英语人>词典>汉英 : 妄想 的英文翻译,例句
妄想 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chimera  ·  covet  ·  mirage  ·  coveting  ·  delirament  ·  coveted  ·  covets  ·  chimeras  ·  deliria  ·  delusions  ·  ecphronia

air castle · vain hope
更多网络例句与妄想相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Paranoia: Mental disorder characterized by delusion s of persecution or grandeur, usually without hallucinations."


Results The rs1549637 of PLA2G4C gene was not associated with the illness (P>0.05), but the genotypes were associated with the symptoms of schizophrenia, i.e. Delusion of reference, Delusion of grandeur, Hallucination-delusion.

结果 PLA2G4C基因上的 rs1549637位点基因多态性与精神分裂症无统计学关联(P>0.05),但该位点的基因型频率与精神分裂症的关系妄想、夸大妄想和幻觉-妄想综合症等多个临床症状相关联(P<0.05)。

Of them reached vain hope level consisting of hypochondriasis and self-guilty mood.


When it is realized that foong is nama, it will disappear and nama will come back to the present moment.


Of the research group commited a crime under the direct control of psychiatric symptoms, the commonest psychiatric symptoms were in order delusion of persecution, auditory hallucination, delusion of reference and paralogia.


In 55 % of cases the paraphrenic syndrome has the course of mixed and fantastic confabulatory paraphrenia.

在 55%的持续性进行性患者中,存在混合型与幻想虚构的妄想痴呆症状;而相对较少的,在 45%的患者中,有较为系统的与扩张性的妄想痴呆症状。

The symptoms may include a cold or inappropriate affect; anhedonia; odd or eccentric behaviour; a tendency to social withdrawal; paranoid or bizarre ideas not amounting to true delusions; obsessive ruminations; thought disorder and perceptual disturbances; occasional transient quasi-psychotic episodes with intense illusions, auditory or other hallucinations, and delusion-like ideas, usually occurring without external provocation.


This gives rise to several debatable questions:(1) When are the teachings of a "few" considered part of mainstream beliefs (2) When should false beliefs be considered part of a delusional disorder (e.g., shared psychotic disorder) rather than a cult system (3) Is there a minimum number of people who must share the beliefs for those beliefs to be considered cultish rather than delusional (4) May cult members in some cases be said to share a psychotic disorder


This gives rise to several debatable questions:(1) When are the teachings of a "few" considered part of mainstream beliefs (2) When should false beliefs be considered part of a delusional disorder (e.g., shared psychotic disorder) rather than a cult system (3) Is there a minimum number of people who must share the beliefs for those beliefs to be considered cultish rather than delusional (4) May cult members in some cases be said to share a psychotic disorder An argument could be made that the three sisters had formed their own cult.


This gives rise to several debatable questions:(1) When are the teachings of a "few" considered part of mainstream beliefs (2) When should false beliefs be considered part of a delusional disorder (e.g., shared psychotic disorder) rather than a cult system (3) Is there a minimum number of people who must share the beliefs for those beliefs to be considered cultish rather than delusional (4) May cult members in some cases be said to share a psychotic disorder An argument could be made that the three sisters had formed their own cult.


更多网络解释与妄想相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be after sth:追赶某人; 寻找某人[某物];]追[缠]着某人;妄想得到(别人的东西), 觊觎

get after sb. 追赶某人;寻找某人[某物];追[缠]着某人;妄想得... | be after sth. 追赶某人;寻找某人[某物];]追[缠]着某人;妄想得到(别人的东西), 觊觎 | get after sth. 追赶某人;寻找某人[某物];追[缠]着某人;妄想得...

delusion of belittlement:微小妄想

delusion of being loved 被钟情妄想 | delusion of belittlement 微小妄想 | delusion of culpability 罪责妄想

delusion of culpability:罪责妄想

delusion of belittlement 微小妄想 | delusion of culpability 罪责妄想 | delusion of gestation 妊娠妄想妊娠妄想

delusion of grandeur:关系妄想

被害妄想 Delusion of reference | 关系妄想 Delusion of grandeur | 夸大妄想 Delusion of jealousy

Delusion of grandeur / grandiose delusion:夸大妄想

Delusion of being controlled被控妄想 | Delusion of grandeur / grandiose delusion夸大妄想 | Delusion of guilt罪恶妄想

paranoiac:偏执狂者 妄想狂的 妄想狂者

paranoia 偏狂症 偏执狂 妄想狂 | paranoiac 偏执狂者 妄想狂的 妄想狂者 | paranoiaerotica 情欲性妄想

Paraphrenia systematica:系统性妄想痴呆,慢性妄想痴呆

"老年妄想痴呆","Paraphrenia senilis" | "系统性妄想痴呆,慢性妄想痴呆","Paraphrenia systematica" | "运用倒错","Parapraxia"

Paraphrenia senilis:老年妄想痴呆

"展张性妄想痴呆,夸张性妄想痴呆","Paraphrenia expansiva; Expansive paraphrenia" | "老年妄想痴呆","Paraphrenia senilis" | "系统性妄想痴呆,慢性妄想痴呆","Paraphrenia systematica"

Generalized anxiety disorder,lycanthropic:广泛性焦虑症,变狼妄想症. zoanthropy,变兽妄想

11、PTSD.创伤后应激障碍. | 12、Delusional body integrity,identity disorder.妄想症,截肢者认同障碍. | 13、Generalized anxiety disorder,lycanthropic.广泛性焦虑症,变狼妄想症. zoanthropy,变兽妄想.

广泛性焦虑症,变狼妄想症. zoanthropy,变兽妄想:Generalized anxiety disorder,lycanthropic

11、PTSD.创伤后应激障碍. | 12、Delusional body integrity,identity disorder.妄想症,截肢者认同障碍. | 13、Generalized anxiety disorder,lycanthropic.广泛性焦虑症,变狼妄想症. zoanthropy,变兽妄想.