英语人>词典>汉英 : 无继承人的 的英文翻译,例句
无继承人的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Escheat Reversion of land held under feudal tenure to the manor in the absence of legal heirs or claimants .


The dead man''s universal successor, however he became so, whether by Will or by Intestacy, was his Heir.


Article 176 If, after a property has been determined by a judgment as ownerless, the owner of the property or his successor appears, such a person may file a claim for the property within the period of limitation specified in the General Principles of the Civil Law.


If you die without heirs, your property will revert to the State.


The seven-month inquiry concluded that "neither the US nor the allies pressed the neutral countries hard enough to fulfil their moral obligation to help Holocaust survivors by redistributing heirless assets for their benefit," according to one official.


But as, under civilized governments which are calculated for the peace of mankind, such a constitution would be productive of endless disturbances, the universal law of almost every nation (which is a kind of secondary law of nature) has either given the dying person a power of continuing his property, by disposing of his possessions by will; or, in case he neglects to dispose of it, or is not permitted to make any disposition at all, the municipal law of the country then steps in, and declares who shall be the successor, representative, or heir of the deceased; that is, who alone shall have a right to enter upon this vacant possession, in order to avoid that confusion, which its becoming again common would occasion.10 And farther, in case no testament be permitted by the law, or none be made, and no heir can be found so qualified as the law requires, still, to prevent the robust title of occupancy from again taking place, the doctrine of escheats is adopted in almost every country; whereby the sovereign of the state, and those who claim under his authority, are the ultimate heirs, and succeed to those inheritances, to which no other title can be formed.


The sources of revenue of the Dynasty mainly included crown lands and private possessions of the Sultans, escheats to the crown and confiscation, tribute and presents, war plunder, normal taxation.


None of the following persons shall act as a witness of a will: persons with no capacity or with limited capacity; successor s and legatees; or persons whose interests are related to those of the successor s and legatees.


None of the following persons shall act as a witness of a will: persons with no capacity or with limited capacity; successors and legatees; or persons whose interests are related to those of the successors and legatees.


And instead of trying to micro-manage his succession, rig the state elections and prepare for endless court battles, when he leaves office at the end of May Mr Duke is going off to America for a music course.


更多网络解释与无继承人的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


haereditas ab intestato 无遗嘱继承人 | haeres 继承人 | haeres natus 亲生的继承人

heir apparent:继承人

1714年前,除了当然继承人(heir apparent)及其妻子以外,其他王室成员是否享有这些头衔和尊称并无明确规定. 1301年起,英格兰国王(及以后的大不列颠国王和联合王国国王)(kings of England(and later Great Britain and the United Kingdom))之长子一般都享有"王储(威尔士王子)和切斯特伯爵"(Prince of Wales and Ear


heirless /无继承人的/ | heirloom /传家之宝/ | heirship /继承人的地位[权利]/继承/


heirless 无继承人的 | heirship 继承人的地位权利 | heist 拦劫


他立刻取得了他的全部法律人格,并且不论他由于"遗嘱"提名,或是根据"无遗嘱"(Intestacy)而继承,"汉来斯"的特殊性质保持不变,这是无须赘述的. "汉来斯"这个名词可以用于"无遗嘱继承人",也可以用于"遗嘱继承人",

lawful successor:合法继承人

"合法继承"(lawful succession)指有遗嘱继承或无遗嘱继承或按照在新界施行的中国习惯法而作出的继承,并包括继承之下的继承;"合法继承人"(lawful successor)指在某原居村民死亡后藉合法继承而有权或成为有权享有该死者遗产权益的任何人(不论是男性或是女性),


subzone 分区,小区 | succession 连续,接续;继任,继承,继承权;演替(生物的) | vacant succession 无主地,继承人不明的遗产


heiress 女继承人 | heirless 无继承人的 | heirloom 传家宝

heirless:无继承人的 (形)

heiress 女继承人 (名) | heirless 无继承人的 (形) | heirloom 传家宝; 相传动产 (名)


浪费人( prodigus)不得管理其财产,应由其族亲为他的保佐人. 八、获释奴( libertus)未立遗嘱而死亡时,如无当然继承人,其遗产归恩主所有. 九、被继承人的债权和债务,由各继承人按其应继分的比例分配之. 十、遗产的分割,按遗产分析诉处理.