英语人>词典>汉英 : 拇囊 的英文翻译,例句
拇囊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The deformity of the foot shown here is known as a "bunion" and represents protrusion of the MP joint.


High heels will not cause the thumb bursitis, but the performance will increase inflammation.


Please Huanyi cabinet put some low-heel shoes, shoes that turn, can help reduce the incidence of thumb bursitis, bone and joint are stretched for space and time.


When the foot on the shoe, the body tilted forward, increasing the pressure makes the thumb bone inflammation of bursitis is more important.


Haycock notes some oerweight children suffer foot pain from congenital or inherited foot conditions, such as bunions, hammertoes, pediatric flatfoot and tarsal coalition, an abnormal connection between two or more bones in the back of the foot.


Because heel is high, human body weighs heart reach, more heavy sufficient the trend that pushs ahead, force Mu foot to slant outwards crooked, form bag of Mu foot evaginate, Mu phlogistic, red, aching, serious person dare not wear a shoe, on foot the 2nd foot forms; weight state toe is unbalanced.


Long hallux valgus deformity degree of increase will cause a lot of serious complications, such as bursitis swollen thumb, claw toes, corns, foot, etc.; these complications not only affect the foot function


Shoes that do not fit can cause bunions, corns, calluses, hammertoes and other disabling foot disorders.


Have surgery to fix deformities such as bunions and hammertoes.


People with diabetes have the same foot problem that people without diabetes experience----corns, calluses, bunions, ingrown toenails, arthritis, and broken bones.


更多网络解释与拇囊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brachium colliculi inferioris:下丘臂

brachiocephalic arteritis 拇囊炎 | brachium colliculi inferioris 下丘臂 | brachium of inferior colliculus 下丘臂


拇囊炎(bunion)常由不合脚的鞋引起. 你的拇趾会向旁边的脚趾弯折,甚至叠在其他脚趾上. 拇趾跟部的伸展超出正常的活动范围,这便叫作拇囊炎. 脚与鞋的摩擦还会诱发鸡眼、胼胝及关节疼痛.

bunion:拇滑液囊肿 拇囊炎

buninoid 丘状的 | bunion 拇滑液囊肿 拇囊炎 | bunitrolol 布尼洛尔


四、脚趾的骨折(Fracture)和脱位(Dislocation)一、 外生骨赘(Bony outgrowth)或骨刺(Exostoses)滑囊炎是大拇趾疼痛最常见的原因之一. 形成滑囊炎的原因很多且复杂. 通常是第一骨头部先天的变形,加上患者时常穿太窄、太短或鞋跟太高的鞋子而造成大拇趾边缘的滑囊开始发炎,

Capitula fibula:腓骨小头

Bunion 拇囊炎 | Capitula fibula 腓骨小头 | Cerclage (骨折端)环扎法

brachiocephalic arteritis:拇囊炎

brachiocarpal articulation 桡腕关节 | brachiocephalic arteritis 拇囊炎 | brachium colliculi inferioris 下丘臂


brachiocephalicarteritis 拇囊炎 | brachiocubital 臂肘的 | brachiocyllosis 臂弯曲


backache 背痛 | bunions 拇囊炎肿 | bursitis 黏液囊炎