英语人>词典>汉英 : 断食 的英文翻译,例句
断食 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
jejunitas  ·  abrosia

更多网络例句与断食相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But turtle strong ability of hunger, even break feed for months and will not be starved to death, disease-resistant strong, and also high survival.


With the master cleanse, you'll subsist on lemon water with cayenne pepper and maple syrup.


If she is greedy and ate too much, she will fast the next day for a day.


She has no doubt that fasting is good for the body.


This study showed that population in Chiayi City didn't have enough recognition to the hazard effect of betel quids; hence, the oral health education should be promoted. Besides, we can screen the high-risk population and find the reasons for which they abused and failed to stop chewing. Furthermore, one can develop effective program for cessation of betel quid chewing and smoking.


In recent years he has tried everything he could to lose weight, including dangerous over-the-counter and prescription pills, trendy diet plans, expensive nutritionists, starvation and, at his most desperate attempts, forcing himself to be bulimic.


One can go on a 1-3 days watermelon diet, eating as much watermelon as one likes and taking no other food. This gives the digestive and eliminative organs a good clean out


I fast twice in the week, 1 give tithes of all that I possess


You have no idea what I have been through, the fastings, the self-denials and the practices.


Born near Trento, Italy, in 1943 graduated in law in 1968. In '68 he established his first photo studio in Milan, working for portraits, fashion, and advertising and as commercials director in Italy, Germany, England, Spain, and USA. After a deep crisis, in '75, back from a troubled journey to Asia, survived from sure death, he decided to undertake a different life starting his inner journey.In '78, during a long fasting period in New York, he began painting as a form of communication between mind and soul. A long trip from darkness to Light. Light is to discover that knowledge on who you are makes one free, the real oneself beyond illusions. and art is a way.

年, Jai Datt 出生于意大利特伦托市,并于1968年毕业于米兰法学专业,一年之后他在米兰成立了摄影工作室,此后的十几年他作为知名的摄影师和商业导演活跃于意大利,德国,英国,美国,西班牙的时尚和音乐制作产业, 1978年在纽约在一次50天的断食之后开始了绘画生涯,他的绘画是他的思想和心灵之间的一种沟通方式以及他的心灵转变过程的记录和再现,换言之,他的绘画过程是一个通往精神明灯的旅程,这盏灯帮助他去探索,发现那个藏在物质幻想背后的真正的自我

更多网络解释与断食相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


abrine 红豆碱;N-甲基色氨酸 | abroach 打开;开罐;开盖 | abrosia 禁食;绝食;断食;饥饿




自然健康的断食排毒原理是建立在配合我们的机体组织、器官能接受的自然方法,我们的身体具有两种相反的功能,消化功能增强时,排泄功能则减弱,反之亦是. [自体溶解](Autolysis)是身体自行分解并消化本身组织的一种生理现象.


还有一种被称为"肠道净化断食法(colon cleansing)",它声称能冲走肠道内的有害细菌和毒素. 这里的问题是,没有一种"清洁剂"(cleanser)具有分辨健康菌和非健康菌的能力--实际上,我们的肠道内充满了保卫健康的"好"细菌.


* 21天瘦身计划/ 21 Days Slimming Program | * 断食排毒/ Detox | * 美容排毒水/ Beauty Detox Juice


fasono (服装)式样 | fasti 斋戒;断食 | favora 偏爱的;优惠的,有利

go on hunger strike:绝食

断食:skip a meal | 绝食:go on hunger strike | 一流:top-flight


换句话说,断食要有节制,毫无节制的断食,不但无法养生,还可能引起营养不良及肉体挨饿(starvation)的严重问题. "挨饿"(starve)这个词源自古老英语"steorfan",意思是"死亡状态". 简单的说,让一个人挨饿,即表示他耗尽身体里的营养储存量,

absinthic oil:苦艾油

"禁食,绝食,断食,饥饿","abrosia" | "苦艾油","absinthic oil" | "苦艾","absinthium"

