英语人>词典>汉英 : 副词的 的英文翻译,例句
副词的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The third part has tried to analyze the universality and diversity in syntacticdistributions among Shi Shi, Bu Shi , Shi Bu Shi , statement adverbs and descriptionadverbs. Pointing out the function doubleness (embody the statement and description)derive from the semantic doubleness (embody the meanings of "Chang Chang and PinPin),The three words bridge the function of statement adverbs and descriptionadverbs,the part also points out that the "Shi Shi "shoud be divided into "Shi Shi1"whichexpresses continuousness and"Shi Shi2 which expresses repeatlity.

第三章对"时时"、"不时"、"时不时"同判断类频率副词与描写类频率副词分别进行了句法分布上的比较分析,指出这三个词功能的双重性来源于它们语义的双重性(既有"常"类副词的意义,又用"频"类副词的意义),指出了它们在频率副词系统中所起到的桥梁作用;并对"时时"作了表延续义的"时时_1 "和表重复义的"时时_2 "的区分。

We have investigated seven representative ancient books handed down from Pre-Qin dynasty in the entirety, four books in the Western Zhou Dynasty and the later part of the Warring States. We Divide into the double negation sentence type six big kinds, nine minor sorts, according to the negative term lexical category and the combination way: the denial pronoun and the denial adverb matching, the denial pronoun and the denial verb being use together, the denial adverb and the denial verb being use together, the denial verb and the denial adverb matching, the denial adverb and the denial adverb matching, the fixed structure and denial adverb being used together.


Based on the concrete study of the Part II, we compare and analyze the monosyllable note adverb and the duplicate syllable adverb, then compare and analyze the quantity of each kind of adverb and it"s frequency of use, and analyze the adverb"s appearance position, the condition of using together. Finally, summarize and induce the characteristic of the adverb system of Gu Liang Zhuan.


The order is the adverb in a sentence has more than one adverb , according to circumstances like these adverbs adverbs , place ...


Have talked about the function denying an adverb mainly within the first section, have commented that respectively from denying that three aspect is in progress as well as the sentence component that the adverb acts as , the function denying an adverb and denying that the adverb combines denying the relation between the adverb and several function words.


Research on Korean adverbs of degree made before is mainly focused on category, subordinate and classification, with little notice on syntactic and semantic features of some adverbs, especially semantic difference, co-occurrence, syntactic constraints of synonyms.


Here, there, where 为词根,然后与-after,-by,-in,-before,-of,-to,-under,-with,-about,-among,-around,-at,-for,-from,-on,-upon 等介词合成的副词,如:hereafter, hereby, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereof, hereto, hereunder, hereupon, herewith; thereafter, thereby, therefrom, therein, thereafter, thereinbefore, thereon, thereof, thereupon, therewith; whereas, whereby, wherein, whereon, etc.

这种使用现代英语中基本淘汰的古旧副词的现象,在法律英语中源远流长,可追溯到公元约 1100 年以前的古英语,其在英联邦国家的商业合约中更是历来如此(在美加的法律文书中其使用频率较低),其意义和用法在现代英语中虽已属古旧行列,但在法律英语中仍较普遍,如下例:例 1。

Chapter three gives the definition of MA, by which the criterion to identify a MA is set, after previous study was summarized. It analyzes the syntactic distribution, semantic function and pragmatic function of MA, on the basis of which MA is re-classified. It also circumscribes the MAs which are our target of research, with the syllabus of TCSL taken into account.

第三章 在总结前人相关研究基础上,对语气副词进行了定义,提出了判定标准,分析了语气副词的句法分布、语义和与语用功能,并重新对语气副词进行了分类,结合对外汉语等级和教学大纲,确定本文所要考察研究的常用语气副词。

Hard and resistant to corrosion, bronze is traditionally used in bell casting A B and is the material used widely most for metal sculpture.

C D 答案:C 分析: most可以修饰副词,但是应该放在副词的前面,C错。

ZhaoYuanrens paper--TheStudy of Modal Auxiliary in Beijing. SuZhou. ChangZhou Dialect.In chapter two, we discussed the definition of emotional adverb according to semiotics and logic .


更多网络解释与副词的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adverb 副词 | adverbial 副词的 | adverbialize 成副词

adverbial:副词的, 状语的 状语

adverbial particle | 副词小词 | adverbial | 副词的, 状语的 状语 | adverbialize | 将一个字或词语变为副词

l Beauteous:[形容词] 美丽的. '-eous'是表示形容词的后缀

l Beautiful [形容词] 美丽的. '-ful'是表示形容词的后缀. | l Beauteous [形容词] 美丽的. '-eous'是表示形容词的后缀. | l Beautifully [副词] 美丽地. '-ly'是表示副词的后缀.

l Beauteously:[副词] 美丽地

l Beautifully [副词] 美丽地. '-ly'是表示副词的后缀. | l Beauteously [副词] 美丽地. | l Beautifulness [名词] 美丽. '-ness'是表示名词的后缀.

Give the comparative degree and superlative of this adjective / adverb:说出这个形容词 / 副词的比较级和最高级

Can you pick out the adjectives in this sentence an... | Give the comparative degree and superlative of this adjective / adverb. 说出这个形容词 / 副词的比较级和最高级. | Is this a transitive or an int...


8. buildings建筑物是可数名词,所以要用其复数形式. | 9. hotter要用形容词的比较级. | 10. better要用副词的比较级.

deliberately on purpose:上述用作副词的词和词组均有"有意地、故意地"之意

substitute 主要强调某人或某物可以用来代替别的人或物的作用. | deliberately, on purpose 上述用作副词的词和词组均有"有意地、故意地"之意. | deliberately 指经过深思熟虑后而行事.


adverbial 副词的 | adverbialize 成副词 | adverbially 当副词地


adverbial | 副词的, 状语的 状语 | adverbialize | 将一个字或词语变为副词 | adverbially | 当副词地

nonadverbial:非副词的, 非状语性质的

disappreciate 轻视, 低估 | nonadverbial 非副词的, 非状语性质的 | rowdrill 中耕作物条播机