英语人>词典>汉英 : 基督教教派的 的英文翻译,例句
基督教教派的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The family's religious life also included Christian thought, in the form of Presbyterianism, and as an adult she was a Christian Scientist for some time.


Our Divinity School, founded nearly 400 years ago to train Christian ministers, now studies the religions of the world — from Buddhism to Islam to Hinduism to its own Congregationalist Christian roots.


As a result of this, Denominational Churches seem to spend a lot of their time in criticizing and attacking other Denominations of Protestant Christian Churches!


As I am basically from Kerala, I would like to point out a problem faced by Christian religious groups over there.


The concept of the millennium and the apocalypse referred to in Revelation has been an important part of certain Christian sects, but it has held less significance for most Roman Catholic and Protestant groups. Believers in Christian millennialism differ about when Christ will return to earth, how the millennium will start, and the nature of the millennium.


So I believe you are fundamentally religious in your need and to live beyound your own egocentric, solipsistic concerns.

fundamentally religious--通常是指美国基督教中的「基要真理派」,这不是教派,而是指这种教徒是极端保守、坚持正道、且身体力行的人。

I am 36 years old, married with two children, a devoted Christian of the Catholic Denominations.


How come it is become only Symbolic now, in most of the Christian denominations.


This extension of the term to all Christian denominations results no doubt, from the tendency of the modern non-Catholic world to consider all the various forms of Christianity as the embodiment of revealed truths and as equally entitled to recognition.


Citées dans le Syllabus", Paris, 1865 and the encyclicals of Leo XIII of 20 January, 1888,"On Human Liberty"; of 21 April, 1878,"On the Evils of Modern Society"; of 28 December, 1878,"On the Sects of the Socialists, Communists, and Nihilists"; of 4 August, 1879,"On Christian Philosophy"; of 10 February, 1880,"On Matrimony"; of 29 July, 1881,"On the Origin of Civil Power"; of 20 April, 1884,"On Freemasonry"; of 1 November, 1885,"On the Christian State"; of 25 December, 1888,"On the Christian Life"; of 10 January, 1890,"On the Chief Duties of a Christian Citizen"; of 15 May, 1891,"On the Social Question"; of 20 January, 1894,"On the Importance of Unity in Faith and Union with the Church for the Preservation of the Moral Foundations of the State"; of 19 March, 1902,"On the Persecution of the Church all over the World.

citées dans乐提纲&,巴黎, 1865年)和通谕的利奥十三对1888年1月20日,&对人类自由&; 1878年4月21日,&对邪恶的现代社会&; 1878年12月28日,&关于教派的社会主义者,共产主义者,和nihilists &; 8月4日, 1879 ,&基督教哲学&; 1880年2月10日,&婚姻&; 1881年7月29日,&对原产地的民间力量&; 1884年4月20日,&对自由的&; 11月1日, 1885年,&基督教国家&; 1888年12月25日,&对基督徒的生活&; 1890年1月10日,&对行政的职责,一个基督徒公民&; 1891年5月15日,&关于社会问题&; 1894年1月20日,&团结的重要性,在信仰和联盟与教会为维护道德基础的国家&; 1902年3月19日,&关于迫害教会遍布世界各地。

更多网络解释与基督教教派的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


是从罗马帝国延续下来的, 所以一般被视为正统, 我们所说的基督教则是在16世纪从罗马分离出来的新派, 主要以德国马丁路德(Martin Luther)的路德教派(Protestantism), 法国加尔文(John Calvin)的加尔文教派(Calvinism)及英国国教三大支为主,

churchgoing:经常上教堂的 上教堂 上教堂 经常去做礼拜的

churchgoer | 经常去做礼拜的人 | churchgoing | 经常上教堂的 上教堂 上教堂 经常去做礼拜的 | churchianity | (基督教)教派派性


churchgoing | 经常上教堂的 上教堂 上教堂 经常去做礼拜的 | churchianity | (基督教)教派派性 | Churchillian | 邱吉尔作风的

The Lord's Prayer:主祷文

>(The Lord's Prayer)是基督教唯一为所有教派的教徒们通用的祈祷文. 当门徒们问耶稣应该怎样祈祷时,耶稣就把这段祈祷文传授给了他们. 大部分基督教的祈祷都以它作为例子,其中包含对上帝的赞美,对罪恶的悔恨并寻求上帝的谅解,


Nervilia 芋兰属 | Nestorian 基督教教派 | Nestorian 基督教教派的


Nestorian 基督教教派 | Nestorian 基督教教派的 | Netherlands 尼德兰


Nervilia /芋兰属/ | Nestorian /基督教教派的/基督教教派/ | Netherlander /荷兰人/


Victorian 维多利亚女王时代的人,维多利亚女王时代的代表作家 | praetorian 执政官,禁卫队 | Nestorian 基督教教派



Commune of Paris:巴黎公社

但这时有一种取消基督教的运动发生,巴黎公社(Commune of Paris)命令各教派的教会一律停歇. 规定巴黎及各省均信奉理性教(Wosrship of Reason),仪式仿天主教. 政府是极端地反对天主教的,但并未用武力来干涉这流行的信仰;若施行直接的逼害,