英语人>词典>汉英 : 援助 的英文翻译,例句
援助 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aid  ·  assist  ·  assistance  ·  ministration  ·  reenforce  ·  reenforcement  ·  subvention  ·  succor  ·  succour  ·  support  ·  supported  ·  supports  ·  subventionize  ·  aiding  ·  aids  ·  assists  ·  reenforced  ·  reenforcing  ·  succored  ·  succoring  ·  succors  ·  succoured  ·  succouring

minister to
更多网络例句与援助相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The thesis is based on the angel of the the theory of social justices , and the construction of the social harmony. From the perspective of the employment aid in the urban areas, the thesis sets forth the concrete content , analyses the policy drawbacks and systematic reasons for the current Employment policy and Law in terms of the employment post aid, policy aid , law aid , service aid, and social security aid, and builds an effecive system for the concrete policies in a macroscopic way ,...更多so as to provide policy suggestions for further perfection of the employment aid for our party and government.


The Chinese aid policy changed according to its third world policy. From 1950 to 1964, China offered aid not only to the North Korea and the North Vietnam invaded by the U.S., but also to the other countries carrying on anti-imperialism struggle.


After Cold War, the status of Foreign Aid declined in the U.S national stratagem and its fund has been decreased to a level of less than a third of that in peak. After 9.11 Events, the global stratagem of the U.S changed in a large degree and transferred its core to Antiterrorism and anti-diffusion of weapons of mass destruction. At that time, the U.S drew its attention back to the Foreign Aid, such as Political Aid, Military Aid and Economic Aid, and took it as a powerful tool in global antiterrorist stratagem.


Therefore, this dissertation will elaborate the following major theoretic and practical issues of legal aid system in connection with the new promulgated Regulations on Legal Aid, for doing great to bestead correct understanding and enforcem


Based philosophically on the role theory of sociology,especially the Symbolica Interaction Theory,namely Role Play by Miller,Impression Management and Drama-imitating Theory by Erving Goffman,as well as the author's long-time teaching experinces and observation through the method of cross-disciplinary research on the previous foreign and domestic research results,the thesis demostrates and analyzes pedagogically,psychologically and administratively the main roles of teachers' in teaching and the regulation of their behaviors.


In order to discuss the effect appraisal method for the technical assistance projects in urban transportation,the paper,beginning from the definition,analyzes the characteristics of technical assistance,inspects one of the assistance projects training,and offers the method of Kirkpatrick model .


Your love addicted me Just a little taste Shoot my love And hit me like a drum Hey, hey, hey I feel the mambo aea The mambo aea You make my heart boom Hey, hey, hey Just like a mambo aea I let it out Mambo aea Play the game And get me hypnotized Wonna feel that vibe So hey now Mr. Wiz Get the magic done Let me sway up high Baby here I am Hey, hey, hey I feel the mambo aea The mambo aea You make my heart boom Hey, hey, hey Just like a mambo aea I let it out Mambo aea Hey, hey, hey I feel the mambo aea The mambo aea You make my heart boom Hey, hey, hey Just like a mambo aea I let it out Mambo aea


Emergency aid, development aid, agronomical aid, bread-and-butter advice. Billions of dollars account of it.


China will continue to offer assistance to Africa within its means, including assistance gratis, concessional loans and interest-free loans


China will continue to offer assistance to Africa within its means, including assistance gratis, concessional loans and interest-free loans.


更多网络解释与援助相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aid in kind:实物援助

aid given gratis 无偿援助 | aid in kind 实物援助 | aided design 辅助设计

aid sb in doing sth:援助某人做某事

agree with sb. 同意,(天气,食物)适合;一致 | aid sb in doing sth 援助某人做某事 | aid sb with sth 援助某人某事

legal aid:法律援助

"受助人"(aided person) 指已获发给法律援助证书的人,而该证书仍然有效; (由1984年第54号第2条修订)"法官"(judge) 指高等法院法官或区域法院法官(视属何情况而定); (由1998年第25号第2条修订)"法律援助"(legal aid) 指根据本条例的条文给予的法律援助;

legal aid:法律援助 法律援助

legal age 法定年龄 法定年龄 | legal aid 法律援助 法律援助 | legal aide 法律助理 法律助理

Foreign Aid:对外援助

再以对外援助(foreign aid)为例. 中国虽然人均收入仍低,但是已经向包括非洲在内的不少国家给予援助. 此等资助不一定是无条件的. 老实说,真的无条件地帮助别人的国家不多,挪威、瑞典是比较接近的两个例子. 日本几十年来的外国援助以经济目的为主,

Helping Hand:援助的手;援助

She often helps her son with his homework. 她常帮助她儿子做作业. | helping hand.援助的手;援助: | Mr. Wang is always ready to give others a helping hand. 王先生一向乐于助人.

Legal Aid Office:法律援助办事处

Legal Aid Act;法律援助法;; | Legal Aid Office;法律援助办事处;; | legal aid; legal assistance;法律援助;;

multilateral aid:多边援助

多边援助(multilateral aid)是指多边国际机构利用成员国捐款、认缴股本、优惠贷款及在国际资金市场借款或业务收益等,按照他们制定的援助计划向发展中国家或地区提供的援助.


日本在全球问题上以"政府开发援助"(ODA)为中心,开展了内容丰富、范围广泛、方式多样的多种援助. 自1990年以来,凭借其雄厚的经济实力,对亚非拉等地区的广大发展中国家提供援助,连续成为世界第一援助大国. 面对日益严峻的全球问题,

lend a helping hand:伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力

give a helping hand 伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力 | lend a helping hand 伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力 | stretch out a helping hand 伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力