英语人>词典>汉英 : 恒等的 的英文翻译,例句
恒等的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
identic  ·  widentical

更多网络例句与恒等的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cable reel motor torque constant tension which has the characteristics When the load increases in the motor output shaft speed will automatically come down, volume Rao assured when cable tension unchanged. Rao nature of this excellent performance closely integrated with the Volume; Cage used motor hysteresis coupling increases in size, functionality, easy installation, the constant tension similar characteristics, we can under the conditions required output torque. They can pull the cable external circumstances, hysteresis coupling protect cables; using torque motor controller to increase frequency hysteresis couplings Surge part because of the cable reel SCR converter using a new technology operation, smoothing adjustments to the motor terminal voltage, thereby ensuring that the output torque of the motor unchanged. so that the cable can smooth the road with the truck


At present, the Wangjing six hundred of the Walking Street, chanson Commercial Street, and many other large-scale commercial projects are under Merchants, opened in April this year, mall operator方恒compared to the situation in general.


Trigonometrical function most value solution mainly fromthe trigonometrical function domain of definition, the valueterritory, monotonous, the image and the triangle 恒等 distortionembarks, and the comprehensive utilization function, the inequality,the equation, several what kind multitudinous knowledge sides canobtain.


Industrial Automation Systems Division, including water pumping station frequency control system, constant pressure water supply control system, water treatment divisions and computer automatic control and information management systems; power plant coal feeder, give powder machines, pumps and fans, etc. The frequency control system, auxiliary power plant control system (including the coal handling, water and ash of the computer control system, etc.); metallurgical steel industry blast furnaces, converter gas Gasholder automatic monitoring systems, as well as petrochemical automatic monitoring systems.


Metallurgical steel industry blast furnaces, converter gas Gasholder automatic monitoring systems, as well as petrochemical automatic monitoring systems.


This paper firstly describes the equivalent transformation of standard normal distribution function, then calculates the function value by using the method of changing step length , and lastly gives out the flow chart and program written in Visual Basic.


The optimal curve for pressure vs. time of superplastic bulging of such parts as long trapezoid groove and truncated cone etc. is calculated based on superplastic flow equation σe=kεem and their superplastic deformation pattern.


Apart from the use in refrigerators, Shell Clavus Oils can also be used for general lubrication at low temperatures, like hydraulic system, rotary and constant pressure pneumatic tools, oil lubricated bearings.


The results show that the two shortcomings of synchronization error and unmasking chaotic mask .


Response time is defined as the same point in the panel above to change from black and white plus the time required for change from white to black response time LCD there is a matter of time because the LCD is based on the rotation angle of liquid crystal molecules to control the light light and dark gray rotation of liquid crystal molecules will take time. the general aim is to monitor the use of word processing and web browser is under normal circumstances will continue to monitor display screen with a long period of time, then switch to a different picture of such a In fact, the use of fast response time more than slow the user is not affected but if you want to use animation or video monitor view will continue to change because the screen did not stop this time the response time will affect the picture quality.


更多网络解释与恒等的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


idempotent transformation | 幂等变换 | identic | 恒等的,同一的 | identical distribution | 相同分布

identically distributed:恒等分布的

identical transformation 恒等变换 | identically distributed 恒等分布的 | identifiability 能识性


identical ;相等的/相同的 | identically ;相等/恒等 | identification ;标识

identically equal:恒等的

identical truth 永真,恒真 | identically equal 恒等的 | identif iable 可 别的

identically equal:全等,恒等,恒等的

identical twins 同卵双胎,一卵双胞 | identically equal 全等,恒等,恒等的 | identically true formula 永真式

identity function:恒等函数

注意,在常常用来封装函数参数的括弧中的操作符按普通的四则运算法则解释.I() 是一个恒等函数(identity function),它使得常规的算术运算符可以用在模 型公式中.

identity map:恒等映射

将每一点送至自身之处的恒等映射(identity map)理所当然地是绕行了一周;它的度数是1. 把任何模为1的复数都送至其平方的映射将把幅角乘以二. 故,若绕行圆一周,则平方映射就会绕行两圈:它的 度数是2. 当一映像受到形变时,它的度数并不会改变,

identity permutation:恒等排列

当 N 大于等于 18 时,用这个方法洗牌后,居然恒等排列(identity permutation)是最有可能出现的. (所谓恒等排列大概是指第 n 张排在第 n 个位置). 论文太长没精力读,不过这个结论还真是让人惊奇啊. =1/1000>


nonidealsolution 非理想溶液 | nonidentical 不恒等的 | nonidenticaldistribution 非恒等分布


whole number 整数 | widentical 恒等的 | width 幅