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安德来特 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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E. Cummings, Malcolm Cowley, and many other novelists, dramatists, poets, and critics who tried to find their souls in the Antibes and on the Left Bank, who directed sad and bitter blasts at their native land and who, almost to a man, drifted back within a few years out of sheer homesickness, to take up residence on coastal islands and in New England farmhouses and to produce works ripened by the tempering (they lived there and got a kind of practice in critical thinking) of an older, more sophisticated society.


Demetrius heired a kingdom already won for him by Antigonus, the most powerful of the Successors, who, before Demetrius grew to be a man, traversed with his armies and subdued the greater part of Asia.


000 Years ago, a race of hominids known as Neanderthal man developed from Homo Erectus.


Known for the company known for harsh, almost all my colleagues have been Margaret called to training had a chat, for example, the students had just arrived in Houston Andrew Parker, is Marg Little recently often the object of censure.


In 1812, when the news of the war with Napoleon reached Bucharest (where Kutuzov had been fourteen months, spending days and nights together with his Wallachian mistress), Prince Andrey asked to be transferred to the western army. Kutuzov, who was by now sick of Bolkonsky's energy, and felt it a standing reproach to his sloth, was very ready to let him go, and gave him a commission for Barclay de Tolly.


Anderson, The Coming Prince; L. Boettner, The Millennium; MJ Erickson, Contemporary Options in Eschatology; RN Gundry, The Church and the Tribulation; SN Gundry,"Hermeneutics or Zeitgeist as the Determining Factor in the History of Eschatology," JETS 20:45-55; AA Hoekema, The Bible and the Future; JE Hartley, TWOT, II, 778-79; R. Schippers, NIDNTT, II, 807-9; H. Schlier, TDNT, III, 140-48; T. Weber, Living in the Shadow of the Second Coming; D. Wilson, Armageddon Now!

传译安德森,即将王子;属boettner ,千年;兆焦耳埃里克森,现代选择在末世;氡冈德里,教会和磨难;锡根德里,"诠释学或时代精神作为决定性因素,在历史上的末世"喉20:45-55 ;机管局赫克玛,圣经和未来;哈特利是, 2吨,二, 778-79 ;传译schippers , nidntt ,二, 807-9 ;每小时施利尔, tdnt ,三, 140-48 ;汤匙,韦伯,生活在阴影下的第二次来;四威尔逊,世界末日!

Next year they hope to spend more time in Zermatt and Andermatt for some additional work with the mountains.


"We can't say anything about sexual practices in the Pleistocene," says Svante Paabo, the geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig who analyzed the Neanderthal DNA.


Just outside Andrew Holden's office at the Christchurch Press off Cathedral Square – and, believe me, New Zealand's prettiest city is as colonial as they come, a Potemkin town of mock-Tudor government buildings, Scottish baronial churches and wooden versions of Victorian homes – is a brightly coloured, cheerful little water-colour.


The closest I can think of is Ender's Shadow (Orson Scott Card's companion to Ender's Game), but that book tells the same story from a really minor character's point of view, so it's a very, very different book with huge sections that appear nowhere in the original.


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Howard霍华德古英语剑的保护者 | Hubert休伯特日耳曼语思想灿烂的 | Ian伊安希伯来语上帝的恩赐


下午五时,琼(Joan)、菲尔(Phil)、乔安妮(Joanne)、阿曼达(Amanda)、斯科特(Scott)来了. 很可惜,弗雷德(Fred)不能来,他放假时弄伤了脚,被迫留在家中. 吃饭时,大家混合而坐. 来自不同地方的嘉宾告诉我们一些关于他们自己的事情,

Michael Lonsdale:迈克尔.朗斯代尔

制片人哈利.萨尔兹曼得到了007系列小说的拍摄权,后来他与艾伯特.布罗克里携手将007电影搬上大银幕.在伊安.弗莱明于1955完成的原著中,德拉克斯是朗斯代尔式的人物,24年后,这个角色由迈克尔.朗斯代尔(Michael Lonsdale)来扮演

Neanderthal cave man:尼安德特穴居人类

学者认为尼安德特穴居人类(Neanderthal cave man)生存于五万至十万年前,这种人类似乎已掌握制造石斧及石箭嘴的技术,还似乎懂得利用火来煮食. 他们甚至可能与某些艺术创作有关,虽然在亚达米拉(Altamir)穴洞及其他地方发现的洞穴壁昼可能是较后期的克罗马尼翁人(Cro-Magnons)的作品.


与此吠时, 塞米诺尔人 (Seminole)印地安人同一群逃跑的奴隶来这里. 1830年代,理查德.菲茨帕特里克从巴哈马人手里购买了迈阿堆河沿岸的土地. 在这里,他成功地经蠥了一个种植园,里面栽种着甘蔗、香蠉、玉米和热带水果.

The South:南方

无可救药的纳粹奥托.迪奥特利克.林德自己创造了一个杰出的墓志铭:"让天堂永存,即使我们身处地狱",牛首人身的囚徒米诺斯在迷宫里耐心地等待他的赎身者来杀他,剧作家加得莫.拉迪克因上帝的神迹可以在死前完成一部剧作,>(The South)里久坐的胡安.达尔

Swing Vote:关键投票

朱丽安妮14岁的女儿弗伦并不赞成母亲和巴比之间的关系,而这个角色就由最近频繁露面的玛德琳.卡罗尔(Madeline Carroll)来饰演,她之前还曾出现在凯文.科斯特纳(Kevin Costner)主演的<<关键投票>>(Swing Vote)中,想必已经充分证明了