英语人>词典>汉英 : 左翼分子 的英文翻译,例句
左翼分子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
leftie  ·  lefty  ·  lefties

更多网络例句与左翼分子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

City educated Felix Frankfurter, a pivotal figure on the Supreme Court (class of 1902), Ira Gershwin (1918), Jonas Salk, the inventor of the polio vaccine (1934) and Robert Kahn, an architect of the internet (1960). A left-wing place in the 1930s and 1940s, City spawned many of the neo-conservative intellectuals who would later swing to the right, such as Irving Kristol (class of 1940, extra-curricular activity: anti-war club), Daniel Bell and Nathan Glazer.

城市大学还培养出了最高法院的关键人物费利克斯法兰克福(1902 届),埃拉格什温(1918 届),天花疫苗发明者乔纳斯索尔克(1934 届)以及互联网设计者罗伯特卡恩(1960 届)等人。20 世纪三,四十年代,城市大学作为左翼分子活动区,城市大学孕育了许多新保守主义知识分子,他们后来都转向了右翼,比如欧文克里斯托(1940 届,校外活动积极分子,参加过反战俱乐部),丹尼尔贝尔和内森格雷泽。

Although showered with honors at the end of his life, Aron never enjoyed the dazzling celebrity that came the way of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and, especially, of Sartre, his classmates at the Ecole normale sup rieure. In part, that was because of his intellectual style, which lacked braggadocio. He also lacked the appetite for celebrity, which is another way of saying he did not prize "brilliance" over truth.


Just as left-wingers in Britain saw a ban on fox-hunting as a way of spiting toffs, so some Catalans see a ban on la corrida as a way of taunting Spaniards, an especially popular pastime in an election year.


From the 1950s through the early 1970s, Aron was regularly calumniated by the radical Left—by his erstwhile friends Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, for starters, but also by their many epigoni and intellectual heirs.


She was active as a left-winger in the party.


The left-winger who wants to raise taxes on the wealthy and puts equality above efficiency?


When Oskar Lafontaine, the head of Germany's rising left-wing party Die Linke, said he would include Marxist theory in the party's manifesto, in the outline of his plans to partially nationalise the nation's finance and energy sectors, he was labeled as a "mad leftie" who had "lost the plot" by the tabloid Bild.

曾几何时,当德国新兴左倾政党林克党领袖Oskar Lafontaine在他的国有化部分国家金融和能源部门的计划中提到将把马克思主义加入党纲时,还被小报Bild称为"搞不清楚状况"的"疯狂左翼分子"。

But many leftists would like to arouse more enthusiastic involvement in implementing Party policy.


Wang. In practical terms, new leftists have a variety of opinions about how this could be achieved.


But China's leaders also face rumblings of discontent from leftist nationalists, who see the downturn as a chance to halt market-oriented reforms at home, and for China to assert itself more stridently abroad.


更多网络解释与左翼分子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a team of deminers:扫雷小组

a revolutionary left 革命派左翼分子 | a team of deminers 扫雷小组 | A-10 Thunderbolt planes (Warthog) A-10 "雷霆"对地攻击机 (昵称疣猪)


left wing左翼 | leftist左派分子 | liberalism自由主义


leftward /左方的/左侧的/在左方/在左手/ | leftwards /左方地/左侧地/在左方/ | lefty /左撇子/左翼分子/


左翼的人left-wingerleftist | 左翼分子lefty | 左翼主义leftism


hefty 魁梧大汉 | lefty 左撇子,左翼分子 | softy 傻子,笨人,多愁善感的人

Reds under the bed:左翼分子

red meat 泛指牛羊肉 | Reds under the bed 左翼分子 | a white lie 善意的谎言


lefty 左翼分子 | leg-of-mutton 羊脚形的 | leg-of-muttontriangulatetrigonaltriquetrous 三角形的

Allahu Akbar:真主至大

在巴黎,当地的阿拉伯裔民众高举支持巴勒斯坦的告示牌,也有一些左翼激进分子呼喊着"真主至大"(Allahu Akbar)及"以色列是凶手"等口号. 另有一些示威者则使出了暴力手段,他们不但将一个巴士站和电话亭砸烂,还拿起玻璃瓶向镇暴警察扔掷,