英语人>词典>汉英 : 头最长肌 的英文翻译,例句
头最长肌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
trachelomastoid  ·  trachelalis

complexus minor · longissimus capitis
更多网络例句与头最长肌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to a completely randomized block design, 54 pigs (Larger White×Landrace) with an average weight of 53kg were assigned to three treatments. The diets contained the same amino acid pattern (TDLys : TDMet : TDThr : TDTrp=100 : 34.6 : 71.7 : 19.2) and digestibile energy levelDE 3200 kcalkg^(-1 with different crude protein levels (CP 10%, 18% and 26%, respectively). The trial lasted for 67 days before slaughter, and longissimus dorsi, psoas major, semaitendinosus, semimembranosus, arm triceps, glutaeus medius, the area, diameter and density of the muscle fibers were measured.

采用完全随机区组设计,54头53kg大×长生长猪随机分为3个处理(每处理3个重复),饲喂等氨基酸(TDLys:TDMet:TDThr:TDTrp=100:34.6:71.7:19.2)、等消化能DE 3200kcalkg^(-1和不同蛋白水平(CP 10%,18%和26%)的3种饲粮,饲喂期67d之后屠宰采样,测背最长肌、腰大肌、半腱肌、半膜肌、臂三头肌、臀中肌的肌纤维面积、直径和密度。

The second step, dividing the sternocleidomastoid just below and with preservation of its upper attachment for closure and reflecting it laterally exposes the upper extension of the splenius capitis.


Methods: Applied acupotomy to loosen the nuchal ligament, semi-spiral muscle on head and neck, the longest muscle of head and neck or multifidus muscle and rotator muscle.


There were no limp,ulceration and phenomena of self-injury.Normal wave figure in EMG was noted in the experimental side. There was no significant difference in t test in EMG wave amplitude,maximum tetanized systole tensile strength and duration of isometric contraction.

结果 术后大鼠两侧姿态对称,未见跛行,无溃疡及自残现象,对疼痛刺激敏感;实验侧肱二头肌和指深屈肌肌电图均呈正常波形;两侧肌电图波幅、等长收缩时最大强直收缩张力及持续时间进行自身t检验比较均无显著差异。

Result: The amplitudes of quantitative patellar tendon reflex and maximal volitional contraction of involved limbs were statistically lower than those of uninvolved ones. The decreasing extent of amplitude of quantitative patellar tendon reflex was statistically lower than that of maximal volitional contraction of quadriceps.


Quantitative patella tendon reflex was tested electromyo-graphi cally and maximal volitional contraction of quadriceps were done on 22 unilateral knee of patients with osteoarthritis. The decreased extent of amplitude of maximal volitional contraction and patella tendon reflex were compared.


更多网络解释与头最长肌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

quadriceps femoris:最大的肌肉: 股四头肌

全身最长的肌肉: 缝匠肌 sartorius | 最大的肌肉: 股四头肌quadriceps femoris | 最坚硬的器官: 牙teeth


缝匠肌(sartorius)呈扁带状,是人体最长的肌,起自髂前上棘,斜向内下方,经膝关节内侧,止于胫骨上端内侧面. 其作用为屈髋关节和屈膝关节. 股四头肌(quadiceps femoris)是全身中体积最大的肌. 该肌有4个头,分别称为股直肌、股内侧肌、股外侧肌和股中间肌.

Musculus splenius capitis:头夹肌

头后大直肌 - Musculus rectus capitis posterior major | 头夹肌 - Musculus splenius capitis | 头最长肌 - Musculus longissimus capitis

Musculus epicranius:头顶肌

头最长肌 - Musculus longissimus capitis | 头顶肌 - Musculus epicranius | 头颈淋巴结 - Nodi lymphoidei capitis et colli

M. epicranius:头顶肌

头最长肌 - M. longissimus capitis | 头顶肌 - M. epicranius | 头颈淋巴结 - Nodi lymphoidei capitis et colli

semispinalis capitis:头半棘肌

最终pH值适用于测定DFD肉,测定部位以头半棘肌(semispinalis capitis)为宜. 与反刍动物比较,猪较少发生DFD肉. 3.2.4 测定方法:按照pH计使用说明进行操作. 电极直接插入胴体指定部位背最长肌的中部刺孔中. 若插入剥离的肉样中,深度应不小于1cm,