英语人>词典>汉英 : 摇滚舞 的英文翻译,例句
摇滚舞 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与摇滚舞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In his profligate history, it would figure out 26 males, connecting with him, Illustration below: manly and sturdy tennis coach, dorky and orthodox junior teacher, paranoiac and hallucinatory youthy artist, enchanting and profligate steel-tube gigolo, extreme and maniac X-sportsman, paternally and workmanlike naval veteran, hot and luminescent fireman, fresh and green senior high school student, aristocracy and quintessential editor in chief of Chic-Chic, destitute and glamorous waiter, degage and leisurely world-class chef, get-up-and-go bonny yardman, intelligent and gorgeous aerobus captain, corporeal and pointed fashion model, humourous and enticing masseur, combative and confident cop, buddhist and devout yoga coach, formal and screen-fitted news announcer, logical and rational psychologist, hysteria and depraved rock musician, aspirant and remarkable diving athlete, demanding and indigestible plastic surgeon, stray and exclusive married pater, subtle and capricious columnist.


Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and rock, but they ALSO have their own characteristics.


Everybody in the whole cell block Was dancin to the jailhouse rock.


Like psychedelia and the 10-minute guitar solo gained prominence.


Sour at the decade's changing mood, his thirtysomething heroes console themselves with drink and "frugging".


Well, I know that you're in love with himThree stars of early rock and roll and their pilot are killed in a plane crash near Clear Lake, lowa.


Today, at a hard rock concert, a bunch of guys accidentallyknocked down a port-a-potty while moshing.

FML 今天,重摇滚音乐会上,大群人随着劲歌热舞突然猛砸一座简易厕所。

Televisions cluttered the stage, while, with a craftsman's touch he debunked the mystique of a rock gig: the Green Room where the band intermittently rested was actually on stage, the roadies' work with the ever changing backdrops wasn't hidden and before the encore, Hayes's clothes change was silhouetted for all to see.


I am most willing to put wind chimes sound evolved into a cheerful young rock and roll or hip-hop.


更多网络解释与摇滚舞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acid Rock:迷幻摇滚乐

如在饮食方面:绿色食品(green food)、肯德基(Kentucky)、麦当劳(McDonald's)等. 英语词汇运用到艺术、娱乐、体育方面,如:爵士乐(jazz music)、肥皂剧(soap opera)、迷幻摇滚乐(acid rock)、摇滚舞音乐 (big beat)等. 大众传媒迅速发展使不同文化相互融合,

Do you like my Acid Rock:你喜欢我的旧式摇滚吗

Do you like to boogie-woogie 你喜欢布吉舞吗 | Do you like my Acid Rock 你喜欢我的旧式摇滚吗 | Hey Mister D.J. put a record on 喂,D.J.,先等下

Boogie SuperStar:摇滚乐超级明星[欧]

0153 - Bratz: Girlz Really Rock - 贝兹娃娃 女孩本摇滚[美] | 0152 - Boogie SuperStar - 摇滚乐超级明星[欧] | 0150 - Dancing with the Stars: We Dance! - 与星共舞:我们共舞[美:改]

Velvet Goldmine:紫醉金迷

6、>(Velvet Goldmine)1998年 影片再现了英国华丽摇滚在20世纪70年代早期时的景象. 艺名为Maxwell Demon的华丽摇滚明星Brian Slade预言了自己将死于舞台上,当他的遇刺骗局被揭露后,他的星途就走到了尽头. 10年后,

pop music:流行歌曲

本文艺活动内容包括有街舞(hiphop dance),风物游戏(韩国民俗音乐),欧美流行歌曲(pop music)及摇滚音乐(rock)等各种音乐表演,和还甚至展开韩国传统傩戏,假面舞和赏月舞等丰富多彩的韩国传统民俗表演.


但却出乎意外谢龙罗宾士(Jerome Robbins)长城风骏皮卡4.7万于1957年的<<长城迪尔皮卡汽车报价随著一九二零年纽奥良的黑人们开始演奏其爵士音乐以来,就流行许多以混会体方式的摇滚型舞蹈,如查尔斯登舞(Charleston),西迷舞(Shimmy),琳蒂舞(Lindy)等均盛行一时,

The Pick Of Destiny:摇滚之神

Hard Candy 水果硬糖 | The Pick Of Destiny 摇滚之神 | Save The Last Dance II 舞出一片天2

touchstone:试金石, 标准

concave joint 凹(圆接)缝 | touchstone 试金石, 标准 | rocksteady (起源于牙买加的)慢拍摇滚乐 慢拍摇滚舞


5 <<霹雳舞>>(Breakin')是1984年流行的美国电影,说的是一群城市霹雳舞者受到考验与磨难的故事. 这部电影1980年代中期在中国非常卖座. 它甚至启发了第五代导演田壮壮拍摄<<摇滚青年>>. 9Andre Malraux(1901-1976),法国二十世纪重要作家,


<<摇滚梦>>(Starstruck)1982年 这是一部不需要知道故事,不需要知道导演,也能够随之摇摆狂舞的摇滚电影!俗套的剧情:女孩怀着摘星梦,女孩的母亲失业,家庭陷入危机,女孩参加歌唱比赛,女孩遇见男孩,男孩失去女孩,男孩赢回女孩芳心.