英语人>词典>汉英 : 向上游的 的英文翻译,例句
向上游的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与向上游的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This one process is ceaseless continual at the same time, chute also upstream is mobile.


In the aspect of shrimp migration test, the finding reports that shrimp would use the porosity filtering to crawl towards upstream when the flow rate is at 0.001cms, and do so on the bottom of the fishway when the flow is even less.


This man searchs the cadaver head of the wife along fluvial upstream direction.


The distribution of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness on the wall indicates that the outspread hole and column with β are better in the foreside, but decline more quickly.


Beginning in March, the fish start the argue is gerty 8 arduous journey 800 kilometers up river upriver from the Pacific Ocean.


I think they are growing gills, swimming up the sweet air to reach you.


It expanded to 106119ha in 1973, descented to 99167ha in 1987, backed up to 112440ha, and attained the max value in history—123170ha in 1998 and descent to 109934ha again in 2001. GIS overlaying analysis shows that, the spatial change of Minqin Oasis had the different characteristics in different stage in the last 50 years: at the end of 50's to the beginning of 70%, oasis expandation Was performed by extension of origin oasis; the atrophia of oasis from the beginning from 70's to the 80's was performed by increasing of non-oasis spot pieces of inner part for oasis; the main performance of keeping on expanding of oasis from late 80's to late 90's is outside extension of Baqu oasis near the upper stream, with increased oasis area in interior of hungriness and increased area of non-cultivation in Huqu oasis in the north. From 1998 to 2001, opening up wideness in interior of hungriness continued, but hnngrinessization of oasis became worse. The oases in the Minqin Basin developed from small to large and back to small in terms of area changes, and from south to north then to south in terms of spatial changes.


The quasi-perpendicular collisionless shock consists of foot, ramp and a series of overshoots and undershoots, after travelling back upstream for a short distance, the reflected protons gyrate back into the downstream where an temperature anisotropy is formed due to an anisotropy of velocity distribution, then excite Alfvén ion cyclotron waves and mirror waves that dissipate the kinetic energy into heat; At quasi-parallel collisionless shocks, the reflected protons can travel far upstream, and lead to the generation of ion beam instabilities which excite large-amplitude right-hand polarized ultralow-frequency resonant waves whose frequencies are are about〓 These waves are convected back downstream by solar wind and gradually merge to form the downstream state, in the meantime new waves are generated continuously in the upstream, this process where ULF waves are generated and merge into downstream state is cyclical.


Louis the past six weeks suggests there is enough capacity to lift nearly 2 million tonnes of grain down-river.


In the centrifuge model test of the construction of Chahanwusu CFRD on deep overlying, the conclusion was drawn, namely it is feasible that the CFRD be construction on deep overlying, with the toe slab directly construct on deep overlying, the vertical seepage control by concrete cut-off wall, and the connection of cut-off wall and toe slab by two connect slabs.

从试验结果上看,虽然蓄水后连接板、趾板都有向上游的移动,但未发现防渗墙顶、连接板和趾板间有明显的拉开现象,说明从结构受力变形的角度来看,坝体坝基的防渗系统的防渗功能是可以保证的; 2。

更多网络解释与向上游的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

forward integration:前向合并

一个企业可以对处在其下游或是上游的企业取得控制,前者被称作"前向合并"(FORWARD INTEGRATION),后者被称作"后向合并"(BACKWARD INTEGRATION) . 混合合并(CONGLOMERATE MERGERS),又称作聚合合并,是处于不同市场之间的合并,即互不关联的市场上企业之间的合并.

forward integration:前向一体化

根据企业的资源条件和发展需要不同,"一体化成长机会"的开发又可以分为向上游产业扩展的"后向一体化"( backward integration),如建立自己的原材料供应基地;向下游产业发展的"前向一体化"(forward integration),如建设自己的垂直分销网络或专卖店;

Slotting allowance:上架费

随着零售业集中度的提高.具有垄断势力的下游零售商凭借其在与上游供货方的博弈中拥有的讨价还价的势力(bargaining power)对上游制造商施加纵向约束,如向上游供货方收取进场费、上架费(slotting allowance)等.

upcurrent:上升气流 向上游

upcountry /内陆的/ | upcurrent /上升气流/向上游/ | update /更新/


upriver 上游的 | upriver 向水源的 | uproarious 骚嚷的


upstart 暴发户 | upstate 偏僻的 | upstream 向上游

Yellowstone River:黄石河

您可以静静地坐在黄石河(Yellowstone River)畔,看着秋沙鸭缓缓游来,享受着美好时光. 在上游,一条山鳟跳出水面,想看看鸭子在做什么,却忘记了来自头顶六十多米高处的危险,大鱼鹰正在那里盘旋. 看仔细了,这种鸟会以惊人的速度俯冲下来飞向它的猎物.

headward erosion:向源侵蚀

向源侵蚀 (Headward Erosion) 是指河川因为地形的变化而使侵蚀的基准面下降,由於河床坡度变大,流速加大,使得侵蚀作用加强,刚开始开始在河流的下游发生侵蚀,然後渐渐向上游发展,即所谓向源侵蚀.




upconverter /升频器/上转换器/ | upcountry /内陆的/ | upcurrent /上升气流/向上游/