英语人>词典>汉英 : 在静脉中的 的英文翻译,例句
在静脉中的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与在静脉中的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective:To investigate the expression and significance of p38 mitogenactivated protein kinase in autogenous vein graft.


Objective To explore the effect of umbilical vein catheterization on premature infants.


In preparation technology for harmine intravenous emulsion, the pharmaceutical investigation was performed using even design method, including the effct of different emulsifier, emulsification technology and prescription component, etc.


Results Tianma xingnao capsule significantly increased brain blood flow and prolonged mouse pursiness time.Tianma xingnao capsule at a dose of4g/kg significantly elevated the content of Evans in mouse brain.Tianma xingnao capsule markedly extended the calibers of the thin arteries and veins in mouse auricle microcircula-tion,andalsoincreasedthenumberofopeningcapillaryvessels.

结果 天麻醒脑胶囊显著增加脑血流量并延长小鼠断头后喘气时间,4g/kg体重的天麻醒脑胶囊可明显增大Evans在脑组织中的含量,呈剂量依赖性明显增加小鼠耳廓细动脉、细静脉管径及增多耳廓毛细血管数量。

The medicine prepared by using said invention can be used for preveniting and curing the following diseases: cerebrovascular disease, senile dementia, nephritis, renal failure, angiitis, phlebothrombosis, pulmonary heart disease, angina pectoris and cardiac infarction, etc..


Lingering walks, slow moving gestures mixed with deep emotions flow across the wind and silence intensively creeping within the veins of he and she like a shot of pheromones injected in the aortal vein.


Xinmao digital ultra light energy weight-reducing instrument can produce ultra light energy which is of strong penetrability into muscle for 12.5cm. At the first few minutes the combustion technology of light wave makes epidermis and under-epidermis tissue more fluid, and strengthens the exchange of body fluid activity and changes the strucrure of tissue density , veins and lymph structure ,increase the content of nutrition in the blood rapidly.despel remnant liquid and metabolized substance in the body at the same time.By treating hypodermis,thning hypodermal tissue fat and fat resolving enzyme mediating device, it can promote the softening, shrinking, and resolving the fat in deep so as to burn it.


From liquid ventilation therapy to light quantum therapy and hyperoxic liquid intravenous infusion therapy, there have been many new breakthough in oxygenating ways.


Objective To explore the value of transvaginal color Doppler sonography in pelvic veins in normal reproductive women.

目的 探讨经阴道彩色多普勒超声在健康生育期妇女盆腔静脉中的应用价值。

Objective To explore the value of transvaginal color Doppler sonography in pelvic veins in normal reproductive women.


更多网络解释与在静脉中的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

inferior vena cava:下腔静脉

控方在开庭陈词中指出,妮基因下腔静脉(inferior vena cava)破裂,导致心脏外层出血(haemopericardium)而死. 主控官陈玮玲副检察司在庭上放映死者的验尸照片,她幼小的身躯伤痕累累,不但右手臂有牙齿印、手肘曾被掐伤,背部和臀部也都有瘀伤.

cephalic vein:头静脉

向下追踪至腕前区.在臂上部内侧找出已解剖出的前臂内侧皮神经,向下追踪,可见其在臂内侧中,下1/3交界处穿出深筋膜,向下与贵要静脉伴行至腕前区.保留已解剖出的浅静脉和皮神经,清除上肢前面全部浅筋膜.观察:头静脉(cephalic vein)起自手背静脉网的桡侧,


因应方法 可从以下方法中这是分布于肛门附近的痔静脉瘀积而形成的静脉瘤. 妊娠、便秘、饮酒过量、需要久坐的生活是形成痔疮的主要原因. 血液中的中性脂肪、胆固醇、血纤维蛋白原(fibrinogen)等凝固物质过剩,导致血流不良,结果聚集在一起就会形成静脉瘤.


蚯蚓血红蛋白(Hemerythrin)是一种含铁的蛋白质色素,可以从包括某些线虫类、环节类、腕足类在内的海洋底栖蠕虫的血液中找到,它同样远不如血红蛋白有效. 含有这种色素的血液在同氧结合的情况下是亮粉色或者蓝紫色,而在静脉中则是无色的.

hepatic vein:肝静脉

由肝门静脉的毛细血管再一次合成肝静脉(hepatic vein)并将血液汇入静脉窦内. 这类动物通常少活动,大部时间将身体埋在泥沙中,仅以前端露出沙外,借水流带食物进入口中. 它们的脊索纵贯全身,且伸延到神经管的前面,故称头索动物,或全索动物.


1838年,马格纳斯(Magnus)对于呼吸获得进一步的知识. 他指出动脉和静脉管中的血均含有氧与二氧化碳,但其比例不一样. 他以为气体是溶解在血液中的,但在1857年迈耶尔证明这两种气体与血组成一种松弛的比合物.

renal portal vein:肾门静脉

尾和后肢的静脉在前行中分为两对,一对沿肾脏的外缘成肾门静脉(renal portal vein),进入肾脏,分成许多细小血管,再次汇集成数条肾静脉(renal vein),由两肾之间通出,与来自生殖腺的生殖腺静脉(genital vein)一起,将血液送入后大静脉;


当这些瓣膜无法正常开放和关闭时,血液会在静脉中聚集,使得静脉扩张,医学上称之为静脉曲张(varicose). 微血管扩张(spider vein)是微小静脉在皮肤表面发生的扩张现象,呈现红色、蓝色或紫色. 静脉曲张不仅看来不悦目,往往也会造成疼痛.


3.静脉(veins)根据管径的不同,也可分为大、中、小三级. 其管壁也可分内膜、中膜和外膜,但三层膜的分界常不清楚. 与动脉相比,静脉具有以下特点:静脉数量多;在向心脏汇集的过程中,其属支愈合并愈粗,管壁内平滑肌细胞和弹性成分减少,

saphenous vein:[隐静脉]

在手术中,医生用病人腿中的一段隐静脉(Saphenous vein),代替阻塞了的冠状动脉,令心肌的血液供应回复正常. 不过,方法并非十全十美,主要是因为动脉的平滑肌厚一些,有多一点弹性;静脉取而代之后,因经常由于心跳而被拉扯之故,会受刺激而增生,