英语人>词典>汉英 : 垂 的英文翻译,例句
垂 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
loll  ·  lolled  ·  lolling  ·  lolls

hang down
更多网络例句与垂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As an optical instrument, plumb aligner is used to give a plumb line,but up to now there is no accurate concept to indicate its plumb ness.


A fleshy part similar to a jowl, such as the dewlap of a cow or the wattle of a fowl.


In bitao group; Zhubo 3, Zhubo 6, Luogehongye etc. in red leaf peach group; Dahongpao, Wuyuexian, Qinglingdongtao, Yixianhong, Yangquanroutao, Datiantao, etc. in crisp peach group; Qiumi, Taiyuanshuimi, Shenzhouhongmi, Wenzhoushuimi, etc. in honey peach group; Okayamahaku, Spring time, Rebin, Hakuho, Xiahui No2, Zhaoyian, Fenghuayulu, etc. in juicy peach group; Yulupantao, Wuyuexianbiangan, Sulianpantao, Jiaqing, Yangzhou 124, etc. in flat peach group; Shuguang, Ruiguang No.2, Mayfire, Aimila, Hongliguang, Armking, etc. in nectarine group; Fertinimoroteini, Xizhuang No.1, Nong 1-2-4, Gold queen, Red haven, Jinxiu, Chengxiang, Elberta, Jingcheng, etc. in yellow peach group.

从多态带、特殊位点对类群分析,提出了各类群核心种质,砧木类有列玛格哈露红及贝蕾、阿克拉娃;寿星桃有红重瓣、寿星桃,寿粉,白单瓣;碧桃有人面桃,红碧桃、红花碧桃;枝桃有枝桃、鸳鸯枝、枝桃;红叶桃有筑波3号、筑波6号和洛格红叶;硬肉桃有大红袍、五月鲜、秦岭冬桃、敦煌冬桃、一线红、阳泉肉桃和大甜桃;蜜桃有秋蜜、太原水蜜、深州水蜜和温州水蜜;水蜜桃有冈山白、Spring time、Rebin、白凤、霞晖2号、早艳、奉化玉露;蟠桃有玉露蟠桃、五月鲜扁干、苏联蟠桃、嘉庆、杨124;油桃有曙光、瑞光2号、五月火、艾米拉、红李光、阿姆肯;黄肉桃有爱保太,佛尔蒂尼莫蒂尼、金皇后、Red haven、西庄1号、金橙、橙香和锦锈。

In 1998, Longo described a method by which prolapsing hemorrhoids could be treated with a circular stapler, obviating the excision of either the anoderm or perianal skin. He postulated that the hemorrhoidal symptoms were primarily related to prolapse of the rectal mucosa and anoderm. The procedure for prolapsed hemorrhoids (PPH, a circular hemorrhoidopexy) resulted in simultaneous relocation and fixation of the hemorrhoids and anoderm. With the widening acceptance of hemorrhoids as prolapsed anal cushions, a circular hemorrhoidopexy has become a popular procedure for the treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids.

在1998年Antonio Longo提出利用经肛门环形自动钉合器来治疗脱的痔疮,他认为痔疮的症状主要是因直肠黏膜及肛垫脱所引起,而环形的痔疮修补术可以将痔疮及肛垫组织重新定位回原来的正常位置,在随著普遍认为痔疮是脱的肛垫,环形的痔疮修补术已常用在治疗有症状的脱痔疮。

8 lacimal gland prolapse patients (16 eyes) were operated by stilettoing on orbital wall and sutureing the prolapsus lacrimal gland fast. Pre-and post-operative vision, appearance, reliability and permanence were analyzed.


Simulation experiment and cases shows that change in seal space(both cross sectionally and areally) causes spatial variety of vertical seal in a same fault(both cross sectionally and areally).


None."No concept of time" is my dad Paul垂眉spittle used Oh my sentence.


The results of calculations showed that the maximum increments in saltation height and horizontal distance due to the Magnus force were 10.2 and 24.9%, respectively, and that both increments increased with increasing lift-off angle. The maximum increments in saltation height and horizontal distance of sand grains caused by the Saffman force were only 4.6 and 3.7%, respectively. The vertical concentration distribution of Aeolian sand flow follows exponential function distribution whether or not force analysis of saltating sand grains includes Magnus and Saffman force. The effect of Magnus and Saffman force on the vertical concentration distribution of Aeolian sand current makes the rate decrease near sand bed and it is consistent with the effects of Magnus and Saffman force on the saltation height and distance of sand grains.

Magnus力对跃移高度和水平距离产生的最大增量分别可达到10.2%和24.9%,这两个增量均随起跃角度的增加而增大;Saffman力对跃移高度和水平跃移距离产生的最大增量分别为4.6%和3.7%;是否考虑Magnus与Saffman力,风沙流向质量百分浓度均服从指数函数分布,Magnus与Saffman力使得风沙流向质量百分浓度较不考虑它们的作用呈现出底层的比例较小,上层较大,Magnus与Saffman力对跃移高度的影响基本与其对风沙流向质量分布的影响一致,不过Magus力对风沙流向质量百分浓度分布影响较大,0-2cm范围内尤为强烈(7.16-10.81),其他高度层(2-20 cm)的影响相对较小(0-2.95)。

It is also easy to prevent. Always mark your rope's midpoint, enabling you to keep the rope centered through the anchor; tie bulky knots in both ends of the rope that will jam in your rappel device; and use a backup such as a prusik on the rope clipped to your harness with a locker.


It is also easy to prevent. Always mark your rope's midpoint, enabling you to keep the rope centered through the anchor; tie bulky knots in both ends of the rope that will jam in your rappel device; and use a backup such as a prusik on the rope clipped to your harness with a locker.


更多网络解释与垂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

plumb aligner:垂准仪,*铅垂仪

直折光系数 vertical refraction coefficient | 准仪,*铅仪 plumb aligner | 纯重力异常 pure gravity anomaly

anticlinal wall:垂周壁;徑壁

枝雙楯(陳嶸) Dipelta ventricosa Hemsl. | 周壁;徑壁 anticlinal wall | 周分裂 anticlinal division

pendulum astrolabe:垂摆弘盂

擺w定器 pendulum stabilizer | 擺弘盂? pendulum astrolabe" | 杆速測儀 lodis tacheometer

plumb bob:铅垂重物,铅垂

plumb 铅侧直,铅 | plumb bob 铅重物,铅 | plumb line 铅线

Christe eleison:基督求你垂怜

Kyrie eleison. 上主求你怜 | Christe eleison. 基督求你怜 | Kyrie eleison. . 上主求你


名称 饰(Pendant) 改造 0名称 腰带饰品(Pendant) 改造 0名称 佩特罗饰(Pendant) 改造 0名称 饰(Pendant) 改造 0名称 饰(Pendant) 改造 0名称 戒指(Ring) 改造 0名称 戒指(Ring) 改造 0名称 戒指(Ring) 改造 0名称 戒指

rectal prolapse:直肠脱垂

直肠脱(rectal prolapse)指肛管、直肠,甚至乙状结肠下端向下移位. 只有粘膜脱出称不完全脱;直肠全层脱出称完全脱. 如脱出部分在肛管直肠内称为内脱或内套叠;脱出肛门外称外脱. 直肠脱常见于儿童及老年,在儿童,直肠脱是一种自限性疾病,


(6)船舶中(sagging)对货物影响的估计. 因大型散货船满载后定有中现象的发生而中对货量的影响为defomation corretion=1/4X船舶预计中值(单位为cm)XTPC(单位为吨每cm). 减少船舶中的方法是将船舶中部的一些大舱少装一些货,

sagging condition:中垂状况

sag 中;下降;倾斜;弛;度;压向下风 | sagging condition 中状况 | sagging condition 中状态

Kyrie eleison.Christe eleison:天主,求你垂憐. 基督,求你垂憐

KYRIE 憐經 | Kyrie eleison.Christe eleison. 天主,求你憐. 基督,求你憐. | Kyrie eleison. 天主,求你憐.