英语人>词典>汉英 : 妇女组织 的英文翻译,例句
妇女组织 的英文翻译、例句


woman's organization
更多网络例句与妇女组织相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Patricia Ireland , head of the National Organization of Women said that the pro-family organization called Promise Keepers was a threat to women .


Terrell found that black women's groups were routinely excluded from national women's organizations during the late 19th century.


When a woman's lawful rights and interests are infringed upon, she may file a complaint with a women's organization, which shall request the relevant department or unit to investigate and deal with the case so as to protect the lawful rights and interests of the complainant.


In addition to talks with regional heads of state, the president is also scheduled to meet with U.S. troops, to speak with leaders of women's groups in Kuwait, and to visit Israel's Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, in Jerusalem.


It has also mobilized critical funding towards programmes and efforts to end violence against women worldwide. The luxury watchmaker Omega spurred actions on the platform through a challenge grant of US$50,000 that will go to women's organizations on the ground, while Zonta International, a longtime partner of UNIFEM, has recorded a contribution of US$100,000 for the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. This Trust Fund is managed by UNIFEM on behalf of the UN system and supports women's organizations and projects around the world.


This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday.


In my case studies of women's organizations in Beijing, I discovered that different culture has its own distinctive system of gender meanings, but in a globalizing context, these gender repertories are fused with international egalitarian ideals.


While generation is one way to explain why activist adopt particular gender repertories, what is common for all these activists is that in order to secure a space for women's activism in China, they need to strategically manipulate pieces of gender rhetoric that are acceptable by the Chinese government and also appealing to a broader international community for supports.


The organization of the temperance movement—Woman' s Christian Temperance Union is the outcome of the uprising women movements in the reform era of the 19th Century American.

禁酒运动中的禁酒妇女组织—基督教妇女禁酒联合会(Woman's Christian Temperance Union,WCTU)是19世纪美国改革年代及妇女运动蓬勃发展年代的产物。

Women\'s organisations and human rights organisations have demanded that these rules be changed as jail custody leads not only to secondary victimisation but is often associated with physical and sexual abuse and injury, and can also lead to death as in the case of Shima Chowdhury.


更多网络解释与妇女组织相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Black Country:黑乡(英格兰的西米德兰烟雾弥漫的工业区)

Black Sash 黑带组织(南非反对种族隔离的妇女组织) | The Black Country 黑乡(英格兰的西米德兰烟雾弥漫的工业区) | black widow 黑寡妇(美州有毒蜘蛛,雌蜘蛛常在交配后吃掉雄蜘蛛)

Hirsutism; Female hypertrichosis:妇女多毛症

Hippel's disease; Retinal angiogliomatosis 视网膜血管神经胶瘤病;... | Hirsutism; Female hypertrichosis 妇女多毛症 | Histopathology; Pathological histology; Pathologic histology; Morbid histology 组织病...

homemaker:操持家务者; 家庭主妇; 持家妇女

Homeless International;无家可归者国际组织;HI; | homemaker;操持家务者; 家庭主妇; 持家妇女;; | homemaking;持家; 家务;;

National order of magnitude:数量级的概念

National Olympic Sports Congress;全国奥林匹克运动大会;NOCS; | National order of magnitude;数量级的概念;; | National Organization for Women;全国妇女组织(妇女组织);NOW;妇女组织

All-India Peace and Solidarity Organization:全印度和平和团结组织

all-inclusive profit;总括性利润;; | All-India Peace and Solidarity Organization;全印度和平和团结组织;; | All-India Women's Conference;全印度妇女会议(全印妇女会议);AIWC;全印妇女会议

Organisation panafricaine des feminines:泛非妇女组织

Organisation ouviere d'avant-garde;工人先锋组织;; | Organisation panafricaine des feminines;泛非妇女组织;; | Organisation pour la mise en valeur fleuve Senegal;塞内加尔河开发组织;OMVS;

Revolutionary Organization of the Toilers of Afghanistan:阿富汗劳工革命组织

Revulutionary Etheopian Women's Association;埃塞俄比亚革命妇女协会(革命妇协);RE... | Revolutionary Organization of the Toilers of Afghanistan;阿富汗劳工革命组织;; | Revolutionary Women's Union;革命妇女...

Mahila Dakshta Samiti:达克什塔妇女组织

joint statement on the Strategic Stability Cooperation Initiativ... | Mahila Dakshta Samiti,达克什塔妇女组织,, | Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Meteorology,气象组织-海洋学委员会...

Barking and Dagenham Women for Peace:巴尔金和戴根纳姆妇女争取和平组织

BARKER, Enno;恩诺.巴尔克尔;; | Barking and Dagenham Women for Peace;巴尔金和戴根纳姆妇女争取和平组织;; | BARKOV, Nikolai K.;尼古拉.巴尔科夫;;

Organization of American States:美洲国家组织(美洲组织);OAS;美洲组织

Organization of African Women;非洲妇女组织;; | Organization of American States;美洲国家组织(美洲组织);OAS;美洲组织 | organizing and conducting the electoral process;组织和主持大选的过程;;