英语人>词典>汉英 : 坐骨孔 的英文翻译,例句
坐骨孔 的英文翻译、例句


sciatic foramen
更多网络例句与坐骨孔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The parasacral region using a curved probe (2–5MHz) was scanned in 17 patients in search of the medial borderof the ischial bone and the lateral border of the sacrum, whichrepresent the limit of the greater sciatic foramen.

我们在17位病人身上用2–5MHz 的弯探针在骶骨旁区域进行超声探测,寻找坐骨内侧缘和骶骨外侧缘,从而划出坐骨大孔的区域。

The sacral plexus was identified at the levelof the sciatic foramen as a round hyperechoic structure.


Results The length between posterior superior iliac spine and greater trochanter of femur was (15.2±1.35) cm for man and (11.5±0.72) cm for woman; the length between posterior superior iliac spine and ischial tuberosity was (13.3±0.87) cm in man and (10.3±0.49) cm in woman; the length between greater trochanter of femur and ischial tuberosity was (8.3±0.83) cm in man and (5.5±0.61) cm in woman; the surface projection where the superior gluteal artery, superior gluteal veins and superior gluteal nerve permeate the suprapitiform foramen was below the point 0~6.8 mm between 2/5 superior and middle trunk from posterior superior iliac spine to greater trochanter of femur; the surface projection where the inferior gluteal artery, inferior gluteal veins and inferior gluteal nerve permeate the infrapiriform foramen was at the point between 2/5 inferior and middle trunk from posterior superior iliac spine to ischial tuberosity; the surface projection where sciatic nerve permeate the infrapiriform foramen was at the point between 3/5 lateral and middle trunk from ischial tuberosity to greater trochanter of femur.

结果臀三角各边的长度分别为:髂后上棘转子间距,男(15.2±1.35) cm,女(11.5±0.72) cm;髂后上棘结节间距,男(13.3±0.87) cm,女(10.3±0.49) cm;转子结节间距,男(8.3±0.83) cm,女(5.5±0.61) cm。臀上动脉、静脉、神经出入梨状肌上孔的体表投影在髂后上棘与大转子连线中、上2/5交界处向下0~6.8 mm内;臀下动脉、静脉、神经出入梨状肌下孔处的体表投影在髂后上棘与坐骨结节连线中、下2/5处;坐骨神经出梨状肌下孔处的体表投影在坐骨结节与大转子连线中外3/5处。

更多网络解释与坐骨孔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pelvic bones(pelvic skeleton),see also illium,ischium, obturator foramen,pubis:髋骨,见坐骨孔,耻骨

胸肌区 pectoral region | 髋骨,见坐骨孔,耻骨 pelvic bones(pelvic skeleton),see also illium,ischium, obturator foramen,pubis | 骨盆腔 pelvic cavity


ischialgia 坐骨神经痛 | ischiatic 坐骨的 | ischiatic hernia 坐骨孔

ischiatic hernia:坐骨孔疝

亦称臀疝(gluteal hernia)或坐骨孔疝(ischiatic hernia).坐骨疝临床 极为罕见, 多发生在中年以后的妇女, 尤以经产妇女为主. 男性虽有发生, 但更为少见.疝出途径以坐骨大孔脱出者为多.病因: 骨盆是由后方的骶骨 尾骨和两侧髋骨借骨连结而构成的坚强骨环.骨 盆的骶结节韧带,

ischiatic hernia:坐骨大孔疝,坐骨孔疝

ischiatic 坐骨的 | ischiatic hernia 坐骨大孔疝,坐骨孔疝 | ischiatitis 坐骨神经炎

ischiocavernosus muscle:坐骨海绵机

ischiocapsular ligament 坐骨囊韧带 | ischiocavernosus muscle 坐骨海绵机 | ischiocele 坐骨孔


ischiocavernosus muscle 坐骨海绵机 | ischiocele 坐骨孔疝 | ischiococcygeal 坐骨尾骨的


ischiocele 坐骨孔疝 | ischiococcygeal 坐骨尾骨的 | ischiococcygeus 坐骨尾骨肌


25.坐骨孔疝ischiocele | 26.坐骨囊韧带ischiofemoral ligament | 27.坐骨前列腺韧带ischioprostatic ligament

sciatic foramen:坐骨孔

23.坐骨胫骨的ischiotibial | 24.坐骨孔sciatic foramen | 25.坐骨孔疝ischiocele

foramen sciatic:坐骨孔

颜孔,荐椎孔 foramen sacral | 坐骨孔 foramen sciatic | 蝶腭孔 foramen spheno-palatine