英语人>词典>汉英 : 春风得意 的英文翻译,例句
春风得意 的英文翻译、例句


ride on the crest of success · extremely proud of one's success · gain senior official position
更多网络例句与春风得意相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although Mrs Clinton's head is in Appalachia's heavenly peaks, only a miracle can save her candidacy now.


People always want to live in its days of brilliance, but it is not possible.


The 'Dillingham had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid $30 per week.


" The "Dillingham had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid $30 per week.


Love is Flushed with Success, as well as Anranxiaohun; What is love?


Naturally, being able to attend college is enough to make one happy, but those of us who have managed to gain entrance to a prestigious university are ecstatic with success.


Listening in the gallery was gangling Jean-Marie Weber, a guest of FIFA, awaiting trial accused of stealing more than 100 million francs from FIFA, a man for whom skies of blue and red roses too might soon be a thing of the past.


EARLIER this year Republicans seemed to be in the ascendant in Arizona, the state of Barry Goldwater, even as they struggled in much of the country.


There was in him the heartiness and intolerant joviality of the prosperous farmer.


Schooled in winning those birds of fine feather among his own sex, the merchants and professionals who visited his resort


更多网络解释与春风得意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Badness eliminating:灭虫害

9我们所热爱的除了和平还是和平 We ardently love peace. | 10 灭虫害 Badness eliminating | 11 春风得意 Ride on the crest of success

beamingly:发光地, 喜气地

beaming | 照耀的, 光亮的, 喜气洋洋的, 愉快的 | beamingly | 发光地, 喜气地 | beamish | 春风得意

Coal Miner's Daughter:春风得意上云霄

翌年他正式为荷里活拍片,首作音乐传记片>(Coal Miner's Daughter)大获好评,得到奥斯卡七项提名,其中女主角茜茜史柏锡(Sissy Spacek)凭该片荣登奥斯卡影后.

Midnight Cowboy:年《午夜牛郎>

1968年: >(The Detective)天皇歌星弗兰克.西纳特拉扮演一名侦破同性恋者遇害案件的侦探,好莱坞第一次将镜头投向了同性恋酒吧和渔1969年:>(Midnight Cowboy)一名得克萨斯牛仔希望在纽约的鸭场春风得意,到头来不仅人财两空,

And thou hast slain the Jabberwock:你已除却流言蜚语了吧

He went galumphing back.他得意洋洋凯旋. | 'And thou hast slain the Jabberwock? 你已除却流言蜚语了吧? | Come to my arms, my beamish boy! 春风得意的孩子,快与我拥抱!


与在灰熊春风得意的盖伊,确立联盟中锋王座的霍华德以及去年的卫冕冠军格林相比,"月亮"(Moon)除了在名字上让人发笑外,并无任何辉煌的履历. 但穆恩的经历却比任何一名球员都要来得坎坷,堪称是一部草根到球星的成长史.


beamingly | 发光地, 喜气地 | beamish | 春风得意的 | beamship | 自正横(指风和浪)

Come to my arms, my beamish boy:春风得意的孩子,快与我拥抱

'And thou hast slain the Jabberwock? 你已除却流言蜚语了吧? | Come to my arms, my beamish boy! 春风得意的孩子,快与我拥抱! | O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'啊,多么快乐!不必躲避!重见天日!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay:啊,多么快乐!不必躲避!重见天日

Come to my arms, my beamish boy! 春风得意的孩子,快与我拥抱! | O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'啊,多么快乐!不必躲避!重见天日! | He chortled in his joy.他抿嘴偷笑.

Double Blessings:春风得意

1983 情结 Endless Knot | 春风得意 Double Blessings | 雾锁南洋之天长地久和狮城拂晓 The Awakening Part 1