英语人>词典>汉英 : 作出前提 的英文翻译,例句
作出前提 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
premise  ·  premised  ·  premising

更多网络例句与作出前提相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Author of this article reckons the administrative affirmance of fact is both the liability of administrative organs and the presupposition of specific administrative acts administrative organs should make with but it is liability for courts to review the process of the administrative affirmance of fact and the fact of the administrative affirmance.


Authorities shall consider all available evidence on the proper allocation of costs, including that which is made available by the exporter or producer in the course of the investigation provided that such allocations have been historically utilized by the exporter or producer, in particular in relation to establishing appropriate amortization and depreciation periods and allowances for capital expenditures and other development costs. Unless already reflected in the cost allocations under this sub paragraph, costs shall be adjusted appropriately for those non recurring items of cost which benefit future and/or current production, or for circumstances in which costs during the period of investigation are affected by start up operations.


On the basis of reviewing the resource status of Cycas guizhouensis in Guizhou province,the reproductive biology of this species including female/male ratio,pollination mechanism,characteristics and germination of seed,seed dispersal and natural regeneration ability were described.


Legislative experience and according to Chinese actual situation in order to work out the system of disavowal of parenthood.At the same time,the authors design the concept about the body of disavowal,the premise of disavowal,the reson of disavowal and so on.


As the years pass and the pool widens, parents can see which hopes have real promise and help their children make decisions accordingly, but only if they've maintained a supportive relationship with them rather than one that's doctrinaire.


The author makes a new exploration about such problems as the Chinese expression and its classification, the basis of true or false judgment, the equivalent expression of the negative proposition of the hypothetical judgment under necessary conditions and the anti-syllogism under the condition that the proposition is used as the premise.


It is said that M. Curie and Fermi, pioneers of nuclear age, died of radiation overdose.


The fourth part gives a scientific evaluation on the two natural education ideals: on one hand, the ideals are explosive in human thinking and have huge impact on the development of future education thoughts; on the other, they are limited in transcendental premise, unilateral personality and social illusiveness.


The Holy See leaves the decision to the individual Bishop who, having consulted his presbyterate, is better able to know the local situation and weigh up the consequences.


In proceedings for supervising and urging the clearance of debt, plea of setoff should be permitted, and in procedure of second instance and procedure for enforcement, permission of setoff should depend on specific case. Alleger of setoff bears the burden of proof.


更多网络解释与作出前提相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rational expectation:理性预期

所谓理性预期(rational expectation)是指经济人在有效地掌握和利用一切有关信息的前提下,对经济变量作出合乎逻辑推理并与所用的经济模型或理论的要求相符合,...罗伯特?巴罗(Robert Barro)在1972年到1978年间发表论文,利用"理性预期"(rational expectation)的概念,证明扩张的货币政策即使在短期也无效. ...

final decision:最终裁决

行政机关对特定当事人作出直接影响其权利义务的最终裁决(final decision)之前,需要作出一系列的中间决定(interim decision). 行政机关对某个简单案件所作出的最终裁决,或许是以成百上千个中间决定为前提与铺垫的. 例如,某个行政机关得到举报,


premise 前提;提论、假定;作出前提 | persecution 迫害、烦扰 | presentation 介绍、陈述、赠送

social responsibility:企业社会责任

管理学上将企业社会责任(social responsibility)定义为企业追求有利于社会的长远目标的一种义务,是超越了法律和经济所要求的义务. 该定义的前提有两个:企业要遵守法律,并追求经济利益;企业被看作是一种道德的行为者,在为社会作出贡献的过程中,

non prosequitur:不追诉

nominee 获提名者;受任命者;受任者;被指定者;获推荐者 | non prosequitur 不追诉 | non sequitur 不合理的推断;不根据前提而作出的推断