英语人>词典>汉英 : 撕咬 的英文翻译,例句
撕咬 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
worry  ·  sool  ·  worries

更多网络例句与撕咬相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The time budget of reproductive behavior was as following: amplexus(67%), wrestle(17%), and bites(15%). Based on the description of behavior, we also discussed the mechanism of behaviors.


The behaviors included stillness behavior, social behavior, playing behavior, feeding behavior, and reproductive behavior (advertisement call, aggression, dislodge, bite, wrestle, amplexus, amplexus error, reject, oviposition).


Stick with the big pieces, and your dog will get the hang of chewing its food very quickly.


They were sometimes shown in groups in cemeteries or underground passages, and often appeared to be in battle over their prey -- or rather, their treasure-trove. And what damnable expressiveness Pickman sometimes gave the sightless faces of this charnel booty! Occasionally the things were shown leaping through open windows at night, or squatting on the chests of sleepers, worrying at their throats.


Su Wong-Shen's artworks reflect contemporary social phenomenon indirectly. He uses dog's figures to mock human's desire and violence in contemporary society. Dog's characteristic of attack and tear demonstrate human's rude and aggressive behavior. Dogs and animals represent greed, contemptibility, no benevolence and righteousness, which can be used to mock desire hidden behind human.


We waited for the cut of teeth.


For to continue to be such as thou hast hitherto been, and to be tom in pieces and defiled in such a life, is the character of a very stupid man and one overfond of his life, and like those half-devoured fighters with wild beasts, who though covered with wounds and gore, still intreat to be kept to the following day, though they will be exposed in the same state to the same claws and bites.


According to "The Tiger"(the reference is to Anderson, 1954), a tigress was bayed by 7 dogs, and was "fast becoming spent" by one occassionally rushing in and biting her as she "was kept going continuously".


With the crocodile snapping its powerful jaws furiously, the two animals somersaulted and grappled.


I see that when they tear their hair with the effort to comprehend, to seize this forever unattainable, I see that when they bellow like crazed beasts and rip and gore, I see that this is right, that there is no other path to pursue. A man who belongs to this race must stand up on the high place with gibberish in his mouth and rip out his entrails.


更多网络解释与撕咬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大部分只吃肉,有的吃水果和蘑菇熊(Bear) 高低中 什么都吃,最好养的 野猪(Boar) 中中中 不能学利爪,什么都吃 秃鹰(Carrion Bird) 中中中 只吃鱼,肉 猫科(Cat) 中高低 只吃鱼,肉,攻击速度较快 螃蟹(Crab) 低中高 不能学撕咬,

Unease, confusedness:不安、迷茫

不易察觉的一丝丝 Those tiny little undetectable, | --不安、迷茫 Unease, confusedness, | 撕咬着心灵 Scratching the soul,

Disembodied Protector:虛實的守護者 虛實的保衛者

Mana Snapper 法力怒罵者 法力撕咬獸 | Disembodied Protector 虛實的守護者 虛實的保衛者 | Unstable Voidwraith 不穩定的虛無鬼魂 不穩定的虛無怨靈

that I had to draw aside to see:我不得不抽身在旁

all our flesh was like a veil 我俩的肉躯像是顶面纱, | that I had to draw aside to see 我不得不抽身在旁, | the serpent eat its tail. 来看这蛇撕咬自己尾巴.


只吃鱼,肉 猩猩(Gorilla) 高中低 不能学利爪,吃水果,蘑菇 鬣狗(Hyena) 中中中 不能学利爪,吃水果和肉 猫头鹰(Owl) 中高低 不能学撕咬,只吃肉 迅猛龙(Raptor) 低高中 只吃肉 蝎子(Scorpid) 中低高 不能学撕咬,

They could tear at my flesh:他们可以撕咬我的肉

It would be worth it.|就算那样也值得 | They could tear at my flesh.|他们可以撕咬我的肉 | Oh, this is bad.|哦,太糟了

Toothy Bite,Serrated Bite:尖牙撕咬

Toasted Smorc,Toast Smorc,燒烤史馬克 | Toothy Bite,Serrated Bite,尖牙撕咬 | Torch,Light Torch,火炬

Do they dream of mauling zebras:是撕咬斑马呢

When they take a little tiger snooze?|想的是什?? | Do they dream of mauling zebras|是撕咬斑马呢 | Or Halle Berry in her catwoman suit?|还是穿猫女装的荷莉?贝瑞?

This saber tooth has enormous canines for slashing flesh:这只剑齿虎拥有巨大的牙齿用以撕咬

...for more ferocious and much faster four-legg... | This saber tooth has enormous canines for slashing flesh...|这只剑齿虎拥有巨大的牙齿用以撕咬 | ...but even these teeth can't efficiently scrape a ca...

Flowstone Mauler:液石撕咬兽

99Mogg Infestation莫葛大侵袭SH | 100Flowstone Mauler液石撕咬兽SH | 101Spike Colony钉兽群落SH