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散布图 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

scatter diagram
更多网络例句与散布图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sequences of 28S rDNA across Acari, though with variable region, were not randomly distributed, with the expansion segments being more variable than the core regions and with an increasing sequence divergence with taxonomic distances.

散布图显示,转换取代与颠换取代有类似的线性变化;支序分析及群聚分析的亲缘关系显示,同科及同属内的成员都群聚的很好,全爪蟎属与小爪蟎属的亲缘关系近,与叶蟎属较近的是岩蟎属。28S rDNA的序列特性显示,其核心序列适合分析较高阶的蟎蜱亲缘,而展延区则可应用於低阶的分析。

The principle of scatter diagram,the methodology of obtaining interrelated coef- ficient between parameters,is proposed to be applied in system safety engineering.


Production Process Control and Quality Control is the main scope for application of statistics, which is about monitoring the processes of production by using statistical methods, thus achieves the guarantee and the improvement of quality. The commonly used statistical methods include Control Diagram, Pareto Diagram, Causes and Effects Diagram, Scatter Diagram, Histogram and so on.


The Scatter Diagram helps to identify the existence of a measurable relationship between two...them in pairs and plotting them on a graph.

散布图 一、前言散布图有以下的作用:⒈能大概掌握原因与结果之间是否有关联及关联的程度如何。

In the meantime, the peak value of structure resonance contributes little to the response. The distribution of vertical displacement and wave bending moment of transverse section, which is along the direction of the floating structure length, appears unsymmetrical character. According to the wave scatter diagram of BI sea area of northwest pacific, which is in fairly calm condition, the amplitude values of long term prediction of wave bending moment in midsection and deck bending stress are quite large.


In the scatter diagram for PC1 and PC2, 6 (1/3) individuals with intermediate morphologies were located in the contact zone between C. mollissima and C. henryi, which may provide morphological evidence for hybridization between C. mollissima and C. henryi.


Pass to proceed the covariance to the unqualified article in quantity in product in factory rate first, analysis, find out to design the useful data to this, apply the in common use method that quantity manage completely, then adoption arrange the diagram proceeds the covariance to the unqualified article, making sure to cause unqualified and main reason in product, apply cause and effect analysis the diagram method finds out the main factor that affect the quantity, then make use of the scatter diagram, keeping the square diagram, controling the diagram to the main influence the factor proceed the analysis, evaluation, certain improvement counterplan, find out the best project, then proceed the technique economic evaluation.


There are many algorithms for these parameters. The aim of this study is to use scatter plots to analysis the accuracy of the parameters calculated using these algorithms.


Based on the results of principal components analysis, specimens clustered together by scatter plots of scores could not be divided. It indicated that there is no morphological diversification under species level.


RCBF and Td were obtained using three kinds of SVD techniques; besides, rMTT was calculated as rCBV/rCBF. Scatter plots were used to observe the relations between different parameters and cerebrovascular diseases.


更多网络解释与散布图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scatter diagram:散布图

第九章 散布图(Scatter Diagram) 一、前言 散布图有以下的作用: ⒈能大概掌握原因与结果之间是否有关联及关联的程度如何. 图2-1. ⒉能检查离岛现象是否存在. 图2-2. ⒊原因与结果关联性高时,二者可互为替代变数. 对于过程参数或产品特性的掌握,

Scatter diagram:散布图分析

109 Sampling without replacement 不放回抽样 | 110 Scatter diagram 散布图分析 | 111 Scrap 报废

Special Pie Chart:(特殊的饼图)

1:Special Pie Chart(特殊的饼图) | 2:Simple Point Chart(简单点状图,或称XY散布图) | 3:Stacked Point Chart(均匀点状图)

wave scatter diagram:波浪散布图

wave scale 浪级 | wave scatter diagram 波浪散布图 | wave selector 波段开关

correlation scatter diagram:相关散布图

correlation ratio 相关比 | correlation scatter diagram 相关散布图 | correlation study 相关研究

Scatter plot:散布图

4.散布图(scatter plot)在对於下列哪一种相关的判断特别重要?察,请问下列有关此研究的叙述何者适切? (1)研究者的田野笔记(field notes)应该针对研究情境及相关人事物做真实描20. 下列有关传记研究(biographical study)的叙述,何者正确?1.自变项(independent variable)与依变项(dependent variable)3.实验的内在效度(interna


scatterdiagram散布图 | scattergram散布图 | scatterplot散布图

bin coverage scattergram:面元复盖散布图

bin coverage map 面元复盖图 | bin coverage scattergram 面元复盖散布图 | bin coverage 面元复盖

Simple Point Chart:(简单点状图,或称XY散布图)

1:Special Pie Chart(特殊的饼图) | 2:Simple Point Chart(简单点状图,或称XY散布图) | 3:Stacked Point Chart(均匀点状图)

Splay Shape:扩展型[出生图型态] 行星在出生图中不规则的散布, 而且有些成群的型态

Splash Shape 散落型[出生图型态] 在出生图中每一行星皆位在不同星座的... | Splay Shape 扩展型[出生图型态] 行星在出生图中不规则的散布, 而且有些成群的型态 | Square 四分相[相位] 两星或星与基本点间成九十度的视...