英语人>词典>汉英 : 拇 的英文翻译,例句
拇 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与拇相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bunion 拇囊肿: a painful swelling on the side of the big toe, partly down to the anatomy of the foot and worsened by ill-fitting shoes


20 cases of severed hallux were successfully replanted in our department.


The pathological changes of hallux valgus are diversity, including adduct of metatarsus primus, increasing of the intermetatarsal angle between the first and second metatarsal bones, increasing of hallux valgus angle, dislocation of sesamoides, lost of soft tissue balancing. X-ray is the most important method to measure the pathological changes of hallux valgus.


RESULTS: Anatomical observation revealed that, the flexor pollicis longus muscle was located in a ring structure consisted of sesamoid and intersesamoid ligament. When the first metacarpophalangeal joint over-flexed or over-extended, the extension tendon was apt to be injured because of augmental friction between sesamoid and the extension tendon.


Eggers used a part of the extensor carpi radialis longus as a tendon transfer through a drilled hole on the ulnar side of the thumb metacarpal base, and Slocum and Kestler had treated traumatic thumb carpometacarpal joint dislocations with a palmaris longus graft or an extensor pollicis brevis graft, respectively.

Eggers 用部分长伸肌腱通过掌故基部尺侧区的钻孔, Slocum 和Kestler 分别采用掌长腱或短伸肌腱移植术。

Because heel is high, human body weighs heart reach, more heavy sufficient the trend that pushs ahead, force Mu foot to slant outwards crooked, form bag of Mu foot evaginate, Mu phlogistic, red, aching, serious person dare not wear a shoe, on foot the 2nd foot forms; weight state toe is unbalanced.


The pathological changes of hallux valgus are diversity, including adduct of metatarsus primus, increasing of the intermetatarsal angle between the first and second metatarsal bones, increasing of hallux valgus angle, dislocation of sesamoides, lost of soft tissue balancing.


RESULTS: Anatomical observation revealed that, the flexor pollicis longus muscle was located in a ring structure consisted of sesamoid and intersesamoid ligament. When the first metacarpophalangeal joint over-flexed or over-extended, the extension tendon was apt to be injured because of augmental friction between sesamoid and the extension tendon.


Objective: To provide anatomic basis for pectoranis minor muscle transplantation by vessels and nerves anastomosis to reconstruct thumb opposition function. Methods: The blood supply and nerve innervation of pectoralis minor muscle, the comparison of the morphology and dimension of both pectoralis minor muscle and thenar muscle were investigated on 20 sides of adult cadaveric thoraxes and hands. According to the locations of the vessels and nerves of the pectoralis minor, the clipped pectoralis minor muscle at the same side were transplanted and fixed to thenar muscles with the same direction of thenar muscle fiber. After that, the process of dragging simulating opposition movement of hand were performed and observed.


One - stage reconstruction of opposition function or plastic surgery were performed for patients with combination of contracture of adductors and function impairment of abductors pollicis and injury of bone and joint.


更多网络解释与拇相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abductor hallucis:拇展肌

趾短伸肌 extensor digitorum brevis | 展肌 abductor hallucis | 短屈肌 flexor hallucis brevis

thumb adduction restoration:拇内收功能重建

thulium vapor laser 铥蒸汽激光器 | thumb adduction restoration 内收功能重建 | thumb base arthrosis 指掌指关节病

bastard wing:拇翼

bastard tuck pointing 凸勾缝 | bastard wing 翼 | bastard-sawing 弦锯

bunion:拇滑液囊肿 拇囊炎

buninoid 丘状的 | bunion 滑液囊肿 囊炎 | bunitrolol 布尼洛尔


07.0245 趾 toe | 07.0246 趾 hallux | 07.0247 毒腺 poison gland, venom gland

Hallux valgus:拇外翻

外翻(Hallux Valgus)是指足趾向第二足趾倾斜,足趾根部即跖骨内侧局部膨大. 膨大实际上是因为额外的骨质增生骨赘和足趾轴线的不良所致. 外翻的发病主......

hallux varus:拇内翻

Hallux valgus 外翻 | Hallux varus 内翻 | High fever 高热

hallux varus:拇趾内翻

Genu Valgum : 膝外翻 | Hallux Varus: 趾内翻 | Hammer toe : 锤状趾


hallachrome 红痣素,多巴色素 | hallex 趾, | hallucinosis 幻觉症

pollical:拇的 拇指的

pollexvarus 内翻 | pollical 指的 | pollicismuscles