英语人>词典>汉英 : 嵌套级 的英文翻译,例句
嵌套级 的英文翻译、例句


nesting level · nest level
更多网络例句与嵌套级相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, the algorithms are somewhat more complicated, which is why we've used the adjacency matrix approach throughout this chapter.


The paper summerizes several general pratical new techniques, such as the analyzers of program profiles, maximum potential parallelism, array privatizability, loop parallelism; the visualizers of the statement data dependence graph, procedural callgraph, loop iteration space graph and interactive tools of array privatization and unimodular transformation; the automatic techniques of array privatization combined data dependence and coverage, the computation of parallelizing unimodular transforming matrix for mult-nested loops, enhanced unimodular transformation with array reduction recognition, non-loop level parallelism revealing technique, dynamic dataflow analysis and optimization of cross-loop local cache reuses, etc.


This should be performed by a two-level nested loop going though each index value for each segment.


In addition, this policy is extendable for complicated system because process-level rejuvenation can be nested in application-level rejuvenation.


更多网络解释与嵌套级相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nesting level:嵌套级

nesting 嵌套 | nesting level 嵌套级 | nesting memory 嵌套存储

nesting level:嵌套层,嵌套级

nesting 无交错突出的,成套,构成嵌套,(嵌置)套用 | nesting level 嵌套层,嵌套级 | nesting loop 嵌进回路,嵌套循环

nesting memory:嵌套存储

nesting level 嵌套级 | nesting memory 嵌套存储 | nesting of statements 语句嵌套


套[ 书上称:抢占(preempt) 优先级]和 256级中断嵌套[ 书上称:抢占(preempt) 优先级]联到EXTI的电源电压检测(PVD)中断IRQ CHANAEL 3 通道 = 255 中断优先级 RTC 实时时钟(RTC)全局中断联到EXTI的电源电压检测(PVD)中断IRQ CHANAEL 3 通道 = 0x20 中断优先级 RTC 实时时钟(RTC)全局中断是这样的,