英语人>词典>汉英 : 散布者 的英文翻译,例句
散布者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
diffuser  ·  diffusor  ·  distributor  ·  spreader

更多网络例句与散布者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Zhejiang saves standing committee of Hangzhou city National People's Congress to decide legislation purifies network environment, will rise on May 1 from this year, demagoguery, make the person that transmit virus will get of law penalize.


The other bank of the stream was open ground - a gentle aclivity topped with a stockade of vertical tree trunks, loop-holed for rifles, with a single embrasure through which protruded the muzzle of a brass cannon commanding the bridge.


As a distinguished American scientist, world expert on radiation, and winner of major international awards for science, Dr Bertell is no scaremonger.


You can have a lot of free manpower to serve, take along sth to sb person your thought and purpose, like thinking virus, distribute in the network come.


Secondary pollinators are diurnal hawk moths and butterflies. Bombus briviceps and Bombus sp. are nectar gatherers. The mean nectar sugar concentration is 29.5%. The proport ion of seed is 86. 5%. Percentage seed germination under controlled conditions is 23.1 %. Distances that seeds are ejected ranged from 0.58-1.17 m. The distances that pollen spread is 29cm. Pollen viability is highest on the day of anthesis and thereafter decreased.


Police discloses, cui true suicide before today, ever received the telephone call in the rumormonger on the net.


Head Er police still discloses say: Cui true suicide before today, ever received the telephone call in the rumormonger on the net, hope she can cancel lawsuit.


His life experience is far more important than the remnant bits and pieces disseminated by Tibetan exiles.


Our company will depend on the development of the situation and the spread of the rumor spreaders shall be held liable.


That is, as its name implies,"backdoor Trojan dove gray," the producers of this Trojan horse of the terminal into a file size of only 270-280k since the release of the installation of the cabinet, and those who spread malicious normally be caught in some Paper, film or program within the cabinet in order to cover up the purpose of such a "cabinet" is usually in the form of a since the release of the cabinet, but in general since the release of the compressed lies in a different package - a walk in the compression Notes〗〖package, adding a few lines of this order parameter


更多网络解释与散布者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


demagogog /群众煽动家/ | demagogue /煽动者/群众煽动者/ | demagoguery /群众煽动/煽动行为/散布谣言/


demagogue /煽动者/群众煽动者/ | demagoguery /群众煽动/煽动行为/散布谣言/ | demagogy /煽动家之行为/方法/


\\"散播性血管内凝血\\",\\"disseminated intravascular coagulation,DIC\\" | \\"散布者\\",\\"disseminator\\" | \\"脱敏(作用)\\",\\"dissensitization\\"


fearlessly 勇敢地 | fearmonger 散布恐惧者 | fearnaught 粗绒大衣呢


circumnavigator 周游世界者 | promulgator 发表者,广布者,散布者 | interrogator 询问者,质问者


talebearer /说小话的人/搬弄是非者/散播谣言者/ | talebearing /说小话/散布谣言/ | talented /俊/天才/隽/有才能的/多才的/

talebearing:打小报告, 散布谣言 (名)

talebearer 揭人隐私者, 散播谣言者, 搬弄是非者 (名) | talebearing 打小报告, 散布谣言 (名) | talent scout 星探; 人才发掘者


sower播种者,散布者,煽动者 | vower发誓者,宣誓者 | hoaxer欺骗者


rumorhearsay 传闻 | rumormonger 散布谣言者 | rumormonger 造谣者


borrower借用者,供用者 | tomorrower做事拖延者 | sower播种者,散布者,煽动者