句
有四种 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与有四种相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scientific studies find that the four kinds of daintiness that human can perceive respectively consist in four representative foods: kelp, mushroom, bonito fish, and chicken soup.


There are seven species of monkeys, including the drills; four galagos; two small antelopes; one species of porcupine; one species of tree hyrax; one species of pouched rat; and three species of scaly-tailed squirrels.


There are four distinct species of Tragedy--that being the number of the constituents also that have been mentioned: first, the complex Tragedy, which is all Peripety and Discovery; second, the Tragedy of suffering, e.g. the _Ajaxes_ and _Ixions_; third, the Tragedy of character, e.g. _The Phthiotides_ and _Peleus_.


A study by the European Parliament bemoans the fact that there are four different kinds of European battle tank compared with one in America, and 16 models of armoured fighting vehicle in Europe compared with three in America. America plans in theory to be able to fight two wars in distant places; the Europeans would find it hard to fight one small war close to home without American help.


Second, to replace the rationality that bereaves him by anther rationality, the result lies on the type of the object. Thirdly, he will persist in fighting while low cost. Fourth, eluding the rationality and validity by appealing to personal relation ,this means is influenced by the degree of familiarity. Finally, if the deprivation is rational without legality, except the first,second and fourth means, peasant will take law as a weapon sometimes, and the effect is attached with the balance between the law and tradition.


Through the SPCE061A programming, this design requests us use the single chip microcomputer, PLC or other components to control the LED digital tube and the double color LED lamp on the traffic light control panel, enable the system to have the following functions: The four intersections of the crossroad all have double color LED (gives out red light and green light, superimposes for yellow light) to demonstrate the condition of every channel on the intersections; Each intersection has two digital tubes to demonstrate current traffic light countdown; use the button or other way to simulate the counting of the traffic flow volume.

设计要求通过SPCE061A的编程,使用单片机、PLC或其他器件来控制交通灯控制板上的LED数码管以及双色LED灯,使系统具有以下功能:十字路口的四个路口都有双色 LED (发红、绿光,叠加为黄色光)显示各路口的各条通道状态;每个路口有两位数码管显示当前红绿灯的倒计时;可利用按键或其它的方式模拟对车流量的计数;有四种工作状态:正常工作状态、紧急工作状态、设置状态和查询状态;红绿灯变换时有语音提示;查询时,可语音播报当前路况。

Their common structure and annual changing pattern of mycorhizae are as follows: Fungi infect and form endomycorrhizal structure with plants throughout the latter's grown period, and hyphae exist in the cortical cells of roots in the following four forms: Coffee-colored or yellow big peloton consisting of twisted hyphae; Dust-colored or yellow big peloton consisting of fragmentary hyphae; Colorless scattered hyphae; Orange or yellow small peloton with blurry hyphae.


The four-leaflet clover is an uncommon variation of the common three-leaf clover .


Set is used to handle the static characteristic of a word, which has four types of word meaning relation.


Also said driving, tried to play the version only to provide NESSION 350Z, but some four kind of different color different re-equipping edition chose (partner for you to think this vehicle buttocks oversized, kept off line of sight very much), had under the QUICKPLAY pattern around the city and drifts two kind of patterns: The around the city pattern is four Che Bishui arrives the end point most quickly, this racecourse is not very long, but has several S curves to need to be careful, the vehicles were inferior the previous generation easy to control, feel and NFS5 are similar, belong to the design quite real that kind, when immediately is turning around in particular front of a train if you hold down the acceleration key not to put the automobile to be able in-situ to spin, discharges the big group the smog, the air vent also can torch.

游戏的音频似乎没有特别值得关注的地方,大部分是赛车发出的声音,诸如发动机的轰鸣声和刹车时轮胎摩擦地面发出的声音等,音乐和环境噪声相当的低,有3首歌供选择,还是那种动感十足的 Hiphop 曲风。再说说驾驶,试玩版只提供了一辆 NESSION 350Z ,不过有四种不同颜色不同改装的版本供你选择(偶认为此车屁股过大,很挡视线),在 QUICKPLAY 模式下有环城和漂移两种模式:环城模式还是四辆车比谁最快到达终点,该赛道不是很长,但有几个 S 弯道需要小心,车辆不如上一代易控制,手感和 NFS5差不多,属于设计比较真实的那种,尤其是在马上掉转车头的时如果你按住加速键不放汽车会原地打转,排出大团的烟雾,排气孔还会喷火。

更多网络解释与有四种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


科斯(Ceos)岛,与比特岛(Bute)差不多大,分成了四个城邦. 因而它就有四支军队,四个政府,说不定还有四种不同的历法,并且可能有四种不同的货币和度量衡--虽然实际上情况并非如此. 迈锡尼在有史时期已经萎缩成阿伽门农首都的遗址,


其早期的原型大约有四种不同的称呼: (1)辩护律师(pleader),(2)陈述士或申诉人(narrator),(3)抗辩人(Counteurs),高级律师(Serjeant-Counteurs). 这四种人之间的差别和产生的原因途径等,我们现在因史料的缺乏而无法进行详细的讨论.




实物契约有四种:消费借贷(mutuum),使用借贷(commodatum),寄托(depositum),质押(pignus). 它们的共同点是债不是产生于协议本身(虽然协议是重要的条件),而是产生于对有形物(rescorporalis)的交付. 诺诚契约有四种:买卖(emptiovenditio),


实物契约有四种:消费借贷(mutuum),使用借贷(commodatum),寄托(depositum),质押(pignus). 它们的共同点是债不是产生于协议本身(虽然协议是重要的条件),而是产生于对有形物(rescorporalis)的交付. 诺诚契约有四种:买卖(emptiovenditio),


实物契约有四种:消费借贷(mutuum),使用借贷(commodatum),寄托(depositum),质押(pignus). 它们的共同点是债不是产生于协议本身(虽然协议是重要的条件),而是产生于对有形物(rescorporalis)的交付. 诺诚契约有四种:买卖(emptiovenditio),


quadrifid 四等分 | quadrifoliate 有四叶的 | quadriform 有四种形态的


quadrifoliate 有四叶的 | quadriform 有四种形态的 | quadrifrontal 有四个正面的


quadriform 有四种形态的 | quadrifrontal 有四个正面的 | quadriga 战车

strong interaction:强作用

)它们的相互作用有四种:重力(Gravitation),弱作用(Weak interaction),电磁作用(Electromagnetic interaction)和强作用(Strong interaction). 如果用强作用做标准的话,这四种作用的强弱程度依次大约是10-38:10-12:10-2:1. 重力比起其他三种作用要弱得多,