英语人>词典>汉英 : 同一时期 的英文翻译,例句
同一时期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与同一时期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It i s evaluated that the overland mobility of tanks produced by different countries and during different periods with very simple algebraic operation. The conclusi ons obtained agree with the results verified by other evaluating methods and the actual using situation of tanks in battlefield. Therefore, the method is proved to be valid.


The oscillation of the base level results in their relative variation of accommodation space and sedimentary alimentation. The variation rates of them have also changed, then lead to the difference of facies sequence, the degree of stratigraphic preservation and stacking pattern at the same territory in different ages, or the difference of phase area at different territories at the same age.


The East Anglian abbeys produced magnificent psalters during the same period (Psalter of Peterborough at Brussels; Psalter of Robert of Ormesby at Oxford) which belong to the same school.

东盎格鲁修道院制作的宏伟psalters在同一时期( psalter的彼得伯勒在布鲁塞尔; psalter罗伯特的奥姆斯比在牛津),其中属于同一所学校。

Through the results of surveys, this article modeled a generalized phenomenon of a conventional wedding ceremony corresponding to socioeconomic background, and divided the period into four sub-periods. This article took time as the ordinate axis and investigated the wedding ceremony and instruments across history. Based on the conventional wedding model, we tried to observe the veins of change and analysis the cultural significance.


If total assets decreased by $40,000 during a specific period and owner's equity decreased by $45,000 during the same period, the period's change in total liabilities was an $85,000 increase.

t 15。如果总资产$ 40,000减少了一个特定时期的所有者权益减少了45,000元在同一时期,这一时期的总负债的变化是增加了85,000元。

Study on the petrochmical,trace element chemical,REE geochemical and Pb isotopic geochemical characteristics of the Tongshan intrusive indicates that the quartz diorite,granodiorite and adamellite are products of three stages of the same periodfrom only one magmatic source.


The archaeological evidence shows a highly identical style among contemporary jades and a continuity of jades in different periods.


There are plentiful and grazioso ornamentations in Bach's keyboard works.


Evidenced is the need for annotations of names and toponyms to include the original word, as well as the requirement that objects for analogy should be of the same period or kind.


Most playwrights of the period typically collaborated with others at some point, and critics agree that Shakespeare did the same, mostly early and late in his career.[67] Some attributions, such as Titus Andronicus and the early history plays, remain controversial, while The Two Noble Kinsmen and the lost Cardenio have well-attested contemporary documentation.


更多网络解释与同一时期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Richard Arkwright:理查德 阿克赖特

就在同一时期,理查德.阿克赖特(Richard Arkwright)发明了细纺机(Spinning Frame),并申请了专利,这个发明能把线变成一团团的纱. 尽管最初设计的细纺机是用手柄摇动的,但后来阿克赖特还是用马来推动它. 实践证明甚至马的力量也不够大,




左思右想了好一会儿,最后选的是>(Barbados)和>(StarCrossedLovers). 第二桩也差不多发生在同一时期,同样和爵士乐有关. 一天下午,我在伯克雷音乐院附近一家旧唱片店找唱片. 在排列着旧密纹唱片的架上找来找去,


但布赖特(Bright)的观点肯定是正确的;他说:在同一时期,出现相同名字的两个国王和两个地区是不可能的. 因此,>第一章提到的城邑被毁可能就是亚述的这次进攻的结果;这样,犹大开始处在来自东方的统治的阴影之中.

significant changes:图中一些较大变化

significant changes图中一些较大变化 | noticeable trend明显趋势 | during the same period在同一时期

significant changes:图中一些较大变化 一起呵.英语站

significant changes 图中一些较大变化 一起呵.英语站 | noticeable trend 明显趋势 | during the same period 在同一时期

birth cohort:出生队列

显示致病因子与年龄的关系 是其最大的缺点.但出生队列分析方法可纠正这一缺点.(2)出生队列分析 (birth cohort analysis): 将同一时期出生的人 出生队列分析 是其最大的缺点 划归一组称为出生队列(birth cohort), 可对其随访若干年,


同一时刻synchronisation | 同一时期contemporaneity | 同一氏族的人clansman

contemporaneously:同时地; 同时代地 (副)

contemporaneous 同时期的, 同时代的 (形) | contemporaneously 同时地; 同时代地 (副) | contemporary 同时代的, 属于同一时期的, 同时的 (形)