英语人>词典>汉英 : 多倍体的 的英文翻译,例句
多倍体的 的英文翻译、例句


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The research progress on synthetic allopolyploid including type, inducement method and utilization status in crop genetic improvement were summarized, and the feasibility and importance for using it to improve crop varieties were discussed. Finally, the existing problems in relevant researches were analyzed, and the future studies were prospected.


There was also not any haploid metaphases (n=16 or 19) was detected in hybrids. However, about 1-2% metaphases observed in this study was allopolyploid. GISH proved that they was made up of haploid genomes of M. nobilis (n=16) and triploid genomes of C. farreri (n=57). GISH was also employed to detect different chromosome components and identify donor chromatin in hybrids between C. farreri♀×A.


In some species there are diploid and polyploid varieties that look almost identical, though sometimes they may be referred to as separate species.


Due to the causes such as polyploidy and self-incompatibility, the plants of Paspalum, with the greatest number of apomictic species, show much complex and various reproduction characteristics.


Polyploid breeding is an important approach for improving the output, quality and resistance of pineapple.


Due to the causes such as polyploidy and self-incompatibility,the plants ofPaspalum,with the greatest number of apomictic species,show much complex and various reproduction characteristics.


Using colchicine for the induction of polyploidy plants is one of the ways of artificial induction. Colchicine, root length and light were selected as the influencing factors to induce polyploidy Amorpha optimal with the root tip smeared, to explore the optimal induction conditions for polyploidy Amorpha optimal.


In particular, the documentation of rapid and extensive non-Mendelian genetic and epigenetic changes that often accompany nascent polyploidy is revealing: the resulting non-additive and novel gene expression at global, regional and local levels, and timely restoration of meiotic chromosomal behavior towards bivalent pairing and disomic inheritance may ensure rapid establishment and stabilization as well as its long-term evolutionary success.


The paper summarized the principle of multiploid and the advantages of multiploid of medical plants application,summed up the common methods in artificial induction multiploid of medical plants and identification of chromosome doublings,brought forward a few key problems which should be paid attention in polyploid breeding of medical plants and its research prospect.


The result showed that: 1 Gill epithelium nucleus major-axis size, hemolymph nucleus diameter in the connective tissue of mantle and labial palps were significantly (P<0.001) larger in triploids than in diploids, no significantly differences were found in rectum epithelium height between diploids and triploids.


更多网络解释与多倍体的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


31异源多倍体(allopolyploid)两个不相同的种杂交,它们的杂种再经过染色体加倍,就形成了异源多倍体. 32同源多倍体(autopolyploid)同一物种经过染色体加倍形成的多倍体,称为同源多倍体. 33非整倍体(aneuploid)有一种染色体数目的变异,


32同源多倍体(autopolyploid)同一物种经过染色体加倍形成的多倍体,称为同源多倍体. 33非整倍体(aneuploid)有一种染色体数目的变异,是增减一条或几条,染色体数目不是整倍数,所以叫非整倍体.


autopolyhaploid 同源多倍单倍体的 | autopolyploid 同源多倍性的;同源多倍体 | autopolyploidy 同源多倍性


1.数目性染色体畸变 染色体的数目异常可表现为非整倍体(aneuploid),即其数目并非单倍体(haploid)的整倍数,在数目上出现多或少于整倍体,如45或47条染色体. 还可表现为多倍体(polyploid),即染色体数目整倍多于单倍体,如三......


polygamous 一夫多妻的,一妻多夫的,杂性的 | polyploid 多倍体(的) | polyploidy 多倍性

polyploid breeding:多倍体育种

多倍体育种(polyploid breeding)利用人工诱变或自然变异等,通过细胞染色体组加倍获得多倍体育种材料,用以选育符合人们需要的优良品种. 最常用、最有效的多倍体育种方法是用秋水仙素或低温诱导来处理萌发的种子或幼苗. 秋水仙素能抑制细胞有丝分裂时形成纺锤体,


在没有地理区隔的情况下,生存在同一地区的物种也可能分化成数个不同的物种,如在细胞分裂的过程中,子细胞的染色体可能有变多或倍增的现象,此一突变的细胞称为多倍体 (polyploidy)一般来说,多倍体的产生有两种型式,分别叙述如下:年代,

polyploidy:多倍体 (名)

polyploid 多倍体的 (形) | polyploidy 多倍体 (名) | polypnea 喘息 (名)


null mutation 无效突变[由于大片段插入、缺失或重排而 | nulliplex 无显性组合[决定多倍体某一性状的基因都是隐 | nullisome 缺对(染色体)生物,缺体生物


nullcell裸细胞无表面标志的细胞 | nulliplex无显性组合决定多倍体某一性状的基因都是隐性基因 | nullipotency无能性