英语人>词典>汉英 : 大班 的英文翻译,例句
大班 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

the top class in a kindergarten · Tai-Pan
更多网络例句与大班相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ASCENDENT office chairs are serialized product design, Ceo chair, director chairs, staff chairs, conference chairs, chairs, stage classes were readily available, fully fit in the modern enterprise of office furniture ready to planning requirements.


It's time to flick your Bic -- into the trash.


The back of a couch.It's time to flick your Bic -- into the trash.


It created another check point at Taipan branch.


We saw a part of the sunrise because the sky was full of brume , the temperature is only about 3 degree , but many photographers were searching good view .


The experimental of conducting the illustration of Eric Carle picture book and the drawing activities lasted for four months.


You do not want to let him morning, then in accordance with the provisions, but also on small classes, you may now allow him to shift, then he needs 2 years in large classes, learning the knowledge taipans twice, for example, aoe, etc., and then repeat the first grade to learn, tired of the children did not seriously study

你不想让他早上,按照规定来的话,还上小班,你现在让他上中班,那么他需要上2年大班,学习两遍大班的知识,比如a o e ,等,然后一年级再学一遍,宝宝厌烦了,根本不正经学习

I draw people through the test, understand the different classes of children aged people in figure painting tests on the following characteristics: 1, small classes can not find child care because of the graphic match, the majority of child care both in the overall figures are still details to chaos The lines to express disorder. 2, Zhongban due to the continuous improvement of cognitive, has been able to find a match in the minds of the graphics, and has been in the minds of the graphic expression, but the details painted on the expression of often rough. 3, taipans child care whether or details on the whole, are more perfect expression, but the large class paintings by children of mothers are the embodiment of their own, can not distinguish between adults and children.


Has started for two versions of the "Golden taipans", the Legal Adviser Lin Hui-sheng, said:"For Xianyong, the adaptation of the duration of the significance of the agreement, as long as more than the agreed deadline, he would have the right to the" Golden taipans final night re-authorized third party.


Taipans car Ltd., which owns brands from multi-car supplies, including large class crocodile leather car to the quality of marketing in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan for several years.


更多网络解释与大班相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


蒋跃庆 急性肾功能衰竭 外科学总论 2001年9月19日 教授外科 2口腔医学专业99级 102教室 大班理论课 急性肾功能衰竭(acute renal failure ARF)概述定义发生率少尿(oliguria)无尿 (anuria) (5分钟)ARF病因 (10分钟)肾前性 缺水,


现在,外滩二号将转型成为希尔顿酒店集团(Hilton Hotel Corp.)在亚洲的第一家华尔道夫(Waldorf Astoria)酒店. 上海总会建成于1910年,110英尺长的标志性长廊酒吧(Long Bar)接待过众多银行家和大班. 1941年,日本海军占领了这里. 1945年日本战败后,



leading lady; hostess:女大班娛樂舞蹈

7334女大使;大使夫人政治外交ambassadress | 7335女大班娛樂舞蹈leading lady; hostess | 7336女大邊帽服飾帽類"ten-gallon" hat


追溯"大班"(taipan)这个词的来源,还得要从上个世纪初上海的十里洋场说起. 英文中原无这样一个词,正如英文中原无coolie(苦力)这个词一样. 它们都是早期来上海的西方人根据中文发音创造的新词. 可以说是专有名词,也可以说是术语,

taipan:(大商行得总经理) (一八三四年来自"大班

Suan-pan (一七三六年来自"算盘") | Tao (一七三六年来自"道") | Taipan(大商行得总经理) (一八三四年来自"大班")

The Last Night of Taipan Chin:(金大班的最後一夜)

New Year's Eve (歲除) | The Last Night of Taipan Chin (金大班的最後一夜) | A Sea of Blood-red Azaleas (那片血一般紅的杜鵑花)

John Swire:(太古首任大班及創辦人)

John Swire(太古首任大班及創辦人) | David Muir Turnbull(現任Swire Pacific大班) | Roy Farrell(國泰創辦人)

Five little pumpkins:五个小南瓜(适合大班)

Five Little Pumpkins 五个小南瓜(适合大班) | Five little pumpkins, 五个小南瓜, | Sitting on a gate. 坐在大门口.

jai Alai Tai Pan Health Spa:回力大班健康芬兰浴

皇室会royal Club | 回力大班健康芬兰浴jai Alai Tai Pan Health Spa | 回力美食中心jai Alai Mei Sek Choin Sam