英语人>词典>汉英 : 散布 的英文翻译,例句
散布 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
buzz  ·  diffusion  ·  dispersal  ·  dispersion  ·  distribute  ·  intersperse  ·  interspersion  ·  perfuse  ·  permeate  ·  scatter  ·  shed  ·  sow  ·  spread  ·  stud  ·  seminate  ·  distributes  ·  intersperses  ·  interspersing  ·  perfused  ·  perfuses  ·  perfusing  ·  permeated  ·  permeates  ·  permeating  ·  scatters  ·  sheds  ·  sows  ·  studs  ·  spraid

put about
更多网络例句与散布相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation are the two major strategies that alien invasive plants can adapt habitat heterogeneity.The polymorphism of invasive plants and the diversity of their dispersal way enable them occupying invaded habitat quickly,and dispersing with a far range.The breeding strategies that agamogenesis and amphigenesis can coexist and trade off according to the habitat and invasive stage can not only promote the invasive population erupted massively,but also directly affect the dispersal mechanism and regulate the genetic structure of the population.


First, in the composite hypothesis testing, circular dispersion error which is more practicable than horizontal and vertical error is used to discuss some problems of the dispersion of impact points; and the critical area of decision in the dispersion problem is analyzed; the specific expression of Bayesian risk is worked out, which ameliorates the method that only can get the approximate solution by calculating numerical integration.


To asperse is to spread unfavorable charges or insinuations against

Asperse 是散布对某人不利的攻击或散布影射某人的话

It is not appropriate to spread rumors at this critical moment. I don't think those who spread rumor will be killed but they will surely be jailed for a while.


The article respectively gives the radius of bomblet dispersion s equivalent eirtle and determmation and evaluation methods on dispersion homogeneity quotas based on the assumption condition of homogeneous dispersion by means of normal distribution.


The basic structure of the inflorescence is the cyme (branchlets arising from the bracteole axils, the bracteoles serving as bracts for upper flowers), which can be reduced to one flower with two bracteoles and a bract. Units of dispersal vary considerably (capsules opening with lower part persistent, flower and bracteoles falling together, or cymose partial inflorescences breaking off above bract) and can be characteristic for genera. Several genera possess long trichomes serving dispersal at the base of the tepals.

花序的基本的结构是聚伞花序小枝起因于bracteole腋,散布的单位变化多样(蒴果开裂下半部分的宿存,花和小苞叶一起脱落,或部分聚伞花序在苞片以上裂开并且可以作为属的特征一些属在花被片的基部有长的毛状体用于散布Digera arvensis Forssk吗?

Planar discrete clothoid splines and discrete clothoid spline surfaces of Schneider and Kobbelt are just constructed by assuming that the curvature of the curves or surfaces is piecewise linearly distributed.


We give a classifier design method based on sun-class division, bring forward a new divisibility rule, and can ascertain the number of sub-class by training.


Finally, the hydrobomb's dispersion in different depths under different directions and velocities of seawater is studied and discussed in many kinds of initial condition.


In the interspersed repeats (SINEs, LINEs, LTR elements, DNA elements), SINEs and LINEs occur most frequently, LTR elements occur less and DNA elements occur the least frequently.

散布重复序列中,短散布重复序列和长散布重复序列出现的最多;长末端重复序列出现的较少,而DNA elements出现的最少。散布重复序列在大鼠和小鼠内含子中分别占插入序列总长度的33%和35%;散布重复序列在大鼠和小鼠内含子中分别占缺失序列总长度的18%和15%。

更多网络解释与散布相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abnormal distribution:非正态散布

正态散布 normal distribution | 非正态散布 abnormal distribution | 图表 graph

scattered data point:散布资料点

"散布读入操作","scatter read operation" | "散布资料点","scattered data point" | "散射晶种","scattered seeds"

Scatter diagram:散布图

第九章 散布图(Scatter Diagram) 一、前言 散布图有以下的作用: ⒈能大概掌握原因与结果之间是否有关联及关联的程度如何. 图2-1. ⒉能检查离岛现象是否存在. 图2-2. ⒊原因与结果关联性高时,二者可互为替代变数. 对于过程参数或产品特性的掌握,



dispersion relations:散布关系

光色散 dispersion of light | 散布关系 dispersion relations | 大气散布作用 dispersion to the atmosphere


intersperse among 散布于 | intersperse 散布 | interspersion 散布

scatter assembly:散布组件 散布组件

scanner 扫描仪 扫瞄器 | scatter assembly 散布组件 散布组件 | scenario 实例 案例


scatterdiagram散布图 | scattergram散布图 | scatterplot散布


diffused 散布的 | diffusedly 散布地 | diffusedness 散布

put about:散布, 传播(谣言等)

interspersed with 散布; 点缀 | put about 散布, 传播(谣言等) | scatter about 撒, 使散布在各处