英语人>词典>汉英 : 医学院学生 的英文翻译,例句
医学院学生 的英文翻译、例句


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Each "box" or room would be linked to other boxes or rooms by links of consequentiality or affinity [1].[1] Still today, in Italy, the medicine students remember the Latin names of the bones imagining the following sequence: a boat, in the shape of a crescent moon, arrives at the Pyramids of Pisa carrying on board a trapeze, a trapezoid and a head hanged to a hook.


Results The prevalence of sub-health was70.66%in medicos,which made them difficult to focus attention,be tired for a long time,memory decreasing,get a cold easily,fantod and inquietude,insomnia and have many dreams.

结果 医学院学生亚健康人群比例较高(70.66%),表现为注意力难以集中、长期持续疲劳、记忆力减退、经常感冒、烦躁不安、失眠梦等。

In her view, medical students should learn to trivialise death enough to cope but humanise it enough to help, and their formal education caters disproportionately to the former.


This is a concise text in immunology for medical students.


A British medic held for months in an internment camp for Tamil civilians has revealed how military guards dealt out cruel punishments, while many suspected of links to Tiger rebels were taken away and have not been seen since


My role in this lakorn I play a last year university student and an extremely naughty guy which is not a normal medical student character.


My favorite (and Gajda's, too) involves a student in osteopathic medicine who, after failing an important rotation, was dismissed because "he didn't have the basic understanding that he should have as a fourth-year medical student."


The Biomedical Simulation of Eyeball Movement Software can be used as a visual aid for oculist-training and teaching students who majored in ophthalmology.


That's something that doesn't appeal to me aesthetically,' says Natalie Pon, a 21-year-old medical student in Dallas.


My favorite (and Gajda's, too) involves a student in osteopathic medicine who, after failing an important rotation, was dismissed because "he didn't have the basic understanding that he should have as a fourth-year medical student."


更多网络解释与医学院学生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bristol-Myers Squibb:百时美施贵宝

最近和教师,牧师,律师以及医学院的学生也有合作.我们的 公司客户包括>500 强公司,比如雅诗兰黛(EstLauder),所罗门美邦(Salomon Smith Barney),辉瑞制药(Pfizer),美林(Merrill Lynch),百时美施贵宝(Bristol Myers Squibb) 和凯悦公司(Hy


在遥远的年代(编译者的年代),台湾的医学院(包括医科、牙科)学生,大都以西塞尔 (Cecil) 或哈里逊 (Harrison) 的大部头原文书为教科书,由各科专门领域教授来授课,三个学期下来,

flow chart:流程表

右页的作业流程表 (flow chart) 是把症候与病态生理的总论及各论整理出来的结果. 这样就能充分理解疾患所显示的症状或检查所见与病态生理的关系. 基於上述,凡是医学院相关学系的学生都必须修习这门课程. 在遥远的年代(编译者的年代),

final exam:期末考试

陈葆琳(Pauline Chen)的>(Final Exam)论及了适当临终关怀. 她深入探讨了外科医师看上去无情的原因并逐步分析得出答案--这是由医学训练决定的. 在她看来,医学院学生应学着轻看生命以便操作,同时又要有充沛的同情心以助病人.


41).大学场域的世俗及文化两极不单与权力场域有结构性的类同(structural homology),它通过对成员的选拔(selection)及教导(indoctrination),再制了权力场域的阶级关系.因为统计资料显示法学院及医学院的教授及学生较多来自主导阶层的主导部分;

medical school:医学院

美国大学综合排名的好坏,主要看三大学院,法学院(Law School),医学院(Medical School),和商学院(Business School). 美国最好的学生多集中在这三个学院,不像中国的好学生多在工学院(Engineering School). 所以,工科的学生选择院校时,


医学院坐落在孟扎(Monza)市,圣杰勒德(San Gerardo)医院旁边. 精心挑选的地利位置使得学生们能方便的向医生们学习诊断和治疗的技术,并了解病人的生活. 除了与圣杰勒德医院的合作外,医学院也与其它医疗机构建立了合作协议,

Newcastle University:纽卡斯尔大学

比如,由于医学课程注册学生的增加,纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University)碰到了资源短缺的问题. 学生们必须到距离学校很远的地方才能找到临床实习的机会. 为此,学校建立了一个虚拟学习环境"地区医学院",这样不管学生在何处,


特别介绍:纽约州立大学阿尔巴尼分校有一项冷门学科在美国很有名,便是"足病学"(Podiatry),一些学生考不进医学院,于脆攻读这一科,也可成为专业人士. 最后一提的是,据>指出,


将旧知识与新知识--"片"(piece)的拼法一一联想在一起就能解决这个问题. 基本法则再一次派上用场. 这些是联想的常见例子,包括潜意识和意识作用. 于是,医学院学生运用记忆术(增进记忆的技巧)帮助自己记住头颅神经;其他学生以家(Homes)这个字来记住五大湖,休伦湖