英语人>词典>汉英 : 可叹 的英文翻译,例句
可叹 的英文翻译、例句


worthy of praise
更多网络例句与可叹相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alas, that is not going to happen. But Mr.


As for Min woo abandoning the cute kiddy, such an act is deplorable, but I don't think he would have gone through with it.


Lamentably, this is the consequence of violating Nature.


And so of friends in a proportion This is certain, that a man that studieth revenge, keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal, and do well Public revenges are for the most part fortunate; as that for the death of Caesar; for the death of Pertinax; for the death of Henry the Third of France; and many more But in private revenges, it is not so Nay rather, vindictive persons live the life of witches; who, as they are mischievous, so end they infortunate


I that is pitiable deplorable old story?


China deliciosus deliciosus Museum for display of Chinese history and the development of the industry, promote Chinese culture has a long deliciosus of great practical significance 1, deliciosus ----- deliciosus Science Museum Science Museum is a museum Core deliciosus, where the soul from the scientific point of view, to the universal audience deliciosus knowledge, deliciosus is rich in value, is a gift of nature The treasure of humanity, from a scientific point of view, the adoption of specimens, models, three-dimensional landscape, pictures, videos, interactive multi-media technology to display the way to create a lively, and the pro-intellectual context, so that viewers feel lovely natural life, Alas .

中国菇菌博物馆对于展示中国菇菌行业的发展历史、弘扬中国悠久的菇菌文化具有重要的现实意义 1、菇菌科学馆-----菇菌科学馆是整个菇菌博物馆的核心、灵魂所在,从科普的角度,向观众普及菇菌的知识,菇菌有着丰富的利用价值,是大自然赐予人类的瑰宝,从科学的角度出发,通过标本、模型、立体造景、图片、影片、多媒体技术等互动展示手法,营造了一个生动、亲和的知性情境,让观众感受自然生命可爱、可叹之处。

Sadly, I expect the football authorities will be as purblind .


Then, below the agitate of an old schoolmate, he borrowed brushstroke money to begin to do the wholesale business of leather shoes to relatives and friends again, continue to develop a stress for business with the most familiar always Internet, do a website, vend on the net sell leather shoes, although somewhat behead is obtained, loath keep the pot boiling, but deplorable day after day, always going down so also is not a method.


As party literature laments, however, this is often far less about love for the Communist cause than it is about burnishing credentials.


Nay rather, vindictive persons live the life of witches; who, as they are mischievous, so end they infortunate.


更多网络解释与可叹相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


斯坦纳谈起门生时,语气之"酸"(acerbic)之"苦"(bitter),让人起反感,也让人兴太息. 对许多学者来讲,荣誉感就像一种无形枷锁,在它日复一日的桎梏下,心态已经扭曲了,自己却完全察觉不到. 斯坦纳这番怨怼的可叹之处在于,以他的成就,


deploitation 开拓 | deplorable 可叹的 | deplorably 可叹


deploid /扁方二十四面体/ | deplorable /可叹的/悲惨的/凄惨的/ | deplorably /可叹地/悲惨地/


deplorable 可叹的 | deplorably 可叹地 | deplore 悲悼


deplorable /可叹的/悲惨的/凄惨的/ | deplorably /可叹地/悲惨地/ | deplore /悲叹/悲悼/感到遗憾/后悔/悔恨/悲痛/

deplorably:可叹地; 悲惨地 (副)

deplorable 可叹的, 凄惨的, 悲惨的 (形) | deplorably 可叹地; 悲惨地 (副) | deplore 悲悼, 悔恨, 哀叹 (动)


grieved /哀伤/悲哀/悲痛/忉/忡/怆/忧伤/ | grievously /可叹地/难忍受地/ | griffe /黑白混血儿/


lamentable /可悲的/可叹的/可怜的/低劣的/贫乏的/可悲/ | lamentably /可叹地/可怜地/ | lamentation /悲叹/哀悼/恸哭/哀歌/哀伤/


regretless 无悔的 | regrettable 可叹的 | regrettably 抱歉地

Alas for her wifely virtue:可叹停机德

可叹停机德, Alas for her wifely virtue, | 堪怜咏絮才. Her wit to sing of willow-down, poor maild! | 玉带林中挂, Buried in snow the broken golden hairpin