英语人>词典>汉英 : 怜悯 的英文翻译,例句
怜悯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
commiserate  ·  commiseration  ·  compassion  ·  compassionate  ·  mercy  ·  pity  ·  remorse  ·  ruth  ·  sympathize  ·  compassionateness  ·  sympathizing  ·  pitied  ·  commiserated  ·  commiserates  ·  commiserating  ·  compassionated  ·  compassionates  ·  compassionating  ·  mercies  ·  pities  ·  sympathized  ·  sympathizes

sympathize with · have compassion for
更多网络例句与怜悯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The litany begins with the call for mercy upon God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, in the "Kyrie eleison","Christe eleison", Kyrie eleison. Then, considering Christ as our Saviour and Mediator, we ask Him to hear us. In order to render more secure the hearing of our prayers, we again ask each of the Persons of the Holy Trinity for mercy, and, adding those titles which give us a claim to Their consideration, we call upon the First Person: God, the Father of Heaven, to whom we owe existence and life; the Second: Redeemer of the world, to Whom we owe our salvation; the Third: Holy Ghost, to whom we owe our sanctification; and then on the Holy Trinity, one God.

该一长串开始呼吁怜悯的上帝,父亲,上帝的儿子,和上帝圣灵,在" kyrie eleison "," christe eleison ", kyrie eleison ,然后考虑以基督为我们的救主和调停,我们问他听到我们的,以使更安全的听证会我们的祈祷,我们再次要求每个人的圣三一为怜悯,并加入这些书籍,这给我们一个声称他们的考虑,我们呼吁第一人:上帝,父亲的天堂,向谁,我们有责任的存在和生活;第二:救赎的世界,向谁,我们有责任我们的拯救;第三:圣灵,向谁,我们有责任,我们成圣;然后就圣公会圣三一,一上帝。

I do not commiserate, I congratulate you.


Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?


Should you not have had pity on your fellow servant, as I had pity on you?


The chorus sings not only on the common church service and Christmas Eve, but also on other grand ceremony. For example, In 2005 the group sang songs 《 The Holy Savior 》、《 Incamation 》 on the completion celebration of Gulou Church, In 2008 the chorus performed songs 《 Sing Out Your Joy to God 》 and 《 Charles Gounod ,1818-1893》, on the Hangzhou Christian Hymns Groups Exchanging Conference which was held by ChongYi Church. On April 22nd ,2009 the group attended Zhang Weiqiao's Master Graduation Concert and performed the anthems 《 Commit the Heavy Burdens to the LORD 》、《 Charles Gounod 》、《 Sing Out Your Joy to God 》、《 The Angel Song 》、《 Pure Natus 》

城北堂圣歌团除了完成在教会平常礼拜时和历年在圣诞节的圣乐崇拜献唱之外,也于2005年杭州基督教会鼓楼堂的新堂落成庆典上献唱了《神圣救主》、《道生肉身》等曲;2008年杭州基督教会崇一堂举行的全杭州教会圣歌团交流会中献唱了弥赛亚神曲《向耶和华歌唱》和《上主怜悯我们》( Charles Gounod ,1818-1893年)等曲,2009年4月22日在杭州音乐厅参加了杭州师范大学音乐学院2009届合唱指挥硕士研究生张维巧老师的毕业音乐会,并献演了《将你重担交托主》、《上主怜悯我们》、《向耶和华歌唱》、《天使歌声》、《天赐纯恩》等歌曲。

I have never felt such pity for anyone in this wide world as I felt for that half-witted creature.


Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.


Such a story may arouse the human feeling in us, but it will not move us to either pity or fear; pity is occasioned by undeserved misfortune, and fear by that of one like ourselves; so that there will be nothing either piteous or fear-inspiring in the situation.


You pity the blind man who has never seen the light of day,the deaf man who has never heard the harmonies of nature,the mute who has never found a voice for his soul, and yet, under the specious pretxt of decency,you will not pity that blindness of heart, deafness of soul and dumbness of conscience which turn the brains of poor, desperate women and prevent them, despite themselves, from seeing goodness, hearing the lord and speaking the pure language of love and religion...


更多网络解释与怜悯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Christe eleison:基督,怜悯我们吧

Kyrie eleison 主,怜悯我们吧. | Christe eleison 基督,怜悯我们吧. | Christe eleison 基督,怜悯我们吧.


commiserable 怜悯的 | commiserate 怜悯 | commiseratingly 同情地


我说的怜悯(commiseration)只是对遭遇不幸的人表示同情. 不是说别人不施舍就不同情,施舍也不一定是同情. 甚至于我们是否遭遇不幸也得另说. 但泛泛而言,我们主要是以乞求怜悯的方式活着. 尊严(dignity)是一种身份和社会地位. 我们没有财富,


commiserate /怜悯/同情/ | commiseration /怜悯/同情/追悼辞/ | commiserative /怜悯的/同情的/


commiseration 怜悯 | commiserative 怜悯的 | commision 佣金


commiseration /怜悯/同情/追悼辞/ | commiserative /怜悯的/同情的/ | commiseratively /怜悯地/


commiserative /怜悯的/同情的/ | commiseratively /怜悯地/ | commision /佣金/


"怜悯"(compassion)就是"对肉体上或精神上遭受折磨的人表示同情,并强烈地希望他从痛苦中解脱出来. "这是一个内在的过程,是对别人痛苦和烦恼的理解. 但是"怜悯"并不是去改变或"拯救"别人. 你可以向别人伸出援手,但这不意味着你要伸出手去让他咬,

Kyrie eleison:主,怜悯我们吧

kyrid eleison 主,怜悯我们吧. | Kyrie eleison 主,怜悯我们吧. | Kyrie eleison 主,怜悯我们吧.

Pieta, Signor, pieta:怜悯,上主,怜悯

Non mi lasciar, soccorrimi, 不要遗弃我,扶持我, | Pieta, Signor, pieta, 怜悯,上主,怜悯, | non mi lasciar, pieta, Signor! 不要遗弃我,怜悯,上主!