英语人>词典>汉英 : 前提 的英文翻译,例句
前提 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hypotheses  ·  precondition  ·  premise  ·  premises  ·  premiss  ·  reason  ·  reasons  ·  lemmata  ·  preconditioned  ·  preconditions  ·  premised  ·  premising  ·  hypoth

更多网络例句与前提相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

High-quality film, high-precision imagesetter and good wash be conditional upon the quality of the film, but in the existing operating conditions, how to ensure and improve output quality film?


Third, the effect of premises believability on reasoning was similar in all types of deduction , that is, the effect of conclusion validity was stronger when the premises were believable than they were unbelievable.


My dear man , it allows the material premiss ; so does the pure mind . exclusively . at least bolshevism has got down to rock bottom , said charlie


In the second chapter, I theoretically demonstrate the connotation of subject"s development, pointing out the special premises and conditions of subject"s development which include economic, political, cultural, ecological and subject"s own premises. Subject"s development is a result of developing the useful and discarding the useless of fragmental development, a dialect process of according with law and purpose. The ultimate aim of subjects development is in pursuit of free and full development.


Then, again, he must appeal to premisses of two kinds: first, a still more basic normative or value premiss, and, second, a still more basic factual one.


My dear man, it allows the material premiss; so does the pure mind...exclusively.


Still, except when ethical premisses by themselves dictate something about educational methods, e.g., that educators should not use lies (except in cases in which lying is morally excusable, if there are any), the justification of answers to question (3) will include a premiss like in our examples that presupposes an answer to question (2), plus, of course, a factual premiss like.


In this essay, the relationship between the two and between pragmatic presupposition and context is discussed.


The first is that the premise cannot be formula of eternal falsehood, the second is that there must be transitive relation of truthvalue between the premises and conclusion.


My dear man , it allows the material premiss ; so does the pure mind . exclusively . at least bolshevism has got down to rock bottom , said charlie


更多网络解释与前提相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Conditional likelihood:前提似然

Conditional expectation, 前提期望 | Conditional likelihood, 前提似然 | Conditional probability, 前提概率

Conditional expectation:前提期望

Concavity, 凹性 | Conditional expectation, 前提期望 | Conditional likelihood, 前提似然

Conditionally linear:依前提线性

Conditional probability, 前提概率 | Conditionally linear, 依前提线性 | Confidence interval, 置信区间

Major premise: The unemployed are starving:主要前提:没工作的人会挨饿

- "Syllogism"? - Your logic fell apart.|- 三段论? - 你的逻辑出... | Major premise: The unemployed are starving.|主要前提:没工作的人会挨饿 | Minor premise: Mr. Burgess is unemployed.|次要前提:伯吉斯先生...

Minor premise: Mr. Burgess is unemployed:次要前提:伯吉斯先生没有工作

Major premise: The unemployed are starving.|主要前提:没工作的人会挨... | Minor premise: Mr. Burgess is unemployed.|次要前提:伯吉斯先生没有工作 | Conclusion: Mr. Burgess is starving.|结论:伯吉斯先生会挨...

precondition violation:前提违例

precondition前提条件 | precondition violation前提违例 | primitive原语的,原语类型


演绎法是根据于一个前提(Premise),再从这前提,推演而来知识. 这知识是否正确则又有赖于前提的正确了. 到了这里,我们便该知道:科学方法是有范围的,并且这范围是很狭窄的. 利用科学方法所得的知识不过是知识中的局部.


这就是所谓"前提"(presupposition)的问题,"前提"本是语言哲学的概念,是逻辑语义学的讨论对象,在语义学中则是一个句子是否满足于语境的条件. 没有"前提"这一先决条件,谈话双方无法相互理解,难以合作,难以根据实际的语言结构意义,

invariants:恒常性,约束前提 约束前提

interpreter 直译器 解释器 | invariants 恒常性,约束前提 约束前提 | invoke 唤起 挪用

Presuppositions:预设前提 前提假设

NLP Practitioner Certification ProgramNLP专业执行师NLP合格执行师 | Presuppositions预设前提前提假设 | Meta Model精确语言-后设模式检定语言模式