英语人>词典>汉英 : 可能犯的 的英文翻译,例句
可能犯的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
committable  ·  comittable

更多网络例句与可能犯的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yeah, it might be a message to an accomplice.


Amor. The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made.


We may make mistakes, but they must never be mistakes which result from faintness of heart or abandonment of moral principle


And i think,i mean,i've made every wrong choice a middle-aged man can make


Very significant, as showing a deep-rooted desire for some form of atoning sacrifice, is the custom-known already in the time of the Geonim, and found in Asia and Africa (see Benjamin II.,"Acht Yahre in Asien und Africa," 1858, p. 273), as well as in Europe (Asheri Yoma viii. 23; Mazor Vitry, p. 339; Kol Bo lxviii.; Shulan 'Aruk, Ora ayyim, 605), though disapproved by Namanides, Solomon ben Adret, and Joseph Caro-of swinging over one's head, on or before the eve of Atonement Day, a fowl, usually a rooster or hen; solemnly pronouncing the same to be a vicarious sacrifice to be killed in place of the Jew or Jewess who might be guilty of death by his or her sin.

非常重要,因为显示一个根深蒂固的愿望,为某种形式的atoning牺牲,是定制众所周知,已在时间的geonim ,并发现,在亚洲和非洲(见本杰明二,"阿赫特yahre在asien und非洲," 1858年,第273页),以及在欧洲(阿舍里yoma八, 23岁; mazor vitry ,第339名; Kol公报lxviii ; shulan ' aruk , ora ayyim , 605 ),虽然不赞成namanides ,索罗门贲adret和约瑟夫卡罗( ur ora ayyim ,立法会)-摆动超过一个人的头部,或以前前夕的赎罪日,禽,通常是公鸡还是母鸡;庄严宣告了同样是一个替代牺牲被杀害到位对犹太人或jewess那些可能犯的死刑,他或她的罪过。

Very significant, as showing a deep-rooted desire for some form of atoning sacrifice, is the custom-known already in the time of the Geonim, and found in Asia and Africa (see Benjamin II.,"Acht Yahre in Asien und Africa," 1858, p. 273), as well as in Europe (Asheri Yoma viii. 23; Mazor Vitry, p. 339; Kol Bo lxviii.; Shulan 'Aruk, Ora ayyim, 605), though disapproved by Namanides, Solomon ben Adret, and Joseph Caro-of swinging over one's head, on or before the eve of Atonement Day, a fowl, usually a rooster or hen; solemnly pronouncing the same to be a vicarious sacrifice to be killed in place of the Jew or Jewess who might be guilty of death by his or her sin.

非常重要,因为显示一个根深蒂固的愿望,为某种形式的atoning牺牲,是定制众所周知,已在时间的geonim ,并发现,在亚洲和非洲(见本杰明二,&阿赫特yahre在asien und非洲,& 1858年,第273页),以及在欧洲(阿舍里yoma八, 23岁; mazor vitry ,第339名; Kol公报lxviii ; shulan ' aruk , ora ayyim , 605 ),虽然不赞成namanides ,索罗门贲adret和约瑟夫卡罗( ur ora ayyim ,立法会)-摆动超过一个人的头部,或以前前夕的赎罪日,禽,通常是公鸡还是母鸡;庄严宣告了同样是一个替代牺牲被杀害到位对犹太人或jewess那些可能犯的死刑,他或她的罪过。

It is very serious problem that cann't find the correct living position when you are already more than thirty years old. I don't know and cann't explain it why start do the uncorrect things ago, It seems I was really lost many things. Living cann't under your control, it is truly not good.


Cross Represents an interval between when an entry is marked as extinct, and when it is scavenged from the WINS database.


It's fortunate that many lifers are unlikely to repeat their crimes and can return to society without risk to others.


If the grand jury finds enough evidence to warrant a trial, it will issue a true bill of indictment5 and the case will proceed.


更多网络解释与可能犯的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


不,此 "罪"(sin)不是彼 "罪" (crime). "犯法" 是相对与人间的法律;"犯罪"是相对与造物主神的律法与要求. 我们可能守法,但在上帝的眼中,我们乃是罪人. >的标准乃 是: "因为凡遵守全律法的,只在一条上跌倒,他就是犯了众条.

critical mass:临界质量

以当时的条件,纳粹要制造原子弹几乎是不可能,也使得欧洲人民免去了遭纳粹原子弹的厄运,最后高举正义大旗的美国人用十几千克的铀造出原子弹来,于是亚洲人民遭了殃...(笑)很难想象海森堡会犯如此三流甚至不入流的错误,"临界质量"(critical mass)的运算可是当年我国


此乃犯了佛教禅宗"顿悟",以及近代"实存主义"(Existentialism)类似的毛病. 但就一人灵命特殊的经历而言,乃可能在他灵性发生危机的时候,完全降服上帝,得到圣灵的充满,使他脱离犯罪意向与习惯的捆绑;并且仰赖上帝的带领,常在基督里夸胜(参林后二14).


combination: 组合 | fallible: 易错的;可能犯错的 | scour: 快速搜索

We might have to go to extremes to get noticed:我们可能必须做一些极端的事来引起注意

Don't sell yourself short.不要低估了你自己.... | We might have to go to extremes to get noticed.我们可能必须做一些极端的事来引起注意. | She didn't realize she was committing a faux pas.她不知道她犯了错...

Null hypothesis:无效假设

关于定性评定,大多数研究产生了积极的结果;但是,就效果大小(effect size)的标准而言,有关没有效果的无效假设(null hypothesis),是不可能被拒绝的. 作者认为,对于各种结果(包括累犯)来说,没有大量的证据证实行为技术在改变反社会行为方面有功效.


调查的启动 一般来说,当证监会有合理理由相信:(1)有人可能已犯>任何有关条文所订罪行;(2)有人可能已在证券买卖、投资管理、订立集体投资计划、提供投资意见等过程中作出亏空、欺诈、不法行为(misfeasance)或其他失当行为(misconduct);


太谢谢你了,"Christus Consolator"和"酬劳者"(Remunerator)我都挂到我的小房间的桌子上方了. 上帝是公正的,他会指引每个罪人走上正确的道路,你写的时候这样想着,"这是可能发生的,我在很多事上犯错误,但是我不会绝望.


在犹太人的眼中,他们的弥赛亚是"得胜的"(victorious)弥赛亚,是不可能落在人的手中受苦,被害的. 但上帝的旨意不是这样,在以赛亚书五十三章所预言的救赎主是"被藐视,被人厌弃;多受痛苦,常经患难. . 他为我们的过犯受害,为我们的罪孽压伤.

statutory rape:小心犯强奸幼女罪

Seriously, look at her. You know she has that Scooby-Doo tongue.|说正经的,看看她 你知道她有史库比... | Statutory rape.|小心犯强奸幼女罪 | On the other hand, maybe she is too young.|再想想,可能她年纪确实...